Sagittarius: Positive Qualities · zodiacal signs explained  ·  September 7, 2024, 23:19 GMT
Right now: Moon at 8°52' Scorpio, Sun at 15°49' Virgo

Credits: Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry

Sagittarius: Positive Qualities

Sagittarius: Positive Qualities - Zodiacal signs explained

Astrology of Sagittarius: Positive Qualities When you think big, the whole world is your playground, and everyone is your friend. You have no time or interest in details—save that for Virgo—you see the big picture, and you think in bold strokes.

Much like the two other fire signs—Aries and Leo—you're dynamic and charismatic: You have friends in all areas of your life and a few very dose ones. Most people are attracted to you by your unbridled optimism and good-natured directness. In a room full of strangers, you'll be one of the first to break the ice with some silly gesture and get the party moving. You see no reason to be shy, or for that matter, delicate (more on this later).

There are two extremes of Sagittarians, so you are either one or the other. The first seeks to be a great intellectual. If this is you, you have grand ideas about philosophy, religion, the arts, history, and current events. You'll debate long into the wee hours about foreign policy or Plato, and you'll debate well. You think logically, and this makes you a convincing speaker. In fact, you debate for the love of it—you're both truly curious about getting to the profundity of the matter and you're big-headed about it, which means you will not accept being wrong (you'll benefit greatly from the presence of a diplomatic Libra if the argument gets too scalding). Yes, you are well-read and wise, but you must learn to be more tolerant and accepting of other views.

The other extreme is athletic. The centaur is a hunter, and so are you—you thrive on competition in all sports, and will usually be the one who gets dirtiest in the mud. Also, your natural association with horses makes you an excellent rider, trainer, and caretaker of these animals.

Both extremes lead to your other great love— travel. If you're intellectually curious, you will want to see as much of the world as possible, to say you were there and to know what makes it tick. If you're a sportsman, it's the man-on-horse-back influence, which makes you want to just go, go, go.

(Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry)

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