Will I get this job?


Well-known member
None of your significators (Saturn/Moon) apply to the job (Venus), so I don't think you'll get this job.

But in the off chance that you get it, unfortunately, because Venus is combust, retrograde, and in detriment, I don't think you'll like the job very much.


Well-known member
Job Venus is combust in detriment so far, but rx and going back to Saturn (querent, you), then there is the aspect in 28 Pisces,so I think your chances are real, maybe near April, 9 (exact transiting aspect) or through 4 weeks (by degrees), but this aspect is a square and Venus is going back, getting is not easy.


Well-known member
Also notice the main significator Saturn is in 12th house, can mean they already got someone else in place for the job, or have not given you full information about the job.

The job lord Venus is in retrograde - it might be a donkey job that may not last too long.
In 10th house another retrograde planet Jupiter is sitting in there. Not looking good.

There is no aspect between Moon (the co-significator) and the Venus (job), and the Moon is separating from Venus.
The Moon opposites Saturn (main sig.) - it looks not promising.

This is just a reading from the chart supplied. The reality might be different from this reading.
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Premium Member
Lord of the 10th sign is the ruler of Libra, Venus, according to the chart I see.

I think the job will go to someone else, as Merc applies to trine Saturn. Based on the mutual adverse reception, though, I don't think either the employer or employee will like each other.
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Premium Member
Mc is 3 sco. Where are u guys seeing venus?

Using whole sign houses, the 10th sign is Libra, so there is where I see Venus. I also see that MC is in the 11th sign, ruled by Mars.

It's a no with either Venus or Mars, both being in their detriment: Venus with her long list of additional unfortunate characteristics, and Mars in its detriment and averse by sign to Saturn. [And Moon opposite Jupiter.]

Not much to encourage here.


Well-known member
Sorry, the chart is cast in a whole-sign system. If Regio, then job is Mars, has no aspect neither Moo nor Saturn, you won't get the job. Mariam, please update. When will the result be known?
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Well-known member
A possible job is Mercury, you are Mars and Moon. Mercury is directed to Mars, but becomes retrograde before achieving Mars, Moon is void. Unfortunately, I don't see any chances at the nearest time. Maybe anyone else will write their versions here. The only hope I see in this chart - to move Moon through signs, then it makes a sextile to Mercury in 3 Cancer, it's too long. I'd advise you ask the question some time later, maybe something will change in your matter.
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