Capricorn: Trouble Areas · zodiacal signs explained  ·  October 11, 2024, 3:43 GMT
Right now: Moon at 22°48' Capricorn, Sun at 18°20' Libra

Credits: Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry

Capricorn: Trouble Areas

Capricorn: Trouble Areas - Zodiacal signs explained

Astrology of Capricorn: Trouble Areas You would think that Capricorns would be capricious. But you're not. Far from it. Oh, you have your occasional gambling binge or Saturday night bash, but for the most part you're very ordered. You live for the future, not for the moment. You're busy planning your life five, ten, twenty years from now while the Sagittarians, Leos, and Arians are living it up. That's all fine, but the problem is, you are easily depressed.

In fact, you're probably preoccupied with death. Saturn is often said to be associated with Father Time; others believe it is an evil influence (Saturn and Satan are almost interchangeable). This makes you rather morbid—your sense of humor is sarcastic and dry to the point of being, well, sick.

Capricorns are also known for bigotry. It seems your fear of poverty is so strong you'll take any tack to defend the status you've gained in life, and that includes a narrow-minded view of people of different backrounds. You're entitled to your opinions, and you have strong reasons for them, but this inflexible attitude could cause irreperable reputation damage in today's politically correct climate.

Saturn's slowness also throws delays into your life. You're used to them by now, but still, you often think you have the worst luck—another ailing relative to care for, or car to fix, or unwelcome responsibility at your job .... You'll do it, because sacrifice is your nature, and when you have time again you'll work harder just to make up for what you lost.

This pattern can easily lead to a depressed, bad-things-always-happen-to-me attitude. Don't let it. People really appreciate you—no one else could be a better friend. They also respect your ethics and status. So relax—you'll get what you want, it just takes time, and time is something you know about all too well.

(Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry)

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