Imprisoned husband - Horary Question from William Lilly's masterpiece 'Christian Astrology'  ·  October 10, 2024, 5:20 GMT
Right now: Moon at 10°32' Capricorn, Sun at 17°24' Libra

Imprisoned husband

from William Lilly's masterpiece
"Christian Astrology"

Imprisoned husband

Original question: A Lady of her Husband imprisoned, when he should be delivered?

This is the 34th horary question from "Christian Astrology", page 471

Horary chart data: October 29, 1645 GC, 6:53 pm GMT, London (00w10, 51n30)

Imprisoned husband

First, Lilly's words on this horary chart.

Excerpt from William Lilly's Christian Astrology

This Question belongs to the 12th house; Jupiter Lord of the 7th signifies the Ladies Husband, in Cancer Retrograde, lately, or the day before, in Trifle with the Sun, the Moon applying to a Sextile of Saturn, Retrograde, then to a Trine of Jupiter, with a most forcible Reception; from hence I made not many words, but told the Lady, she should neither care to make Friends to his Majesty or any else for delivery of her Husband, for I was assured he either was or would within three dayes be discharged of his imprisonment, by meanes of a Solar man, Commander, who would release him and furnish him with what was convenient for his necessity. The very truth is, he was released, and the Garrison where he was prisoner taken the same day before the Question was asked, by an honest Parliament-Colonell, who plentifully relieved him with Money, and all convenient necessaries.

Jupiter In Exaltation Retrograde, in a movable Signe, in Trine to Sun, short imprisonment, because Sun is Lord of the 4th, and in so perfect a Trine.

My comments on this chart:

The most important thing in this chart is to notice that all the relevant aspects related to the husband's significators are SEPARATING. There are really NO APPLYING relevant aspects whatsoever in this chart, suggesting that the husband's release has already occurred.

The husband is represented by Jupiter, in its exaltation sign (Cancer) a very good position similar to that of an honored guest. The husband is shown to be coming home (to the woman) by Jupiter retrograde in the 1st house, going towards the Ascendant. Jupiter's fortunate separating aspect - a trine with the Sun - represents the meeting with the commander who freed him. The orb of this aspect - less than a 1 degree - converted in time indicates less than a 1 day from this meeting.

According to the modern principles, the Moon is void of course, as she has to cross the border to next sign in order to complete the sextile with Saturn. The Moon is void of course (no further evolution of the situation) in Aquarius (the sign of freedom), suggesting that the husband has already been freed.

Horary charts William Lilly