Aries: Origin / Representation · zodiacal signs explained  ·  April 24, 2024, 9:40 GMT
Right now: Moon at 9°18' Scorpio, Sun at 4°42' Taurus

Credits: Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry

Aries: Origin / Representation

Aries: Origin / Representation - Zodiacal signs explained

Astrology of Aries: Origin / Representation The signs of the Zodiac begin with Aries, perhaps because in Greek astrology, Aries was represented by the war goddess Pallas Athene, who was not born but sprang from the head of Zeus as a fully-formed adult. Consequently, Aries is closely associated with both the head and war.

In other ancient cultures, the symbol for Aries was a rooster, indicating both aggressiveness and braggadocio; but eventually it came to be represented by a ram, indicating aggressiveness and stubbornness.

Aries' planetary ruler is Mars (the god of war in Roman mythology; in Greek mythology, his name is Ares). Its influence can be found in your absolute fearlessness, even ferocity, your preference for red, and your lucky day of the week— Tuesday (in French: mardi, named after Mars). Mars also represents energy, ambition, and action, as well as some negative traits such as audacity and thoughtlessness.

(Isabella: Astrology & Palmistry)

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