Combust Planets in Horary Astrology  ·  October 11, 2024, 1:39 GMT
Right now: Moon at 21°39' Capricorn, Sun at 18°15' Libra

Combust Planets in Horary Astrology

Theory and Practice

Combustion - Definition from Christian Astrology (1847, W.Lilly)

A Planet is said to be Combust of the Sun, when in the same Sign where the Sun is in, he is not distant from the Sun eight degrees and thirty minutes, either before or after the Sun; as Jupiter in the tenth degree of Aries, and Sun in the eighteenth of Aries; here Jupiter is Combust.


You must observe a Planet is more afflicted when the Sun hastens to conjunction of him, then when the Sun receds from him.


The significator of the Querent Combust, shews him or her in great fear, and over powered by some great person.

Quite clear. Let's see how it works.

Astrological charts featuring combust planets:

Will I meet him again?

This horary question was published in the 1st issue of The Astrologer's Apprentice, by John Frawley. I think it makes a good example for what combustion means.
Chart data: January 30, 1995, 8:58 pm GMT, London, UK.
Background: the querent had fallen heavily for a man she had met at a party; although she had spoken with him only briefly, she had convinced herself that he was the man for her; but even so, she had failed to give him phone number, address or any other indication that she might like to see him again; after pining for a few days hoping that their mutual friends might bring them together, she asked the horary question: "Will I meet him again?".

Here's the chart (only applying aspects are displayed)

Will I meet him again?

The querent is represented by Mercury (ruler of the 1st house) and the Moon. The man she dreams of is represented by Jupiter, lord of the 7th house.

There is a straight-forward tighly applying sextile between the Moon and Jupiter, which would indicate a yes answer, bringing them together. But the Moon is combust, stripping this planet from most of its power, which practically makes this nice aspect useless. Besides, there is no reception between these significators, which would show affinity (except for the weakest of all, Jupiter in the Moon's face, which doesn't count).

There could be another way to deliver a 'yes' answer, as the Sun (11th house ruler, the friends) separates from a sextile with Jupiter (him) and applies to retrograde Mercury (her) - friends might bring news from him to her, offering a chance for them to meet. This looks like a translation of light but isn't actually one as the Sun is not received in any of Jupiter's dignities as the rule requires; so Jupiter (him) isn't interested in this relationship, not in friends' mediation. Besides, the Sun is in detriment in exile, showing the friends to be quite powerless in this regard. Mercury (her), although receives the Sun in its dignities (she is ready for the friends to intermediate this relationship) is it is under Sun's beams, therefore Mercury is also quite weak to perform anything.

In the end this is what happened: he wasn't interested and she made no efforts, so nothing happened. A chart that promises much at first sight, but delivers nothing.

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Special horary astrology cases
  • Afflicted 7th house
  • Alcyone
  • Algol
  • Antiscia
  • Almuten
  • Arabic Parts
  • Beseiged
  • Cazimi
  • Collection of light
  • Combust
  • Critical degrees
  • Degrees of particular significance
  • Early Ascendant (<3° rising)
  • Eclipse degrees
  • Exaltation degrees
  • Intercepted signs
  • Late Ascendant (>27° rising)
  • Mutual reception
  • Nodal degrees
  • Regulus
  • Retrogradation
  • Spica
  • Saturn Rx in the 1st or 7th
  • Serpentis
  • Sirius
  • Stationary planets
  • Timing
  • Translation of light
  • Vega
  • Via Combusta
  • Vindemiatrix
  • Void of course