Lilith & Chiron on MC (Scorpio; conflicts)


New member

So I have a question regarding some positions, because I feel as though I have to conflicting parts within me... or I just haven´t figured out how to deal with it.

- cancer DC, sun, mercury & moon (all in 7th house)

- scorpio MC, lilith, chiron (all in 10th house)

- carpicorn AC

So, naturally, I am very nurturing and empathetic. At the same time I feel the urge to dominate, have power and control (I guess scorpio Lillith on MC). Sexwise, however, I am addicted to being submissive (maybe chiron & cancer cluster). But there´s a part of me who just wants to dominate and can´t stand being controlled. It´s difficult to handle because, even though I like being submissive, I feel negative about it and the partner who "did me like that". It might have to do with some sort of denial (lilith). It feels as though I naturally feel powerless but actually want to have power...

And that just makes it difficult to handle in personal and professional relationships... Does anyone have any insights on this or do some aspects ring a bell for you?


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