Let's start by having terms defined:
by Lee Lehman
There are five Essential Dignities for any degree of the zodiac: the rulership (+5), exaltation (+4), triplicity (+3), term (+2), and face (+1). If you take a particular house cusp, find the planet which rules each of the five essential dignities of the position, and assign the points to the planet. The planet with the highest point value is the Almuten. For example: for 8 Aries 15: Mars is the ruler (+5), the Sun rules the exaltation (+4), the triplicity (+3) and the face (+1) = +8, and Venus the terms (+2): the Sun is Almuten. Arabic sources give the word as "Almutem," but by the 17th Century, the word was consistently being translated into English and used as "Almuten."
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by Deborah Houlding
The strongest planet when all essential dignities are considered. The term is Arabic and derives from al-mateen, meaning 'the firm one' or 'strong in power', but the concept exists in the works of Ptolemy and other early classical astrologers.
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When to use the almuten instead of the sign ruler, as a significator?
I didn't find astrological literature references for this question. But, the astrological logic tells me that the house almutens should be always used instead of merely sign rulers. Surely, this isn't easy, as it requires calculations to determine the correct almuten for each house.Do you have in your charts archive one that relates to this subject? Please submit it for educational purposes. Thank you.
Sun in Scorpio
Moon in Pisces
Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius
Mars in Leo
Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn