Career Ruler (10th house) conjunct South Node: what it means?


Well-known member
I have this aspect and cant figure it out how to interpret it.

Ruler of 10th, Saturn conjunct South Node in 8th, Scorpio. So to be sucessfull and happy in career, my personal life will be unfullfilling?

Or is this an integration way between south node, career and north node?



Well-known member
SN is for micro issues, 8th house is for depth/suddenness/research. 10th ruler for profession/career.
If aspect is auspicious, then can do remarkable research, or can be related with investigations, more perfection etc or can be related with sea related activities (again perfection). But again Scorpio sign, means with Saturn. Good longevity, possibility of unaccountable source of income too (but will not be able to enjoy that money).
Malefic connections can give sudden change or leaving the job. Disputes with authorities etc.
But confirmation of the above will be with the help of complete birth chart.