Virgo: Trouble Areas · zodiacal signs explained  ·  September 7, 2024, 17:44 GMT
Right now: Moon at 6°07' Scorpio, Sun at 15°36' Virgo

Credits: Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry

Virgo: Trouble Areas

Virgo: Trouble Areas - Zodiacal signs explained

Astrology of Virgo: Trouble Areas Because of your perfectionism, you're a critic. Too often, in fact, you're overly critical. Usually, you don't mean to be. You've figured something out, and you want to tell people. But they think you're condescending to them, or worse, placing unrealistic expectations on them. They grant you your expertise, but they often mistake your snaring for rubbing it in. Many professional critics in the literary and entertainment fields are Virgos, and virtually all chose their profession because they believe in an ideal, in making the world— and their art—as close to perfect as possible. Unrealistic, perhaps, and this is why many are resented.

Even more troubling is your self-criticism. You often vent your harshest words on your own flaws. If you're not the best at something, you flog yourself into working harder until you either succeed or give up. Because you're not very social, you can have a hard time with the opposite sex. Your perfectionism compounds the problem, limiting the field. And when you do find a mate, you often become too critical, scaring him or her away. All of this, obviously, can add up to misery at any stage of the game. The important thing is to realize that everyone has certain strengths and weaknesses. Learn to appreciate your special gifts and accept your flaws—if you punish yourself for them, you'll just prolong your agony.

One more thing: people often mistake your shyness for aloof coldness. When you do converse, you're more comfortable talking business or in-tellectualizing, not spilling your darkest secrets. Thus, you easily give the impression of preferring to be alone (Greta Garbo, of "I just vant to be alone" fame, was a Virgo), so others keep their distance as a result. In fact, you want company, but you're picky. Make sure those you're interested in know you like them, and why. Watch your body language—don't stand with your arms folded over your chest, or avoid eye contact. You're a detail specialist, so use these little details to lead a happier life.

(Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry)

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