Bill Clinton biography, picture, astrology natal chart  ·  October 10, 2024, 5:25 GMT
Right now: Moon at 10°34' Capricorn, Sun at 17°25' Libra

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton astrology chart He was born on August 19, 1946, at 08:51 AM CST, in Hope AR, USA.

Bill Clinton natal chart

Bill Clinton biography Name at birth: William Jefferson Blythe

Bill Clinton spent the 1970s as a law professor and then Attorney General of Arkansas, and most of the 1980s as Governor of Arkansas. A moderate Democrat, in 1992 he defeated the incumbent George Bush for the U. S. presidency. His first term was characterized by a strong economic recovery, and in 1996 he was re-elected. His second term was dominated by scandal: accusations of corruption and investigations into rumors of his marital infidelity. On December 19, 1998 the U.S. House of Representatives voted (along party lines) in favor of two articles of impeachment. Clinton was accused of committing perjury and obstruction of justice in his attempt to cover up an extra-marital affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. In the subsequent senate trial, Clinton was acquitted of the charges and remained in office. Days before leaving office, Clinton struck a deal with the office of the special prosecutor in the case: in order to avoid an indictment, Clinton admitted to making misleading testimony, and he was suspended from practicing law in Arkansas for five years. In 2000 his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton was elected as a U.S. Senator from New York, the first time a First Lady had ever been elected to public office.

Bill Clinton picture Bill Clinton picture

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