Horary question about very disturbing dream...help!


Well-known member
I had a really messed up/sad dream about there being a child grooming facility in this town nearby so I woke up and asked the question is there a grooming facility in this town can someone help me look at the chart? I notice all the Scorpio and mars office at Uranus in the 12th house. I wonder if this shows just a dream or if it’s an actual answer

I don’t know how to upload charts on my phone to the website so I’ll just link here. Hopefully this link works


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Well-known member
We can answer this question with:Is this dream true?
We use the moon (9th house ruler) in Libra in the 11th and his dispositor Venus (12 th house ruler) in sagittarius in the 2nd, which signifies your dream. Moon is only in his face and venus is peregrine. First indication that this dream is rather not true. Mars is strong essential dignified in fixed sign scorpio but in his 12th house. moon and venus are not in fixed signs and also located in succedent houses , only the angles are in fixed signs.
I can reassure you, I don't think so. but maybe there is a little bit truth behind it. However on the whole:no.
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