denial of marriage?


Well-known member
my dob is 22-08-1991
time:09:28 am
place: mumbai, india
gender: female

I have sun, mercury, venus, mars and jupiter in 12th house leo - Most of my benefic planets are combust - in the area of love/arranged marriage i have only faced troubles and frustration.

I am at that stage of my life, where i seriously have lost all hopes... so if someone could please tell me i have denial of marriage or relationships I would accept it without contesting.

Please let me know if there is a silver lining here


Well-known member
There is delay in your marriage but not denial. You are in your Rahu major-period. It has been operating since 21/July/2013.
You may have to wait for marriage till July/2022.


Well-known member
thank you so much for the response sir, is marriage going to be good and stable?

I have moon and mars conjunction in 7th house of Saggitarius in my D-9 Chart as well as Sun, Venus & Mercury in 12th house taurus sign