CLONES!! :) same influences by the cosmos¿?¿


Active member
Can somebody please enlighten me about this?

in the future... IF you started cloning ourselves or at least other animals...

having into account that two people may have exactly the same genetics but two different life natures... to put it that way...

how differently would celestial procceses affect them'?


Staff member
Clones would likely have different places of birth, as well as different birth dates. That would give them entirely different birth charts, not just the small differences that twins have in their charts... and even twins have different birth charts from each other.

Anyone here besides me an Orphan Black fan? Case in point: all the clones are very, very different people. Even the two who are twins as well as clones (names unmentioned so as not to throw in a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the show yet!).