Have you had your 2nd Saturn return?


Well-known member
I'm really curious to hear from people who have experienced both their 1st and 2nd saturn return. How was the first one compared to the 2nd one? Were the patterns the same or did you feel like you were working on a different level? I'd love to hear from the 12th housers in particular as I have that posistion also.


My natal Virgo Saturn is in 12th with Equal House and on it's cusp (but in 11th) with Placidus.......I was almost 30 at the first return, and four months short of 60 at the second.

The first marked a turning point at work.........and a period of exceptionally hard work (and achievement) that resulted in me reaching (what turned out to be) the pinnacle of my career, when transit Saturn oppose natal Saturn exactly.

At the second, I'd been retired for some 15 years; astrology had become the full-time hobby that replaced my career and (since joining in February 2008) I'd been campaigning (too stridently) for the introduction of written rules/guidelines on this forum........Those rules/guidelines were introduced at the time of my second Saturn Return, marking a turning point in my learning to "co-operate rather than co-erce" when communicating with others......But, it's too soon to say where that change in attitude will eventually lead me.

In conclusion then, I guess the pattern is the same......but the stage and cast have changed.



Well-known member
I'm roughly the same age as EJ53, so our respective Saturn returns were at around the same time, but in different signs & houses.

My natal Saturn is in my 8th and in Leo. Saturn rules my Asc, and Leo is my sun sign, so Saturn is a significant planet in my whole chart, and transiting Saturn brings powerful forces into play throughout my chart. Natal Saturn trines my natal Jupiter in the 11th, so a significant transit to natal Saturn always forces me to look hard at my long-term goals.

The first Saturn Return at 29 pushed me to look more closely at my family/partnership situation. Pretty much all I decided at the time was that the situation I was in was untenable, but I was not at that stage ready to change it. I changed it at the next Saturn square 7 years later.

My 2nd Saturn Return was quite strange. It coincided with the birth of my first grandchild - this was an unexpected (and unplanned) event. I also became a bit obsessed with thoughts of death and dying (not in a dreading way, as I am not afraid of dying) and who would pay for my funeral. I then realised that with another generation now begun, I had to look more at a rebirth of myself in this lifetime than the death of the body. It was a very 8th house experience, and a bit unsettling at the time it was occurring.

On the surface, I can't see how my two Saturn returns were related, but I think that is because at the first one I was married with young children, and at the time of the 2nd I was single and with grown children, and no real ties. Both were valuable and necessary as transits, but I have quite a lot of fixed energy in my chart, so I resist change - always - before letting go to what is trying to find its way to me.

PS: In retrospect, both Saturn returns involved coming face-to-face with the principle of the Controlling Father.............Saturn in the 8th
My first Saturn Return was held up by my fear of how my father would react were I to leave my marriage. He was a conservative Christian, and used it to control his family members.
My 2nd Saturn Return brought me face-to-face with a different kind of controlling father, but a far more overtly destructive one in the guise of the father of my grandchild's mother, a man who wants respect, but does not know how to get it.
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Well-known member
EJ, things are becoming seriously weird. I have your earlier post alive and well and where it should be - but the one you made next arrived as an email notification, but has not appeared on the thread. :rightful:

Mercury Rx @ work.


I wrote the 2nd because the 1st "disappeared" when I tried to send it.

By the time I'd written and sent the 2nd, the 1st had turned up on the thread...So, I deleted the 2nd (as it was a duplicate).

I guess my first post "took the scenic route" to it's destination rather than got lost completely:lol:



Well-known member
Thank you so much both of you for sharing your experiences.

The first Saturn Return at 29 pushed me to look more closely at my family/partnership situation. Pretty much all I decided at the time was that the situation I was in was untenable, but I was not at that stage ready to change it. I changed it at the next Saturn square 7 years later.

This reminds me to view the saturn return in the light of it being part of a cycle. The squares and oppositions are just as important.

Both were valuable and necessary as transits, but I have quite a lot of fixed energy in my chart, so I resist change - always - before letting go to what is trying to find its way to me.

I'm the same way, and I don't even really have enough fixed energy to justify it. My resistance to things around me became very conspicuous during my saturn return.

PS: In retrospect, both Saturn returns involved coming face-to-face with the principle of the Controlling Father.

So there is some kind of pattern to it all. I had almost forgot this but my relationship with my father underwent some big changes during the saturn return also.

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to reply!