Reading my chart....

Hi, I am new and was wondering if anyone can help me interpret my chart. I have always been interested in the Neptune in my 1st house, as well as my Uranus in my 12th. I've been told that these are very strong in my chart, especially Uranus. A little bit about me medically...I have OCD, Anxiety/Depression. Thanks! My chart below...

Neptune lst House – angular house
Should try to avoid alcohol and drugs. Often have an air of mystery about you. Indicates a sensitive ‑ intuitive awareness of yourself and your environment. Highly impressionable. Certainly artistic and a great appreciation of music. Dreamy innocent look ‑ drift off when talking! Dissatisfied with appearance in some way ie; manner, looks. Sometime appear to live in world of own. Idealist. Physical appearance probably something you don't care for. People may often say to you ‑ look at me when I'm talking to you! Can daydream with eyes wide open. Neptunian illnesses ‑ movements affected ‑ will walk funny ‑ at least with one foot. (twine‑toed as small child or when first walking ) Mysterious allergies on skin or where obvious, and suddenly disappear.

Medical astrology