Scorpio: Physical Qualities and Activities · zodiacal signs explained  ·  September 8, 2024, 23:37 GMT
Right now: Moon at 20°59' Scorpio, Sun at 16°48' Virgo

Credits: Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry

Scorpio: Physical Qualities and Activities

Scorpio: Physical Qualities and Activities - Zodiacal signs explained

Astrology of Scorpio: Physical Qualities and Activities Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, so this area is particularly sensitive. Like the serpent in the Bible, it signifies both the fall of man and the fertility of man, the birth / death continuum. You know you're vulnerable there—it's the well of your passion—so you don't share it with just anybody, and that's also why you're so restrictive of your deepest secrets.

You're really not an athlete, or all that inclined towards recreation. But you do love a dare. Anything that pushes the limit of danger gets your blood flowing—and not just faux danger, like bungee jumping, but real danger—riding a motorcyle at 100 mph on a windy mountain road, for instance, or scuba diving into shark-infested waters.

(Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry)

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