ETs & The Age of Light-Aquarius


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From about age 5 I've had conscious contact with what I've called "The Guys Upstairs" :wink: Nonphysical, higher dimensional Beings that some would call ETs - Extraterrestrials. Others would call them Angels and some others would call them Light Beings. The main ones I've dealt with in this life and a past life in ancient Egypt at the beginning of the Age of Leo (this is connected to us now) are 3 ET beings.

* One is an 8th dimensional nonphysical star being from the Orion system. But remember these 3 are nonphysical to me in this life. They were physical in ancient Egypt.

* Another is a 6th dimensional nonphysical star being from the Sirius system.

* And last but not least is a 5th dimensional nonphysical star being from the Pleiades system.

Now I didn't even know for years and years where these 3 systems were in the night sky! So when someone pointed them out to me one night, I realized why these star beings always stood in exactly those positions facing me. The Sirian is always to my left with the Orion being in the middle and slightly forward, and the Pleiadian being is always on my right and even more forward than the Orion. IOW's they stand facing me in the same positions their Home stars are in our night sky. In 1984 or 1985 they also gave me what could be called 'glyphs' of each of their Star systems, which over the years is becoming more and more interesting and telling.

I've also had numerous contacts with other ET beings over the decades and these have been while in a meditative state, in an altered or higher state of consciousness, while asleep or dreaming, and while wide awake walking around doing my every day choires etc. I and a couple of other family members have repeatedly seen some higher dimensional human looking beings manifest and vanish right infront of us in shopping stores and a couple other places filled with other people!!!

I guess another aspect of this ET buisness we should get out of the way right off is that they're nice ETs and really nasty ETs........just like humans! :lol: I've experienced both many times. Higher dimensional ETs or Beings and Lower dimensional ETs or Beings.

I've never been physically abducted, but I have been abducted many times from the dream state or while out-of-body. This is more common than you'd believe, and much easier for some of the lower ETs. We'll get into this aspect too if there's an interest. I'm just trying to get this subject started and we'll see where it takes us. Later I'd like to discuss how these higher ET beings are going to play a 'normal' and common role with many of us because we're increasing our energetic selves/bodies/consciousness enough to be able to see and communicate with them. They've always been near, but we weren't ready in many ways to be so close to such higher energy beings. But, this is changing very fast now, and the Aquarian Age is about us returning to the stars. We won't be needing space craft or rockets to do so though!


Well-known member

Bless you for that beautiful, wonderful, post. You moved me up down in out.

I too have really enjoyed the 5 "RA" books and a couple years ago got Carla Rueckert's book A Wanderer's Handbook - An Owner's Manual For ETs And Other Spiritual Outsiders 2001. Like you said, the "RA" books are heavy stuff but very good. The last 5th book answered a lot of personal questions I'd had for years.

"Why is Light so heavy, anyway?"

I just loved that one, and the counting mouse poops too! :lol: And a Buddha remembering! Wonderful.

Do you feel that the snowboarding tall blonde beautiful male named Orion......pant pant (many Pleiadians look very much like your 'Orion' guy) was an ET being? Or a Wanderer/Lightworker like yourself.....if I may be so bold?

I've learned over the years that in so many cases, prior to incarnating here, we (especially Wanderers, Indigos, Lightworkers, etc.) will arrange with some of these ET beings (many of whom are beloved Family and Friends) to contact us at different stages of our lives as sort of triggers and reminders of why we're here and to help keep us functioning within the time frame in these highly important lives. But because it wasn't time yet for us to have full or near full conscious memory of what we are and where and why and all of it, we get the hell scared out of us a few times!

I've also had these timed contacts with what are usually called "negative" ETs and/or beings for much the same reasons. I needed a heavy-duty jolt to get me off my ass and moving again, and nothing will do that for you like one of these encounters! Learning how to take on my 'power' and discern 'realities' at deeper and deeper levels. It never ends...... Thankfully this phase seems to have ended a couple of years ago.

What your ETs told you...."Turn your fear inside out" is SO great. It reminded me of a line Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadians have said that goes something like this.........."There's really only 2 energies. Love and Fear, and Fear just lacks Love."

It sounded like you learned how to access another level or dimension by turning your fear inside out! :) Total transformation of energy and're elsewhere! Like I've said before, sometimes we learn the most from what we call 'negative' and 'terrifying'.

Back in 1985 I had a potent meditation and the 3 ET beings I've worked with in ancient Egypt (Age of Leo) came through to give me some info. After some personal telepathic talk, the beautiful tall blonde, sky blue eyed Pleiadian handed me a large antique gold key. I asked him what I should do with it and he said, "For now keep it in your Heart. You can pull it out and use it any time you need." Aaaaah, so the "Key" is in our Hearts!!! Very Pleiadian indeed.

Thanks sita for posting on this thread, I'd feared I'd gone too far with this one possibly. But this whole subject is SO tied in with humanity entering the cosmic Age of Aquarius and vibrating fast enough so as to be able to consciously perceive some of these nonphysical "ET" beings again. They were involved with us on Earth during the Age of Leo and these 2 time periods are strongly connected. I'm sensing that as Pluto crossed the GC and then after this, huge groups of us will be having far more conscious interactions with many of these ancient cousins from the Stars.


Well-known member
I thought I'd share a list of physical descriptions of the different so called "ETs" I've encountered personally over the years. I know that just the word ET sends most people off into thinking that I'm talking about "Greys" who abduct humans from their beds at night. Or that I'm crazy! No......talking about something very different than that. Personally I haven't experienced that, although I do believe many people have.

When I use the word ET I'm referring to nonphysical beings from higher dimensions than this physical one. Many people have seen some of these beings and called them Angels because they do look very beautiful and angelic. I think all of them can (watch out, here comes another one of those words) 'shape shift' at will and so can appear to us as whatever they want and need at the time. If what one of them wants to express to you or to me will be far more effective in the form of say a "Elder Master Teacher", then that's the form they'll use. If a more high tech image will work better, then they may appear wearing 'space suits' and walk through walls etc. It all depends on what you and I believe and expect. If you can remain open and neutral, they may appear to you in their 'natural' form whatever that is. Having said that, here's a list of some of what I've personally experienced. All use telepathy to communicate.

* Human looking but with slight skin color changes like pale blue, grey, milk-white, silver metallic, gold metallic.

*Human looking but with slightly different eye colors and shapes like yellow-gold or Lion colored, deep sapphire blue, bright grass green, light silver or nickle colored, all black, pink.

*Human looking but without any hair anywhere. None on the head, no eye brows or eyelashes etc. Others with long thick blonde manes of hair- both the males and females. Others with blue-black long thick hair and blue-black eyes.

*Some that appear only as points of brilliant different colored lights. I'm NOT talking about "Orbs" as in dead humans, but very high vibrating beings that have never been physical. They appear often as silver-white brilliant points or small balls of light or many other different colors. One of my favorites is a pure periwinkle small ball of brilliant light that's been around for the past few years. It's been hard for me to learn how to interpret and discern what they're communicating to me. I'll have a strong thought and/or emotion and pop......there one will be right infront of me.

*Others that appear as colums of smoke or heavy mist around 4 foot tall or so. Often these will swirl around and disappear and reappear in another area of the house.

*Others that appear as 'heat mirages' or clear transparent spots of empty space that moves and fluctuates like a 'vortex' infront of you.

*Others that are very tall, very muscular, very strong looking reptilians. Imagine an 8 or 9 foot tall body builder that looks like a lizard standing upright with human sized legs and arms. A lot of 'Warrior'-like energy with these guys.

*Others that look like flesh colored clouds of about 6x6 foot.

*Others that look like the traditional 'Greys'. Not all of these ones are negative.

*Others that resemble the ancient Egyptian Gods. Humaniod beings but they're 9 or 10 foot tall Lion beings. Others that are much like Bird beings like Horus.

*Others that look just like complex geometric shapes that take your breath away. Beautiful and perfect, very high beings who can morph into shapes like some of the Crop Circles.

*Others that appear as normal Asian men but they aren't! I won't get into it all here. Others that appear just like you and I but again, aren't! One of the ways you can spot these type is by the way they'll "pose" for you from across a crowded room and then radiate a lot of energy so you'll notice them. They sometimes will have different colored eyes but not always. They sometimes will also show you energy swirls and flashes of light and colors coming off of them as they "pose" or hold a posture for you. Then they just wink out and vanish infront of you.

Again these are some of what I've seen and experienced (with most left out) but I thought this would give us a place to start from beside the stereotypical "Grey" stuff. Like I said, they'll appear to you in a form that will also express some level of information or teaching besides them just being there!

Next post I'd like to share a list of common locations within the dream level or higher astral that these beings use to communicate with us here. I think you'll be a little surprised how you can relate to many of these places. :)


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L & S

:D :D :D :D :D



I didn't really want to interrupt the flow of this thread, but I also wanted to thank you for the experiences you share. Dilemma. Please continue.


Well-known member
Lapis - thank you for opening this area up for discussion. When it first opened I felt lot's of avoidance energy so I didn't read it. Then as I began to read bits, I felt it stronger, until today when I decided I would read it, it became pure fear.

I was drawn back to my childhood once again to the Million Dollar Movie for those who've lived in Southern California. There was a science fiction movie that played over and over when I was about 5 or 6 years old called Invaders from Mars made in 1953. I had to google for it today because I didn't remember the name. This film was incredibly powerful and terrifying to me on so many levels. Here's the synopsis:

David MacLean (JIMMY HUNT), a typical American twelve-year-old whose hobby is astronomy, awakens one night to see what appears to be a spaceship magically disappearing underground in a field near his house. The boy's father, engaged in secret atomic missile work at a nearby plant, goes to investigate. When he returns, some strange, chilling change overtakes him, and a small scar is apparent on the back of his neck. It is not long before David's mother, too, comes under this contaminating influence. Young David then sees a neighbor's little girl being swallowed up by the earth near the place where the spaceship landed. She later turns up safe, but cold and sinister - and with the same scar.

No one believes the boy's fantastic story. Increasing terror strikes him with his fear and concern for his parents. Finally, Dr. Pat Blake (HELENA CARTER), an attractive young physician with the city health department, takes him to a mutual friend, Dr. Stuart Kelston (ARTHUR FRANZ). An astronomer, Kelston soon finds evidence to support the lad's discovery: through the observatory's telescope they see the commanding general in charge of security being swallowed up by the earth. They instantly alert the Army.

As demolition squads begin to blast down under the earth, Pat and young David are pulled underground. Weird humanoid creatures, eight feet tall, force them through luminous passages to the underground spaceship, where a Martian in a glass ball directs his synthetically created giants.

At first the terrifying invaders, immune to bullets and armed with devastating weapons, appear invincible. But at the last minute, David manages to get control of one of the ray-guns himself, and with it blasts the way to freedom seconds before a demolition charge blows up the spaceship.

I remember the quicksand dragging people down into this underground nightmare where they would lose their identity and become a slave to the aliens. Was this a metaphor for being born into an alien world or perhaps a past life memory from Nazi Germany? Could have been but this film had such an effect on me that I've never desired to have alien contact. This is ironic given the role I played in America's biggest UFO flap in history.

As I've shared with you previously, I was the first person to involve MUFON in a series of sightings of amber orbs I saw in Phoenix, AZ in March 1997. For several days I saw these orbs and sent e-mail to sightings sites until I was contacted by Mufon to investigate. They came to my house and that evening witnessed from my balcony a formation of these orbs that half of the city also saw along with sightings in Las Vegas and Tucson - all within in an hour.

Film I had been taking appeared on the local and national news shows and I was featured in a Discovery Channel documentary on the event.
When this was going on though, I was terrified that I would be contacted by aliens. I had dreams of an invasion with thousands of ships. I prayed that they would not visit me although a part of me was curious and feeling somewhat immortal as I was also going through my Uranus opposition at the time (I hadn't thought of that until now).

Anyway, it's probably time I got over these fears and hopefully this thread will help. Thanks.



Well-known member
Thanks hel and Kite for your honesty. I know that this is a highly touchy subject for many different reasons. After my first post I could literally feel the chill in the air! It's OK I understand, that's one big reason I've started this thread. Plus hel141 was interested and I know with her being an Indigo that there's a connection. There's always multiple connections it seems with these type things. (Lord I spent all of this morning receiving higher level information about this 'ascension process' and what we've been doing........I'm ecstatic and exhausted all at the same time. I'll post about this one later on another thread.)

Kite I sensed in big ways when you first mentioned your 'Phoenix Lights' experience and that you too have had life long encounters with higher dimensional ET beings. Both very high positive ones and the less than positive ones! :( For many of us it seems like this is just another level of 'reality' we're having to more and more consciously deal with and intergrate. If we're Indigos/Wanderers/Lightworkers etc., this is part of the territory, the integrations with us now. Plus this ET business is directly connected with humanity entering the Age of Aquarius (and 5D) and our current 'ascension process'. Aquarius is the Cosmic Man and not the 'earth man'. They're just larger and older Players in all of this I feel.

Like I've said already, I don't believe I've ever been "physically abducted", but I have been "abducted" from the sleep state many times over the years for different reasons it seems. These experiences were not pleasant and were what I'd easily call "negative" encounters with "negative" nonphysical or ET type beings. Highly facinating and profound learning events, but scarier than all hell! If you've ever experienced a 'psychic attack', this is very similar to a negative ET encounter. There's something to ponder........

That movie Kite! OMG I remember it and was actually talking about a sceen in it that scared me deeply as a child the other day. It was the hand and arm coming up out of the sand and pulling someone down into the Unknown beneath the ground. Heads could be flying, blood pouring, guns blasting, monsters screaming but no..........what scares me is having to deal with those quite and unseen beings in the shadows! 8th house stellium. :wink:

Now that we're inching our way into our own dark areas connected with some of these nonphysical ET beings, I want to prime the pump with a general question. (After we get through the unpleasant side of this stuff I really want to discuss the highly positive ETs and our parts with them and the coming astrological Age.)

Has anyone every had a dream where something is running the show, running your dream and it's not you? Maybe you had been dreaming and suddenly in the middle of it, the whole thing is changed into some bizarre dream abduction type thing? Then there's lots of sceens in the 'dream' of standing in line with a bunch of other people just like yourself. All of you are being directed to some location by these strange looking beings. A room, an elevator, an auditorium, a 'basement', a 'church' etc.? And no matter what you do you can't change this 'dream'?

How about you finally do escape this so called dream and finally wake up. You're shaken and upset by it and don't want to fall back to sleep. So you get up and go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, watch some TV or whatever........holding off falling back to sleep for as long as you can.

Then just when you think it's safe, you get back into bed and the second your laying there, this strange sensation comes over you so strongly. It's literally pulling you back into the dream and the astral level!!! The energy is so strong and it feels like you're going unconscious, not falling asleep normally. And when you can't fight this energy pull any longer, you do leave your body and ****'re right back in that same 'dream' again!

I've experienced this type of astral abduction many times over the decades, and they've changed into other strange teachings or trainings or testing type encounters that I've learned a lot from. Personally I feel that this type of 'encounter' or 'abduction' is far more common than we'd ever guess. Most people just can't retain the memory of these encounters into full consciousness.

to be continued, if and when the rest of you want to with this subject.

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I am so fascinated by this discussion yet also utterly confused...I don't believe that I've ever experienced anything like this, and thus, I cannot relate to you three at all. I suppose I'll just sit tight on the sidelines and see how this thread develops :wink:

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
Thanks for that Kite. People consciously functioning on more than one or two different dimensions at the same time always excites and encourages me! This woman looks so fey. She's barely earth human by that photo!!! :lol:

Those images the other man made are so beautiful, so 6th dimensional. I take it the Arcturians are also 6D beings like one of my Sirian friends? I haven't read much about the Arcturians but will now.


Well-known member

Thank you for this thread. I do have something to share here. Cosmically coincidentally, I was creating a little slide show called "Popo UFOs" while you posted this thread -- and I created this slide show, Lapis, to respond to your question about my avatar on the Lilith thread!!! I am not sure if my story and slide show belong here or on a separate thread.

This is something I've needed to share for about 4 years. My close friends have seen the slides, heck, they've come over to watch the UFOs, but I haven't had a place to really share with ones who are knowledgeable about this topic.

My avatar is something I created from one of hundreds of screenshots taken of Mt Popocatepetl in Mexico. Most of these were taken in 2002. For some reason, I stumbled upon an extraordinary project going on above this active volcano. Somebody was monitoring the process with web cams, and I found the web cams. In the course of 6 months, practically every shape of UFO commonly described -- orbs, ovoid, tubular, barbell -- appeared and moved above this mountain.

How this came to me: I am a technical writer, I do close work on a PC and my eyes get weary. I sought a web cam with a distant view so that I could refocus my eyes. I found volcano web cams, and liked the idea of watching mountains with attitude. Since the timeframe had to match my own, I needed something in my hemisphere. I found Mt Popocatepetl on the Cenepred cam, and fell in love with this magestic mountain. I visited whenever I needed to rest my eyes on another world.

After a few weeks, I noticed some dark objects above the volcano. I thought they were bugs, even though the objects seemed to be in the same field of distance as the volcano. After a while began to take some screen prints. One day a bug landed on the cam -- and I knew I was not looking at bugs. Still, I thought it was just smutz on the lens, until...

The objects disappeared for a few hours, and then came back. And then they apppeared in fog, with a changed, grey appearance. Intrigued, I googled Popo. I discovered that this volcano is a UFO hotbed. I dug a little further -- after all, I had seen strange objects from only one perspective, I wanted independent verification.

I found Telmex. Telmex is the Mexican telecom company, with web cams all over Mexico. Three were pointing at Popo: Altzomoni 10 km from the crater, Tlamacas, 7 km from the crater, and Puebla, 30 km from the crater. Imagine the tingle up my spine as I saw the objects on the Cenepred cam (12 km from the crater) on both the Tlamacas and Altzomoni cams!!

While the Cenepred cam had a slow refresh rate of every few minutes, the Telmex cams refreshed every 4 seconds. The clarity of these cams was amazing.

I began to see glowing objects on the Telmex cams every day, from 7 am to 3 pm. They arrived in the morning, like a work schedule, at 7 am, the bigger objects rises above the volcano, and smaller objects begin a sweep--scan-- process-- slowly traversing the volcano. My gut impression was that I was observing a science or engineering project.

The objects were there in sun and rain. The objects had various movements and changes:
some orbs and disks changed color,
some changed shape, morphing into a barbell or triangular shape
some dimmed and glowed
some had boomerang, or Nike swoosh shapes,
some moved slowly
others darted about
the beams -- like the one in my avatar -- occurred only over the course of a couple of days. The beams actually changed colors, moving through the spectrum
when the objects passed through a cloud, they became less luminous and more 'solid' in appearance and gray in color
It was very methodical. And very very beautiful.

I was transfixed. I was acutely aware that I might be witnessing something seen by very few humans. I am not sure what I witnessed -- or why I found it, but one course of action was clear to me:
When confronted with the unknown, the best one can do is observe and try to learn from it. So I took dozens -- a couple hundred sreen shots.

Somewhere during this time, I was laid off (not because of my Popo cams). I tried doing job searches, but found myself taking screen captures of the Popo UFOs. There were some days that both cams were pointing at the wall instead of the mountain. One can only imagine what was going on at the mountain on those days.

The project -- or whatever -- seemed to be finished by mid-2003. The Tlamacas cam was the first to go offline. Telmex redid their website; the Popo cams are of poor resolution, usually offline, and display mostly archival images of erutptions. The Cenapred has a better refresh rate, and often there are objects above the volcano, but their luminosity that was so mesmerizing on the Telmex cams is not seen.

Now that you've read all this... curious? Here's a little taste of the strange:

What is this? Why did I find this? Did all of my staring at these objects and their maneuvers affect me? Are these ETs?


Well-known member
Some other UFO experiences:

When I was a little kid, I used to have a recurring nightmare about a grey tank that hovered on my street. Animated toys would come and take me into the tank. There was a drumbeat I heard in my head. I had buttons in my upholstered headboard, and before bed I had a practice of 'dialing' up the dream I wanted -- or didn't want. When I was this age I also had recurring ear infections, and I always figured the drumbeat was ear pressure. What I can't tell you is if I had the dream and the drumbeat with no ear infection.

My girlfriend recalls a night that we watched a UFO and followed it in our car. She said we suddenly decided to go home. I have no recollection of this at all, although she recalls this much of the night very clearly.

Throughout my life and most significantly during both pregnancies, I had dreams about being in school on a spaceship. I have no memory of what my teachers looked like, but I do recall extensive training on raising and caring for babies. Despite my over-analysis that the dreams were projections of my nervousness about having a baby, after each dream I could feel knowldge and an increase in confidence.

Last week I had another spaceship dream. I don't remember the subjects, but there was a bear sprawled on the floor. This time, I complained to the ladies at the desk: "why does all the really interesting stuff happen while I am asleep?"

Are these real ET events, or just my hyperactive imagination?


Well-known member

i've posted on the dream board about your bear :) . I've seen bears too!


sorry, I can't dop the links like everyone else. :oops:


Well-known member
Kite/Steve -- Indeed the Phoenix lights are very similar to what I saw over Popo -- and the two locations are not so vewry far from each other. Were you interviewed for a television show as well? I can't recall which one -- I TIVO 'em all -- but one documentary had a good segment on the Phoenix lights (was it the Peter Coyote one?), and I think I remember a guy named Steve talking about watching the lights with his family.

What did it feel like to see the lights? Do you ever dream about them? I do dream about the Popo lights, and see them in my mind's eye if relax and drift.

I keep wondering what it is all about.

I would like MSM to really investigate this phenomena. At least report it without sniggering. The Phoenix lights were a Major sighting, like the UFO filmed over Mexico City by hundreds of people a few years ago.

I'd like toknow what's going on.

Someone was VERY interested in the goings-on above the mountain. The Telmex cams were state-of-the-art in clarity and refresh rate. Someone was monitoring the cams closely -- on days when activity was extraordinary -- 20+ objects of mixed variety, a lot of movement -- the Tlamacas cam would zoom in on a specific part of the mountain.

When the action slowed down, the maintenance on the cams slackened.


Well-known member

:mrgreen: "....mountains with attitude." That was so funny!

OK, now a few more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. You and I (and there's some others here too) have been getting gently nudged, impulsed, to do certain things at certain times primarily for the other person! It's like some strange unspoken language of symbolic 'synchronicities'......that are really just us being assisted from higher levels of awareness to confess :wink: certain things so they'll work as triggers for that person and/or others here! This is very much how these wonderful higher dimemsional beings-ETs and others- work with us in physicality now.

Here's a recent example: On Friday night I was wandering around through different website looking for.....I didn't know, but was following my nose and those subtle nudges I mentioned! I was led to this late Fri. night. This place is in southern Chihuahua Mexico!

Now being a Capricorn, I'm drawn to gemstones anyway, but Friday night I was being shown something about "Lemurian Crystals" which I'd never heard of prior! (I've had one for the past 21 years but didn't totally understand what it was until Friday night.) That was some info I needed right then too evidently. But, while seeing those photos of the Giant Crystal Caves in Mexico, I got an instantaneous telepathic 'discussion' about it. I got the symbol of there being ancient 'things' hidden underground in many areas around Mexico. Also that many of these 'things' are connected back to Lemuria and Atlantis etc. And, that there's an ongoing connection because of ALL these things, with positive ET beings and us now.

To recap - there was 'Lemurian' Quartz Crystals, positive ETs, Giants, Giant Caves with Giant Quartz Crystals in them in Mexico, and things being hidden underground in 'caves', Chiron-like Shaman Cave stuff, ETs and earthquakes, volcanos, and redirecting energies on/in earth and "earth changes" etc...........AND to take this one more step and pull in something hel141 and you said about "Bears". What constellation has to do with Bears? And where do bears usually hang out? Caves, places hidden underground. (The Big Dipper and the Little Dipper are both Bears, with Polaris in the tip of the Little Bears tail. Question....what other 'Bear' possibilites have I overlooked?)

Welcome to my reality!!! :lol:

When I don't consciously understand all that I 'see' or 'receive' from higher levels, I know that part of the info is for someone or a group of someone's and I'm supposed to intuite what to do with it all and when and where. I don't always get it totally correct but I do my best! :wink: So when one of you here says something, addes a link, or puts up an avatar or whatever it may be, then the bells and whistles go off for me and I see the whys behind many of the strange things I'd been going through just prior. We're each learning how to function on multiple dimensions consciously now and we're all connected in many ways.

When I first saw your avatar Empath, I recognized the energy in it first. Then I spotted the little tell-tale signs of UFO dots. What really got me however where those brilliant rays or lines of light! Amazing. I take it they were coming from the craft down into the mountain or underground?
(Thanks SO much for creating that link to your photos of this.) I remember reading a couple years ago about some speculating if these UFOs were somehow able to use, to tap into some massive energy emanating from all the volcanic action. Mexico seems to be a big draw to some of the UFOs/ETs for different reasons. (When in doubt about anything like this, discern for all your worth! We've each got to learn how to tell who's who and what's what energetically.)

Also I want to thank you for so clearly describing what so many of those UFO images looked like. Many people expect UFOs to look like the stereotypical silver 'saucer' shape when they can shapeshift into all sorts of shapes and forms. I've seen, pretty close, a large round amber light that was some sort of highly conscious functioning device? It just disappeared from the outside edges into the middle and vanished.


Well-known member
Yes that was me in the documentary. It still plays and I'm always surprised when someone asks me about it.

I did have dreams where I thought a huge invasion was going to take place. It was a very freaky time and I wish I could have had more of an insight into what they really were and their purpose. Maybe someday, it will be revealed.



Well-known member
Empath said:
Some other UFO experiences:

When I was a little kid, I used to have a recurring nightmare about a grey tank that hovered on my street. Animated toys would come and take me into the tank. There was a drumbeat I heard in my head. I had buttons in my upholstered headboard, and before bed I had a practice of 'dialing' up the dream I wanted -- or didn't want. When I was this age I also had recurring ear infections, and I always figured the drumbeat was ear pressure. What I can't tell you is if I had the dream and the drumbeat with no ear infection.

My girlfriend recalls a night that we watched a UFO and followed it in our car. She said we suddenly decided to go home. I have no recollection of this at all, although she recalls this much of the night very clearly.

Throughout my life and most significantly during both pregnancies, I had dreams about being in school on a spaceship. I have no memory of what my teachers looked like, but I do recall extensive training on raising and caring for babies. Despite my over-analysis that the dreams were projections of my nervousness about having a baby, after each dream I could feel knowldge and an increase in confidence.

Last week I had another spaceship dream. I don't remember the subjects, but there was a bear sprawled on the floor. This time, I complained to the ladies at the desk: "why does all the really interesting stuff happen while I am asleep?"

Are these real ET events, or just my hyperactive imagination?

This is for Empath plus all the other's here that I sense are also 'Wanderers' and/or Indigos or 'Starseeds' etc. I've known from early childhood that I came from elsewhere and was incarnate on earth at this time for many big and very important reasons. I didn't remember what they all were, but painfully knew I was 'different' than the majority and I had a lot to accomplish in this one lifetime here. A spiritual mission for both myself personally and for humanity and earth. Highly typical Wanderer/Indigo/Starseed feelings and drives.

Empath, you mentioned so many different things in this post that strongly indicate that you are a Wanderer. In case you're not familiar with this term, it indicates a being who's normal Home is in a higher dimension, usually 5D or 6D, who chooses to reincarnate into 3D physicality on earth at really intense and important time periods there. Usually at astrological Age changes and also now, during numerous cosmic cycles all coming to completion at the same time. Wanderers (and Indigos and Lightworkers and Starseeds etc) are incarnate now in massive numbers to help from the inside (here on earth) to break up the total control negativity has had here. We bring in higher 'Light' (knowledge and info) into places where imbalance and 'Dark' has gotten out of control and locked consciousness and energies up tight. Spiritual retardation due to negative control of the plantary system.

To help us do this job with the usual amnesia, are some of our fellow family members, friends and co-works who didn't incarnate into 3D reality. They stayed at Home (5D and/or 6D) to help keep us on track down here and not miss the astrological and cosmic cycle! Usually us Wanderers will have nearly constant contact with ET beings (our Home station and friends) but it may take some of us awhile to consciously remember the Game Plan! I'm unusual only in that I've remembered more than most do from early childhood on. And because of this I've been able to remain open to communicate (in one form or another) with some of these higher dimensional beings. Some call them 'Guides' also.

At any rate, Starseeds are just that. Seeded from elsewhere for different reasons. Problem is we usually need help from Home. This 'help' often comes in the form of super strange dreams beginning in childhood that are either astral level ET contacts and/or 'abductions' (from our perspective sometimes) where we're taken back into some form of etheric craft and taught things. Things to help us wake up more and more as to why we're incarnate here now again. This stage can take decades for many of us. Boy, some of the dreams I could share!!! :roll:

Like you I too was almost nightly contacted throughout childhood by one of these ET beings. I learned many years later that it was his 'job' to help RE-train me from his side of the fence or from the higher astral. One of my earliest memories was at age 3 and watching 2 much beloved ET human looking beings float through the livingroom wall and hover in the air while we telepathically talked. These 2 beings were around for many years.

I too had unbelievable dreams while I was pregnant, both horrific psychic attacks and the polar opposite, communications with very positive nonphysical ET like beings. My son is also a Wanderer with connections to the Pleaides or 5D. There's reasons I said this now and they're for many people here.

Also most of us Wanderers/Indigos/Starseeds/Lightworkers etc., have etheric implants which help us stay in telepathic contact with our Home station or vibratory dimension. These are safeguards we ask for prior to physically incarnating down into the lower frequencies here. We already now we'll forget most everything, so these help us until we don't need them any longer. The ear ringing, inner ear pounding, inner ear Morse Code like clicking, the tones and clicks and all of it........are usually telepathic communications with our Home and friends/guides/helpers. We also have some of these etheric implants in our heads, our hearts that work with some of the endocrine glands/chakras to do the same things for us. Many astrological transits and other cosmic events like solar flares and Galactic Center contacts also trigger these etheric implants.

You mentioned about dreams on a craft being taught how to care for babies. Even though we know a lot of great things, we pretty much suck at life on earth!!! :lol: We don't know how to raise little humans, we don't know about a lot of things. Things like greed, hate, fear, ego, selfishness, plan ol' negativity in general! And because of this we usually get our butts kicked, our hearts broken, repeatedly until we do learn about it. These things don't exist in the higher dimensions so the harshness, brutality, and deceptions of this place are very confusing to us until we get with the earth program. Funny huh?

IMO yes, you're experiencing all of these strange things, seeing UFO's repeatedly over volcano's in Mexico, loosing time while driving the car, being RE-taught things on space craft while asleep or OOB - out of your physical body, all to help you remember why you're here now in this life. Signs from outside of physical reality reminding you why you're here now and that there's a lot at stake as usual. :)

Let me also add that because we're here working hard at breaking up what's been a totally controlled planet as far as consciousness goes, we Wanderers/Indigos/Starseeds/Lightworkers in general come under repeated periods of what can be pretty serious "psychic attacks" from the negative side. They spot up before we're even totally aware of who we are!!! and come after us to stop us from doing what we're doing. This is part of what we do too, and we have to learn to discern who's who and what's what, and these 'guys' help us do this too. This is another large aspect of being a Lightworker in The Dark! :wink: On a positive note, so much of this level of the work has already been done and there's tons more Light in here because of it.


Well-known member

I'm so glad you added the link about your personal experiences with the famed "Phoenix Lights". That was such a strange and blatant event, much like Empaths Mexico UFO's. It's gettin' interesting.........

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your very direct experiences with something that was so public. I have more I'd like to say about all of this because I feel it covers a wide range of energies, both highly positive and rather negative too. I'm just goin' slow n' easy because this is a big subject with lots of 'Players' on both Teams. :wink:


Well-known member
I've seen, pretty close, a large round amber light that was some sort of highly conscious functioning device? It just disappeared from the outside edges into the middle and vanished.
That's exactly what I saw in Phoenix for several days before the big flap. The first day I was sitting on my balcony enjoying a cigar (quit that stuff 6 years ago) when I noticed a light in the horizon that I thought must be a plane. But it just hovered for what seemed like a half hour then it went down and I saw an explosion of light as if it hit a power station but this was in total desert. Later the light came back and then it would disappear as if it had a cloaking device. A day later there were two to three of them appearing and disappearing. It was bizare to say the least. But I only saw the explosion of light the first night as it appeared to hit the ground or go underground. There has been some speculation that there are Crystal deposits out there. I know Quartz is plentiful in Arizona in general.



Well-known member

When you used the word "amber" to describe one of the lights or UFOs you'd seen, it really hit me! Let me add now where I saw this amber colored light and many other ET devices and beings, because it's very unusual to me.

When I saw this amber light and I saw it or different ones repeatedly along with numerous other ET like anomalies, I was in southern Calif. They were in the long slow process of building a lake with 2 huge dams at opposite ends. Basically they cleared out all the people who'd lived in this little valley and built dams at the ends of it and filled it up with water! BUT, what interested me was that during this whole long process of building and blasting and hauling etc., I saw repeated UFO and different ET beings all around the lake site! Now why would that type of physical work draw some UFOs and ETs?

Like you back when this was happening, I smoked and so was outside smokin' and watchin'. :wink: This lake and the one end dam was practically in our backyard! I saw these round amber lights hovering all over that work site after dark many different times. At first I thought they were workmen but after checking with the dam people, they didn't work after dark at all for safety reasons. Lots of dynamiting went on for well over a year. They found some dinosaur bones but nothing else. So again, why would digging and blasting into the sides of large hills draw UFOs and ETs?

After awhile I finally just decided to ask them what they were doing and why. Of course what I received from a couple of them is only what they wanted to share with me at the time so..... They told me that, and this is super important for many reasons it seems, that they often build on the etheric levels, right on top of certain physical building here in our realm! Often times this is to help create portals or vortex's where lots of them and lots of us can more easily connect. Certain shopping Malls are used in this way by some ET beings as are some other shopping stores.

Some of these ETs seem to be using physical locations because of unseen energies like ley lines and vortexes and god knows what else. They're hot spots anyway and when we and they build on these spots, we open vortexes or portals or stargates or whatever you want to call them from BOTH sides. Its then very easy to come and go through these areas, both for us and for them. Just out of curiosity, was there any physical construction work happening anywhere near the Phoenix Lights events?

to be continued......