Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione biography, picture, astrology natal chart  ·  October 7, 2024, 1:43 GMT
Right now: Moon at 1°04' Sagittarius, Sun at 14°18' Libra

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione astrology chart She was born on August 16, 1958, at 07:00 AM EST, in Bay City MI, USA.

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione natal chart

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione biography At first a streetwise bubblegum-pop ragamuffin, Madonna used a mixture of talent, cleavage, and relentless self-promotion to become one of the most famous recording artists of the 20th century. She released her self-titled first album in 1983; other albums include Like a Virgin (1984), Ray of Light (1998) and Music (2000). She has also acted in over a dozen movies, including Dick Tracy (1990, with Warren Beatty) and A League of Their Own (1992, with Rosie O'Donnell). No stranger to controversy, Madonna's personal life has been a favorite topic in the tabloids, from her first marriage to actor Sean Penn (1985-89) to her current marriage to filmmaker Guy Ritchie. Her daughter Lourdes was born in October of 1996, fathered by Madonna's personal trainer, Carlos Leon. In August of 2000 Madonna and Ritchie had a son, Rocco.

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione picture Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccione picture

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