Numerology and the Lottery


Well-known member
I play the lottery sometimes and I had the idea of keeping track of the dates and times I won on scratch-offs and numbers to see if I could find an astrological solution for luck. I didn't keep track of every time though because I got a little lazy but I did manage to track 37 wins over 3 years. I originally intended it for astrology but I started applying numerology to it as well. I looked at the day number and life path number of each date. What I found was that the day number that came up the most was 4 (8 times, 10 if you count 22) usually with a life path number of 1 or 9 and the day number that came up second most often was 9 (5 times) usually with a life path number of 5 or 8. The day number that never came up was 6. The rest of the day numbers came up three or four times. Anyone care to elaborate on this?