Spica (the Virgin's Spike) is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo and thus is also known as alpha Virginis. Its current position is 23°55'06'' Libra (July 1, 2005).
Influence: According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Mars; and, to Alvidas, of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. It gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence. (Vivian Robson).
Lilly consideres a planet's conjunction with Spica to be an accidental fortitude and gives it 5 points. Spica is traditionally considered as an oasis of good fortune in the otherwise parched path (Via Combusta) from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio.
Should we buy the stained glass business?
This horary chart comes from Anthony Louis' book "Horary Astrology: Plain and Simple" who delineates a horary question asked by the son of another horary astrologer, Joan McEvers.
Question asked: on September 9, 1978, at 1:30 pm PST, in 116w46, 47n41
The son, asking the question is represented by Jupiter and the Moon, and the stained glass business by Venus, ruler of the 10th house and the co-rulers Mars and Pluto, which are in the 10th house.
As Louis points out in his book, although the business significators, Venus and Mars are in Via Combusta (the Burned Way, the Fiery Way), this is just descriptive for the nature of this business (stained glass industry). Venus (art, decorations) is also in mutual reception with Mars (fire, melted glass). But what makes this horary special is that Mars is in tight conjunction with Spica, indicating a very successful business.
The Moon (co-ruler of the querent) applies to Pluto, MC and Mars by sextile and ensures a positive outcome.
Voyage of the Titanic
The Titanic left in its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912, 12:15 pm GMT, Southampton, England. The chart shows the IC (Immum Coeli, cusp of the 4th house) conjunct with Spica (at that time located at 22°37' Libra).
Spica conjunct the IC represents the fabulous history grew around this disaster. Even today, almost a hundred years later, the Titanic represents the most famous maritime tragedy ever.
Do you have in your charts archive one that relates to this subject? Please submit it for educational purposes. Thank you.
Sun in Libra
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Libra
Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Cancer
Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn