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Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I know very little of past life astrology--in fact, I am embarking on a similar quest myself--but I have discovered through my studies that retrograde planets in your natal chart can shed some light on possible incarnations.

Here is a link you might find helpful...hopefully it will work:

There's good news and bad news; without an accurate place and time it is very difficult to come up with an accurate natal chart reading. However, if you are simply interested in past life incarnations and wish to use the basic method of Retrograde planets I suggested before, this should not disrupt things too greatly. According to my research, you have several stationary and retrograde planets in your chart--Mercury stationary (R), Saturn stationary (D), and Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde.

Remember that reading are supposed to apply to retrograde planets, so I'm not sure if they will be accurate or not. I know the descriptions are vague, but this is the best I can do for now. I'll see if I can determine if the motions of these planets are correct if I can get more accurate information...

Best of luck,
Aquarian Maverick

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Well-known member
Past Lives


What I'm going to say has nothing to do with you natal chart OK? I haven't looked at your chart. I just had a couple of images/emotions pop into my mind's eye while reading your post and then Aquarian Maverick's. So this may be nothing at all or it may give you something to think/feel about.

Many years ago I taught classes on how to reconnect with some of our "past life" memories etc. I also did past life regressions, so I'm slightly familiar with how to consciously reconnect with them. I'll share one really simple but effective thing you can do to help get you on-track with remembering all on you own.

Make 3 lists. On the first list I want you to write down everything that you really like, I mean deeply, without any understanding why you love them type things. Example - Old Japan and most all Japanese things, the color yellow, old ships, the smell of inscense buring, American Indian things, large earrings, tropical birds, cold weather, the Renaissance period, heavy rain, the sounds of south African drums being played, white horses, etc. etc.

List all the things that you have always loved, liked, been drawn to no matter how strange they seem to you now.

Next, make another list but this one will be of all the things that you REALLY hate, fear, can't stand, repulse you, make you angry, make you sick, scare you, etc. etc. Example - Fear of drowning, smell of burning oil, knives, swords, falling, too many people in a small space, being alone, being in the woods alone, the color red, ancient Greece, earthquakes, dark-skinned people from ???, or light-skinned people from ???, floods, etc. etc.

Again, honestly list all the things that you hate and fear no matter if they make any sense to you now.

Lastly, make a list of all the things if any, that are 'wrong' with your physical body in this life now. Example - Bad eyesight, stomach pains, heart problems, pains in the head, neck, physical scars on your body, body parts that don't work as well as they should normally, any physical abnormalities or imbalances, etc. etc.

The trick with writing these 3 separate and highly personal lists is to be brutally honest. Like I said, they may not make any sense to 'you' now, but you will usually discover a 'theme' or two running through your 3 lists! And many times just doing this work and spending time deeply focused on these issues, will begin to open parts of yourself to the other parts of yourself. Spend some time with your lists and see if you can find the connections between all 3 of them. They are there.

Now, on a totally different note......while reading your post I keep 'seeing' India of a couple hundred years ago. How do you feel about India in general around this time period? You don't have to answer this, just suggesting a location and time period for you to ponder and feel.

Also 'saw' what looked to me to be an Irish male working so hard in the fields, plowing in the blowing cold winds. Then the next image I saw was a male on a war ship out at sea. Now these images I saw may not be 'you' at all, just passing on what I did get while reading your question. Please don't let any of these things I've mentioned sway you with you lists! Good luck and I hope this helps you even though it went outside 'Astrology'.


Well-known member
Hi Markus,


I think when Markus states 'Luton Beds', that Beds., is an abbreviation of 'Bedfordshire', which is the English county that the town of Luton is in.

I think the coordinates 51n53, 0w25 are the right ones.

According to the chart I get, no planets are retrograde, but Neptune is stationary (D). I take the bracketed 'D' to mean that the planet will move direct after it's stationary period. So there are no retrograde planets, unless we include Chiron, which is.


You don't need to shout! :wink: (just kiddin')

There are many methods of trying to glean information upon 'past' lives in the natal chart, or to put it another way, try and find out about 'alternate existences'.

The method of considering retrograde planets as indicators of unresolved prior incarnations is one interesting method. Analysing the North and South nodes is another.

I'm not a wizard when it comes to the technicalities of astrology, I'm more of an imaginist, but for a brief explanation of what the nodes actually are, they are the points at which the path of the Moon crosses the apparent path of the Sun around the earth, and are therefore points of power in the natal chart. When eclipses occur they are always in conjunction with the nodes.

The South node is the past, it is fate, that which cannot be changed, it is the karma we have accumulated and where we are coming from. So in consideration of the topic of 'past' lives, it may have something to tell us about the nature of our existence before we arrived here. The South node is 'the path of least resistance' in this life. It represents that which is least challenging to us, because it embodies old modes of being and that which we are most comfortable with, and so it shows that which we are meant to be evolving away from. As it is fate however, it shows that which we cannot help being, what we cannot change and must work with as a basis for approaching our destiny.

The North node, on the other hand, is our future and our intended destiny. The North node presents us with a challenge to evolve and develop into the nature of that which its placement represents. This is 'the path of most resistance', because unlike the South node, the qualities of the North node do not come automatically, fatedly, but must be worked upon and strived for in order to align ourselves with our intended destiny, and grow into that which we are meant to be in this life, and break the habitual patterns of old.

Your South node is at 0 degrees Aquarius, which is interesting as the transitting Sun was here when you asked your question, which perhaps had something to do with why your inquiry was stimulated in the first place (the Aquarius ingress will always be a good time for you to review the past).

Your North node is at 0 degrees Leo, and is in conjunction with Mars.

I call the South/North node axis, the 'axis of fate and destiny'. Here's my take on what these placements may mean for you.

I don't intend to try and specify incarnations here, but just to give a brief oveview as to where you are coming from and where you are going in the grand scheme of things.

Leo is a sign concerning individualism, pride, self concern and personal glory, as opposed to Aquarius, which concerns the welfare of the whole, shared visions and ideals, socialism and interdependence.

In past lives you may have had your independance and freedom of expression curtailed by the groups or societies of which you were a part. There is a communal spirit about Aquarius, and your South node placement suggests that your individality was hampered by the customs and conventions of those who were around you. it was required of you to keep the peace and to not 'rock the boat' with creative thinking and independant activity. There are past lives in which you were a part of sects, communes, groups or clubs in which a certain uniformity of dress, thought, behaviour and action were required. Perhaps you have been part of cult movements or socialist political regimes. In this life it is your fate to encounter circumstances in which you would naturally forsake your own identity in order to preserve the status quo, to satisfy those around you and to do what is expected of you by kith and kin. This will be easy for you because it is what your soul is accustomed to. It is your 'path of least resistance' to keep your associates happy by not breaking the rules or going your own way by not doing what is expected of you, but these are your circumstances because you are called upon to cultivate independance, creative expression and self concern. You are meant to rebel and do your own thing which is a challenge for you because you are placed in circumstances in which it would be so much easier to keep the peace to act for the good of all around you.

Your North node in Leo is where your challenge and life's purpose lies. You are destined to manifest individual creativity and achievement in your life. You are called upon to break convention and assert your independance regardless of convention or the good of the collectives of which you are a part. Leo is about pride, flamboyance and self concern. In this life you must cultivate understanding of the importance of flaunting one's own ego and opinions. The North node's conjunction with Mars enhances the fiery, lion like qualities of it's Leo placement. You are destined to assert yourself and defend a rebellious and dramatic individuality with tooth and claw. It is required of you to be the king of your own castle, to set the trends and not to follow them, to lead and not to tarry behind, to do the telling and not to be told, and force these qualities through with all the gusto and strength of willpower appropriate to the god of war. A hunting lion would be an appropriate symbol of your Leo/NN/Mars placement, or more appropriately, a lion-cub learning how to hunt, due to the youthful, very early degree in which the North node is placed. Meditation on this symbol can align you with insight into your intended destiny. In what ways in your life have you acted as a lion on the rampage? These are times when you are aligning yourself with your destiny. Do not be a person that whispers rather than roars. This is the pattern you have been following of old. Be a fighter when neccesary rather than a peacemaker to suit all around you. Sharpen your claws and prepare to fight. This is what you are here to learn.

Just a few ideas I had. Tell me what you think.

Draco :wink:


Well-known member
I just learned a lot from your post; thanks for sharing!. I have a question regarding nodes that I haven't been able to find the answer on, and I am wondering if you might have any ideas on the matter? When I look at my chart with current transits, I notice that the True Node is transitiing into a conjunction with my Natal South Node in Aries, and I am wondering what effect this might be having on my experiences.. I have not heard people talk much about the transitting true node placements, which makes me question their importance.

Any ideas?

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I think when Markus states 'Luton Beds', that Beds., is an abbreviation of 'Bedfordshire', which is the English county that the town of Luton is in.

I think the coordinates 51n53, 0w25 are the right ones.

Ah, that would explain it...ok then, ignore all of the information I gave in my last post . I should have know I would muck things up, but at least I tried :roll:

The method of considering retrograde planets as indicators of unresolved prior incarnations is one interesting method. Analysing the North and South nodes is another.

As Homer Simpson would say, "D'oh!" I knew I was missing something obvious...

In a futile retempt at intellectual redemption, I believe that looking at the planets and the sign in your 12th house can also reveal about your past lives. Also, Saturn--being the Lord of Karma (i.e. debts from past lives)--adds another factor to this complex equation. I shall lead further interpretation to those more experienced than I, but at least I may be able to mention something that will guide someone in their exploration.

Hopelessly Hopeless,
Aquarian Maverick

P.S. Can anyone possibly do a past life/karma interpretation of my chart? I'd like to know what experiences I had in a past life would make me so critical of myself today...I was born on April 5, 1989 at 3:44 AM in Teaneck, NJ. Thanks!


Aquarian Maverick,
Take everything I say with a really big grain of salt. I'm not focusing on past lives, because what you are experiencing is here and now. I share a few of your placements so I have some ability to relate, but you are the one who really knows the anwsers.

In light of personal experience, having an Aries Sun can lend one to imaptience and frustrattion when goals are not immediately gratified. It is a very fiery forward action-focused energy, but when blocked because something in one's consciousness or Divne order is preventing it from expression, thiis "block" is the experience of anger. Anger is the same beautiful fire, just stalled in resistance, which is not the way that makes Aries happy. Sometimes this stall is really to one's benefit, as Aries energy represents self consciousness, and can sometiimes lead one to be oblivious to the group while one is in pursuit of strong personal interests. Aries sun in the 2nd house may also bring primary security needs to the foreforont, which may lend you to feel that what you are working for is just so much of a NEED that when things happen in a way you don't anticipate (block), you might feel like your whole personal security is being denied. Too much blocked action (anger) can accumulate into a variety of different experiences, which can include redirecting it at ourselves which might make us feel angry with or critical of our own selves. You have a loaded Aries second house and this might just be that you need to accomplish something, anything, and physicallly HAVE that accomplishment in your possesion. I might try getting involved in a martial art, a vigorous sport (competitive or non), or something else work related (carpentry?) which might give a physical release and a sense of tangible accomplishment, so that you have a clearer channel and more open space in which you can relate with yourself and others.

Then we have that Aquarius Rising. In my personal experience, the Aquarian energy is humanitarian idealism at its strongest. But the flip siide of idealism is reality and our disenchantment with it. This is energy can effectively drive one to pursue humanitarian future goals, starry or other-worldly connections, global consciousness, or can be a rose colored lens through which to look at life and keep one on the bright side while we work for change. Sure, we can fly ourselves into the new utopia (no sweat), but are we willing to make accomodations when those ignorant, needy, archaic parts of ourselves or others did not arrive in destination at the same time we did and are still stalled in a "baggage check" we have no choice but to retrieve? .What do we do then, when our vision did not accomodate for reality, and thus has to encounter it again? Its insanely frustrating when we are not yet who we know we can be, but we don't have all the information, and life and time are what hold the keys. Aquarian energy is fundamentally friendly and can be used to detach and look for new routes or new ways of seeing things, It can also lead us into blind and bonkers rebellion if we do not have other stabilizing forces like pragmatic common sense (capricorn), or the resources or ability to take action (aries).

In looking at your chart, I find that 11th/12th house of yours quite intriguing, with a Saturn /Neptune conjunct a vesta/Uranus thing all in Capricorn. I think you are quite fortunate to have Saturn and Neptune working well together, and can already imagine many ways these energies can work really well together to make you a functional, friendly, sensitive, leader.

Capricorn is a nose-to-the-grindstone kind of a sign, which is also a strong indication of where this sense of "criticism" might be coming from. It might not be all that bad of a thing, it depends on how you use it or how you respond to it, or what you are hoping it might do for you and the whole. It might help you to use some of the Aquarius Rising energy along with the Pisces True Node energy to soften the square between that Aries and Capricorn and make it more of a continuum. Picture it like a mediation between Aries and Capricorn with Pisces and Aquarius in between the two to help dissolve the boundaries (pisces) , and keep it friendly (aquarius) while figuring out how we are going to get these two to each give and recieve a bit more mutally. A sk yourself some questions about your feelings surrounding criticism of and from self and others? Does it hurt? Does it motivate? is it constructive in any way? Are the people in your life critical or alternatively opinionless? Is the critic too harsh to be effective, and if so, would he listen to others encouraging him to soften? What does one really have to lose in being criticised? Is communication an offense/defense game? What is the real purpose of criticism... is it covering something else up, filling a void of what I don't yet know what to do, or actually serving a real purpose for me that I can live with?

Aquarian Maverick, these are just some ideas, really. If I'm off the mark with you just disregard what I've written, because maybe someone else (myself included) might get something from it instead. I'm not yet much of chart reader, but I do hope to help.



Take everything I say with a really big grain of salt.

Isn't that an oxymoron? Sory, I couldn't help myself. :lol:

You have a loaded Aries second house and this might just be that you need to accomplish something, anything, and physicallly HAVE that accomplishment in your possesion. I might try getting involved in a martial art, a vigorous sport (competitive or non), or something else work related (carpentry?) which might give a physical release and a sense of tangible accomplishment, so that you have a clearer channel and more open space in which you can relate with yourself and others.

This is a great interpretation of my particular Aries stellium placement, though oddly, I cannot relate too well with it. This part of my chart has always perplexed me, because I am MUCH more mental/emotional than physical in my approach to life. Perhaps my Aquarius Rising is exerting a greater pull on my personality and outlook than this intense combination of energies? It doesn't make much sense, because my first house is empty, but I relate extremely well with the Aquarius energy...I'm surprised I don't have more planets there. Though I'm sure my Higher Self had some good reason for choosing my particular natal chart :roll:

Yes, I've always been intrigued by my 11th/12th dynamics as well, though I never realized Vesta was involved there. I've got a lot of subconscious fears and restrictions, and I think the placement of these planets suits me well. Especially the Neptune/Saturn conjunction...I read a fascinating article about these combined energies here:

Thank you for your thought-provoking and insightful words...I greatly appreciate any help I can get in learning to live with myself and accept who I truly am.

Aquarian Maverick

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Sorry about that, I can't believe I forgot to log in...

Now let's attempt to get back on topic before my Aquarian Rising impels me to meander yet again...not very Aries-like of me to stray from the topic, huh? So much for that stellium 8)

Aquarian Maverick


Well-known member
Past Lives

This has become an interesting discussion. I really enjoyed the article about "Saturn and Neptune", thanks for that one Aquarian Marverick. I have Pisces rising (Neptune) and a Capricorn Sun (Saturn) and natally my 'rulers' are conjunct in Libra in 8 with two other planets. So this is why I found that article so interesting plus it's tied into this other subject believe it or not.

OK.......this Past Lives thing. I knew when I decided to talk about my take on past lives and astrology in my article, that it wouldn't be highly popular. I know that we'd all like there to be ways to clearly see (using our 'left brains') one or more of our personal 'past lives' in our current natal charts. So let's define 'past lives' and past lives!

I'm sure there are indications in our current natal charts about certain energetic patterns from other learnings in other times/places. But this is totally different than what I'm referring to as 'past lives'. What I mean when I use this term is exactly the same as remembering very vividly both emotionally and visually, what you lived say last Tuesday. The events and emotions you had that strongly effected you last Tuesday and how they imprinted on you then. My first post was one simple way to consciously connect with some of your actual past lives using other areas of your brain. "Use it or loose it" as the saying goes! :wink:

IOW's there's worlds of difference (and you'll know this when you experience it) between some influences from (say) Uranus being retrograde in your current natal chart, and clearly remembering a past life during (say) the French Revolution, where you lived through that dramatic, very dangerous, and changing time period. You witnessed dozens and dozens of public executions in the form of decapitations and may have even died that way yourself. And because of all this, in this life maybe some of the more rebellious and wild Uranian/Aquarian 'down with the establishment' type charteristic's and/or insane 'crowd mentality' type stuff makes you crazy with fear and panic. Possibly you even get a pain in your neck as the muscles tighten and a serious headache/migraine when in a situation where things could quickly turn into an out-of-control, possibly dangerous mess, because of what the people around you are doing. Hear that guillotine slicing through the air? I do. Yep, I had a 'past life' during that time.

Could that past life experience emotionally, karmically, psychologically, and energetically be shown in this life's natal chart? I believe psychological and energetic aspects of it may. But the actual life during the French Revolution and all that imprinted upon you due to it? No IMO. I still believe that we need to use more of our selves, more of our brains to access all the new information we're after. I think trying to use only Saturn to get at it won't do the job. But again, this is my personal (Saturn/Neptune) opinion based on the different things I've experienced. Just trying to point out that other road over there......the one that hasn't been used by us for so long now but who's time has returned finally.


This has become an interesting discussion. I really enjoyed the article about "Saturn and Neptune", thanks for that one Aquarian Marverick.

I actually provided some useful contribution? Wow! :D

OK.......this Past Lives thing. I knew when I decided to talk about my take on past lives and astrology in my article, that it wouldn't be highly popular. I know that we'd all like there to be ways to clearly see (using our 'left brains') one or more of our personal 'past lives' in our current natal charts.

Ah yes, it is a natural tendency of humans to compartmentalize things into neat and tidy boxes when no such things truly exist in a multidimensional universe. Actually, I originally felt the French connection more by using your intuitive method than looking at my chart...quite frankly, I was just fishing around for something--anything--that would my verify my instincts, as I never learned to properly trust them.

I appologize for jumping to such hasty conclusions.

I am quite sure I died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, though. I remember studying this briefly in grammer school, and I was horrified of the idea of being locked in a burning building...I obsessed about it at night, asking my parents if we had proper escape routes, etc. I really didn't like History that year, so it was quite unusual for me to become emotionally involved with a topic that was only mentioned briefly in passing. Many years later, I was attending my best friend's sleepover party and in attendance was someone who had quite a natural gift with the Ouija board...I know this isn't the most accurate of things, but it revealed that I died in a Triangle "Circle" Factory (that's how I always remembered the name, and I immediately recalled that history lesson). Supposedly my name was Bertha, so I checked out a list of victims to see if a name sounded similar to mine. Indeed, there was a woman named Bertha Zeltner--my name is Beth Ellen--a great match I think.

In case anyone is curious, you can find the list of victims here. I'm the very last one on the bottom of the page:

Also, here is a site about reincarnation cases...this is where I found some general things that supposedly "carry through" from life to life.

Hope this was interesting.

Aquarian Maverick

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Ugh...this is the second time I forgot to sign in. I'm not used to having to manually do this each time; it used to be automatic. Oh well. :oops:

Anyway, I forgot to post the last link. Here it is:

And there is something else I forgot to mention before, a very interesting synchronicity that still disconcerts me slightly...

While I was researching possible past life connections, particularly the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, I stumbled upon a link for a TV special about psychics. This detailed a particularly talented man who would be led into an unidentified place--blindfolded--and give his impressions of what had happened there. Indeed, he was to be led to the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory...and the show would be airing at 8 o'clock THAT NIGHT! I was extremely excited at first, but then I realized I had a music rehearsal at that time and would have to miss it. Ah, but wait! I received an unexpected phone call a few hours later informing me that the rehearsal was canceled for the night!

My eyes are unexpectedly filling with tears as I recall the moment the psychic was giving his impressions and describing what had happened in the particular building he was in...I felt this flood of emotion, I was almost jumping out of my chair thinking, Yes, that's exactly what happened! Unfortunately, the experience did not conjure any exact memories in my mind's eye, but the feelings were there. Not fear, though it was truly a terrible event, but pride. I felt so proud that I had been a part of something so great, had given my life in order for reforms to be made in the labor movement. There is no doubt in my mind that I was present during the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire...whether that was in physical body or spirit makes little difference. Of this I am certain, no matter what my chart may reveal.

Aquarian Maverick

P.S. Sorry if this is a bit off-topic from astrology, but the story practically burst from me--it simply had to be shared.


Aquarian Maverick,

And that is exactly how we usually remember a past life!!! Well done A.M. Yes, when you reconnect with one of them, and usually it's a highly unpleasant or traumatic part of or instantly know there is a direct connection. We usually remember these type of extremely traumatic ones first. Thanks so much for sharing this life with us here.

It's funny because the only reason I knew what you were talking about was because I too saw that TV show! I watched with interest from the standpoint of a psychic to see how and what that man 'picked up' psychically from those different places. I was comparing! The fact that you were IMO, one of those young women that worked and died there........amazing. Do you have any problems with fire now? It sounds like you've integrated all this however. Again, very well done you!

It's amazing but from this higher perspective we do feel so passionately about our 'lives and deaths' and like you said, not from a point of fear, but one of pride. While out-of-body we have absolutely NO fears about pain or dying etc. It's only when we get back into a body/incarnation that 'we' go......what was I thinking!? :wink: I also like that you hinted that this past live could have been an actual physical one, or that you could have been there and 'lived' through the horrible event but without a physical body! Wise you again. :) I too remember 'lives' or incarnations that were not physical and on Earth. They were lives between physical lives and they're just as important. They all are important.

Again thank you so much for going a bit off topic because sometimes that's the only way we're going to get to what's needed at that time! You're contributing far more than you or I realize. Isn't that great? Oh ..... I think I forgot to log in twice, so I'll add now that this is Lapis. :)

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
And that is exactly how we usually remember a past life!!! Well done A.M. Yes, when you reconnect with one of them, and usually it's a highly unpleasant or traumatic part of or instantly know there is a direct connection. We usually remember these type of extremely traumatic ones first. Thanks so much for sharing this life with us here.

No, I believe I have to thank you first...for being courageous enough to stress using our intuition to recall "past lives" even when you knew it would not be a popular idea. I was a bit frustrated by this at first, I admit...I tend to be a person who prefers clear-cut descriptions and instructions to follow (Virgo South Node, maybe?)...but your posts triggered something inside me and now I feel oddly liberated, vindicated even.

And also, I'm beginning to doesn't really matter who we were in a "past life;" I believe we are experiencing all of these lifetimes, simultaneously--and all of it is just the culmination of who we are...right now!

Wow, that was intense...must take a deep breath. :idea:

It's funny because the only reason I knew what you were talking about was because I too saw that TV show! I watched with interest from the standpoint of a psychic to see how and what that man 'picked up' psychically from those different places. I was comparing! The fact that you were IMO, one of those young women that worked and died there........amazing. Do you have any problems with fire now? It sounds like you've integrated all this however. Again, very well done you!

Wow, that's awesome. Interesting enough, I actually don't have any exagerated fear of fire now...but the idea of locked inside that building with the smoke, the flames...feeling trapped, knowing I'm going to die...that terrifies me. Not to the point that I won't go near a stove or light a pair of matches in this current incarnation, though.

It's amazing but from this higher perspective we do feel so passionately about our 'lives and deaths' and like you said, not from a point of fear, but one of pride. While out-of-body we have absolutely NO fears about pain or dying etc. It's only when we get back into a body/incarnation that 'we' go......what was I thinking!? I also like that you hinted that this past live could have been an actual physical one, or that you could have been there and 'lived' through the horrible event but without a physical body! Wise you again. I too remember 'lives' or incarnations that were not physical and on Earth. They were lives between physical lives and they're just as important. They all are important.

Yes, exactly! Well said, indeed! I do not recall feeling an ounce of fear or even sadness in meeting such a tragic end. My tears were tears of joy! To experience this lifetime--any lifetime--as a human being is a tremendous gift! Too bad we can't retain this beautiful perspective as clearly while we experience lifetimes on the "other side of the veil"...and I am not refering to Heaven, the Source, etc. as this "other side", but our familiar earthly plane of polarity and illusion...yet I suppose all of this is appropriate and even necessary for our test, whatever it may be.

Again thank you so much for going a bit off topic because sometimes that's the only way we're going to get to what's needed at that time! You're contributing far more than you or I realize. Isn't that great? Oh ..... I think I forgot to log in twice, so I'll add now that this is Lapis.

I agree...and yes, this is wonderful! What a feeling, to experience such a deep connection and to share it with others! This is our true purpose here, I believe :D

Aquarian Maverick


Well-known member
Hi All

Thanks for the information here, I'll get down to absorbing it fully soon!

Lapis: thanks for writing the answer to the question I was dithering over! Just as I 'found' a book on the subject ( I buy books by the bagfull and then loose them :oops: ), you come up with the answers!

Can we come straight back? Pick the next available flight back here, as it were? Especially if we went prematurely last time?

Putting it back on an astrological angle - if we can find our ancestors in our chart, how far back can we go? Or is this something I am imagining? Are ancestors past lives?

Sorry for all the questions, these posts have resonated and have raised all sorts!


I'm beginning to doesn't really matter who we were in a "past life;" I believe we are experiencing all of these lifetimes, simultaneously--and all of it is just the culmination of who we are...right now!

Exactly! :D I totally agree with you.

Still, its interesting to wonder, though. Maybe that's ny neptune conj my ASC from the 12th?

Take care, everyone


Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Thanks for the information here, I'll get down to absorbing it fully soon!

I don't think I've even absorbed it fully yet...and I was the one who had the experience! :wink:

Sorry for all the questions, these posts have resonated and have raised all sorts!

Don't be sorry, this is a wonderful thing! It is only when we stop asking questions will we truly be defeated...

Aquarian Maverick


Well-known member
Aquarian Maverick,

I too have my North Node in Pisces/South in Virgo, so I think that for you and I, we have to learn how to balance these 2 extremes this time around. I too like viewing big portions of 'reality' through my Virgo S. Node lens. It's easy, tidy, and comforting actually. Manageble is the word I'm looking for!!!. It's scary sliding over into the Pisces side and releasing all that Virgonian teeth clenching lazer like float free in that massive Ocean of Awareness....and just trust. :| But there it is!

Because of this, and other things, I keep reminding folks (even though they don't usually want to hear it :wink: ), that we're so much more than just "one trick ponies". This is the beginning of functioning with the new Aquarian Age energies and consciousness IMO.

And, you are so right about remembering some of our past lives. Doing so isn't the main reason for trying to remember them, even tho it's highly interesting and helpful! Expanding our minds, our sense of what we think of as 'ourselves' is. Relearning how to do this is. This to me is what all "Esoteric" work or studying is really all about. Not soley what hidden treasures we unearth in the process, but that we consciously expand our limited awareness and become more of what we each are. And yes, I too believe that all time is simultaneous. I've gotten to experience this a couple of times and it was amazing and wonderful.

I want to thank you again for such an enjoyable Piscean side of the fence type discussion. :wink: We both did well leaving our Virgo South Nodes behind for a bit and swimming in the larger pool. Surfs up!

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Because of this, and other things, I keep reminding folks (even though they don't usually want to hear it ), that we're so much more than just "one trick ponies".

That vivid expression made me laugh, but the idea behind it is so true. For the longest time, I did not value myself as a person (in fact, I'm still struggling with that)...not only did I detest any imperfections I displayed, I actually berated and punished myself for them. My family and others who cared about me told me this was part of being human, that I was not a machine and simply could not possibly be the best at every endeavor--even the ones I focused exclusively on. I considered myself a "one trick pony," only as valuable as my next academic achievement. This was my raison d'etre, an extreme yet typical Virgo South Node way of existing. Without my perfect grades (I actually cried over an A sometimes)--I was nothing.

It's scary sliding over into the Pisces side and releasing all that Virgonian teeth clenching lazer like float free in that massive Ocean of Awareness....and just trust. But there it is!

Yes, it certainly others here have interpreted my Pluto apex yod, control is extremely important to me. This coupled with my Aries stellium (need to be #1) and my Virgo South node, sprinkled with a stellium of planets hovering in or around the 12th house...well, when I inevitably exhausted my reserve of that legendary Aries energy (and it took many, many years :wink: ), I fell into extreme despair. I had a true Balsamic Moon experience...I was forced to let go, and this turned out to be the greatest thing I ever did.

I want to thank you again for such an enjoyable Piscean side of the fence type discussion. We both did well leaving our Virgo South Nodes behind for a bit and swimming in the larger pool. Surfs up!

You have no idea how much this means coming from you...thank you.

Aquarian Maverick


Well-known member
hel141 said:
Hi All

Can we come straight back? Pick the next available flight back here, as it were? Especially if we went prematurely last time?

Putting it back on an astrological angle - if we can find our ancestors in our chart, how far back can we go? Or is this something I am imagining? Are ancestors past lives?



Hi you, so glad to hear from you again. New Rule starting now OK? You no longer need to apologize for anything! I know we females carry this feeling like we're the reason things go wrong and we must apologize repeatedly for just about everything........BUT WE DON'T!!! OK, end of mini lecture. I've many times heard angels and other higher dimensional beings telepath to me, to humanity......"We can't wait for you to remember how great you REALLY are!" :D

About the reincarnating back again very quickly. Yes in many situations this is the case. The Higher Self feels that, because of numerous different things like current astrological planetary positions, that this aspect of Itself can greatly benefit (and not be harmed in any way) by sort of turning right around and reincarnating again for another go at it. AND, taking this one more step, sometimes and usually at one or more of the major life transits (Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition, Chiron Return etc.) more of 'us' will enter or be added on to ourselves during these powerful transits, IF we've done the previous work and then this increasing of ourselves won't harm us in any way. We literally add on more of ourselves to our incarnated selves during these intense transits!

Personally I feel that there's been a lot of this turn-around reincarnating happening over the past 100+ years or so because of the countdown to the 2012 Mayan Calendar cycle end. Like Aquarian Maverick said, each one of us are lucky and highly qualified to be incarnate now, to attempt this "Harvest" to another level of learning. We've earned the right to be on Earth now at this time and go for the gold! :wink:

As far as locating our ancestors in our natal charts, I don't know. This is a totally new concept to me. Hopefully someone else will add their knowledge about this issue. Of course in this life, genetically, we always have direct access to all of our family line right in our physical genes. I'd think that with this alone we could access, like a library, all sorts of amazing things right through these current bodies!? Karmically we've been working, healing, much of not only our own 'stuff' but also the ignored 'stuff' throughout our genetic line! I feel this in so many ways now.

I think I'm going to start a new thread elsewhere for all the Metaphysical questions and answers that stray outside the borders of Astrology. That way at least there will be a place to talk about all sorts of things too. :)

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Hi you, so glad to hear from you again. New Rule starting now OK? You no longer need to apologize for anything! I know we females carry this feeling like we're the reason things go wrong and we must apologize repeatedly for just about everything........BUT WE DON'T!!!

Great rule, Lapis! Now if only we can all remember to follow it :D

I've many times heard angels and other higher dimensional beings telepath to me, to humanity......"We can't wait for you to remember how great you REALLY are!"

This sounds very familiar...have you ever heard of the Kryon channelings before?

AND, taking this one more step, sometimes and usually at one or more of the major life transits (Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition, Chiron Return etc.) more of 'us' will enter or be added on to ourselves during these powerful transits, IF we've done the previous work and then this increasing of ourselves won't harm us in any way. We literally add on more of ourselves to our incarnated selves during these intense transits!

Yes, I've heard of this before...but it seems strange that I may only have 2/3 or so of my soul now :?

I think I'm going to start a new thread elsewhere for all the Metaphysical questions and answers that stray outside the borders of Astrology. That way at least there will be a place to talk about all sorts of things too.

Excellent...can't wait to check it out!

Aquarian Maverick