Please read the chart of my newborn son


Well-known member
He has the potential to be very innovative (Uranus at 2 degrees, similar to Bill Gates placement); he may be powerful (Pluto on MC) and his wife could be very beautiful (Venus in Libra). He may want to go to a school/university that takes him away from his home but it will a good decision for his future. He has the potential for an incredible career with many people who want to help him (Jupiter in 7th). He will probably live by the sea or in a foreign place for some of his life.


Well-known member
Looks like he has a whole lot of earth element. Would love to know anything that stands out to you.

Thank you!

His chart is here and attached:

I really like the grand trine he has going on. His uranus is conjunct his ascendant trined by mercury in the 5th and saturn in the 9th house. That is a lot of good fortune and luck. Extra luck for him that his Saturn is at home in Capricorn, operating at full force. Grand trines can lead to a person being lazy, coasting through life on their good fortune. Also Uranus is genius, and Mercury is very intelligent also, so trining Saturn may point to the inclination that he will be very focused on his post-secondary education. He'll get very good grades. You may have a rebel on your hands, so be aware of this!


Well-known member
That Uranus on the Ascendant is hard to predict. It is lovely to see that nice Grand Trine, which will be a stabilising influence for his mental quickness and high intelligence. He will have a lot of talents and the ability to hone his skills.

Even so, Uranus rising is unique, quirky and likes to be different. That has it’s upsides and it’s downsides.

The Mars squaring the Uranus/Ascendant shows that you might be in for a bumpy ride during his adolescence. Mars exalted and elevated in the 10th will eventually be a powerful attribute, once he grows into it.

Until then, it may create some turbulence and stubborn behaviour.

Mars in the 10th square Uranus/Ascendant may indicate volatile emotions, which will be positive with maturity as it describes someone who can delegate authority and take control of companies, and organisations, if need be.

Until that maturity, it can indicate someone who rebels against authority, and cannot be easily controlled.

I am thrilled to see that very nice , exact trine to Saturn in the 9th. You will be able to communicate well with your son, by being honest and never talking down to him.

NEVER try to fool him or deceive him. He will see through it. If you need his agreement or cooperation explain that. You must be honest and then he will comply. But he will not react well to ‘force’ or strict punishment.

Better to recognise his uniqueness and his intelligence, and allow him the space to make his own decisions, and trust in his visions and goals.

They may seem unusual and out of the ordinary at first, but he may be ahead of the times.
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Well-known member
Some further hints:

Remember that his life will be based on the experiences he has as a child. The parents’

influence is of course extremely important to his development.

The Parents are defined by the Sun and the Moon.

Sun in the 5th H [creativity and love] is in good standing with the grand trine with Uranus and Saturn, all in earth. With a strong but nurturing guidance from the father, allowing him to express his uniqueness, he should be able to create stability, security and independencas a result of the father’s influence and could well become a person of status and dignity. The father’s best influence will be through teaching him the necessary skills to be autonomous and self-reliant. He will benefit from learning appropriate leadership skills.
Networking with like minded individuals could be beneficial, yet he also needs to be versatile and adaptable. The blessings of the Sun in the 5th House, could allow him to be quite creative so he should be encouraged in expressing himself through creative means. A grandfather or other male mentor could help with that, if not through the father.

The Mother is signified by the Moon, although certain afflictions that could affect him on a deeply emotional level should be tempered by her influence. There is apt to be an underlying sensitivity, with the Moon conjunct Neptune. If she herself suffers from low self-esteem or self-doubts that trait could be conditioned into the son. She must work to create an emotional bond that is not overly protective, yet encourages his freedom of expression through creative activities.

At the same time this combination can also make him prone to daydream and be distracted.
A certain amount of daydreaming helps to stimulate the imagination, so long as it is not taken to extremes, and used as an escape.

She must try to understand his over-sensitivity, but also avoid being overly restrictive or disciplinarian, since this combination is stressed by a square to Saturn. He must be taught not to allow himself to be vulnerable or taken advantage of. He can be prone to being deceptive or manipulative himself which must also be discouraged. If she comes to suspect that he is lying too much as a child, be understanding and try to find the underlying reason why, so he can be helped to overcome it. Her particular goal is to help him develop a proper emotional balance, as oversensitivity can build up as a lot of inner demons.

Mars and Venus are separated by a square and this can cause later problems relating to gender issues and problems relating to the opposite sex.

Both parents should seriously consider their own relationships with their parents, as these are often themes that are set up in early childhood which are apt to create complications in later life.

For more insight, feel free to contact me.