New, could use some insight.


Aug I2, 198O, 2:45p, FLlnt, Ml...

My world has been shaken up recently, in a seemingly positive way. should I continue down this new path? How to proceed? Also, I am trying to figure out my level of intuition... Hard to find feedback on that. Not sure how confident I should be in my hunches. Can my stars show things of this nature?
any help is appreciated. I apologize for not posting my chart, this is a new tablet and it confuses me
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Something's wrong. I tried April 12, but the result did not match yours. I tried April 2, but it didn't work. You show I, as in the letter "I", followed by 2. This is confused.


Well-known member
Something's wrong. I tried April 12, but the result did not match yours.

I tried April 2, but it didn't work.

You show I, as in the letter "I", followed by 2. This is confused.
AUGUST :smile:

Aug I2, 198O, 2:45p, FLlnt, Ml...

My world has been shaken up recently, in a seemingly positive way. should I continue down this new path? How to proceed? Also, I am trying to figure out my level of intuition... Hard to find feedback on that. Not sure how confident I should be in my hunches. Can my stars show things of this nature?
any help is appreciated. I apologize for not posting my chart, this is a new tablet and it confuses me


Well-known member
Day chart
so Sun is sect leader, Jupiter and Saturn are co-sectarians :smile:

Mercury rises before Sun and so is a Morning Star
Mercury then is also co-sectarian

with diurnal planets Sun, Jupiter and Saturn


Transiting Saturn and Pluto moved to conjunction as they squared you natal Mars/Pluto conjunction. Solar arc Moon was on the n.Mars/Pluto conjunction and square to the t.Pluto(Saturn) conjunction. That is jarring and transformative. Looks like a metaphysical trial. Transformation in a very uncomfortable way.

It is hard to pinpoint a vocation or avocation. Uranus on Ascendant and Moon on Mc. Sometimes this might be a chef or a cook. It may be dealing with domestic goods or real estate. Your early family life was somewhat difficult, and you may need to deal with and overcome that in adulthood.

The Minor Grand Trine in your natal chart is definitely suggestive of paranorma gifts. Sun/Pluto(Mars)/Neptune, all quite close. You may feel that you don't have a clue about your direction in life or the meaning of your life. That is a common source of confusion with this, but it is just as likely for paranormal interests and gifts to appear. I think your paranormal tendencies will mature as you pursue them. Using a prop or a stimulus could help. Others have increased their intuition by practicing tarot.

You have charisma. You are very eccentric and maybe a little wild.

You might read One Last Time by John Edward.
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Thank you very much. Pretty accurate. What would you call paranormal? Any idea of how to get past this uncomfortable place? Much appreciated!

Transiting Saturn and Pluto moved to conjunction as they squared you natal Mars/Pluto conjunction. Solar arc Moon was on the n.Mars/Pluto conjunction and square to the t.Pluto(Saturn) conjunction. That is jarring and transformative. Looks like a metaphysical trial. Transformation in a very uncomfortable way.

It is hard to pinpoint a vocation or avocation. Uranus on Ascendant and Moon on Mc. Sometimes this might be a chef or a cook. It may be dealing with domestic goods or real estate. Your early family life was somewhat difficult, and you may need to deal with and overcome that in adulthood.

The Minor Grand Trine in your natal chart is definitely suggestive of paranorma gifts. Sun/Pluto(Mars)/Neptune, all quite close. You may feel that you don't have a clue about your direction in life or the meaning of your life. That is a common source of confusion with this, but it is just as likely for paranormal interests and gifts to appear. I think your paranormal tendencies will mature as you pursue them. Using a prop or a stimulus could help. Others have increased their intuition by practicing tarot.

You have charisma. You are very eccentric and maybe a little wild.

You might read One Last Time by John Edward.


Hi sky garden.
Your sun is conjunct the node and Uranus is conjunct your ascendant and square to your sun/node.
First off the sun/node is a aspect that shows you have psychic/etheric energies running through you. This usually shows that your life has had unusual or “paranormal “ occurrences. It makes your aura very strong, so you affect others in non physical ways. Others can “feel” you and vice versa. I would think that others have commented on something about you that is other worldly. The node gives a “magic” to times your environment /reality can seem to have a beat or rhythm of it’s own.
Uranus on the ascendant shows you are very outspoken and almost radical. You are very independent and impatience. This gives you psychic/astral sensitivities/abilities. With Uranus on your ascendant , dreams are very important iny our life. You have vivid dreams and likely flying dreams which are forms of astral projection. ypur dreams can be very life like and ofte are prophetic in nature.

With Uranus square your sun and node ,your life is condition by unexpected changes. It seem that every 4-5 years, major upheavals or abrupt changes occur around you.

You have a very favorable pattern with your mars/pluto/Lilith stellium sextile to the node and sun and mars/pluto sextile to Neptune.
Keeping with your psychic potential, this is a very strong healing pattern. It can give you psychic healing abilities, but whatever you are going to find through your life you have drawn individuals who needed some form of healing from you. This pattern gives you vitality and also gives a sense of unusual or altered realities about you. this pattern is characterized by success and stability, so it is interesting that Uranus is square the sun/node which is so very “radical” and changing. You have two sides here. One dynamic and changing and the other soothing ,steady and healing.

Chiron is opposed to Uranus and also square to the sun/node conjunction. This adds to your “abrupt “nature, individualistic personality and adds a a sharpness to your intellect. Uranus is an aspect great insight and intelligence and with chiron your analytical and critical faculties are sharp add intense .these symbols give a strong deductive personality. Chiron adds a very inquisitive aspect to your mind. You enjoy understanding how people work or anything situation for that matter. In relationships you seek understand the other’s every thought , idea and emotional response. You intensity in your pursuit of understanding can wear people out because it is as fit the more you now the more you want to know.
Your chiron/sun-node midpoint is conjunct to your venus/vertex conjunction and your Uranus/sun-node midpoint is square to your venus/vertex conjunction.

This is a almost impossible emotional aspect t bear because the vertex/venus gives you a emotional/physical radiance that awes and stuns others. With the midpoints involved, you have been subject to sudden attractions and always have many suitors trying you be with you. But the nature of Uranus is that lasting emotional; relationships have been elusive as your love life is like a comet, brilliant attraction over whelming sexual and emotional attraction that can end as suddenly as it began. this can be all the more painful because your Venus is conjunct to ceres which show when in love ,you are devoted ,supportive and nurturing . this ads to your healing abilities and so when a relationship turns out to be transient or simply physical, you inner qualities can bring a sense of dejection.
I must say that you chart/life is very “supernatural. Buy that I mean the changes and situation in your life are not ones that are commonly experienced and that very few others could understand. Venus conjunct the vertex does not just show your emotional expansiveness, but it shows that relationship have been a part of greater otherworldly experiences. It is as if very seeming ordinary interaction, is in fact reflected of some destiny or karmic influence that united or caused the interaction with others in your life. These other worldly influences are such that very few people could understand what you have experience or what you continue to experience. It is as if your life .
You also have your mars/pluto conjunct with Lilith. This is another energy axis such as the node and vertex are. So your soul is subject to the seminal energies of the “universe”. You are extremely buffeted by”karmic/etheric forces so that if you try to evaluate your life and desires, you will always miss something because no psychological system passed down that can fully explain the seminal forces that affect you.

Mars and pluto with Lilith suggest that your life is very much a reflection of past lives so that very mundane experiences, no matter how simple, are lessons to your soul of experiences learned from another life.
Forgive me for not staying on more readily understood astrological analysis, but you chart sis quite unusual.


Thanks you. I am super impressed with astrology right now... I'm looking forward to learning much more. I appreciate your insight :). I'm eager to learn how to better understand myself and others.

Hi sky garden.
Your sun is conjunct the node and Uranus is conjunct your ascendant and square to your sun/node.
First off the sun/node is a aspect that shows you have psychic/etheric energies running through you. This usually shows that your life has had unusual or “paranormal “ occurrences. It makes your aura very strong, so you affect others in non physical ways. Others can “feel” you and vice versa. I would think that others have commented on something about you that is other worldly. The node gives a “magic” to times your environment /reality can seem to have a beat or rhythm of it’s own.
Uranus on the ascendant shows you are very outspoken and almost radical. You are very independent and impatience. This gives you psychic/astral sensitivities/abilities. With Uranus on your ascendant , dreams are very important iny our life. You have vivid dreams and likely flying dreams which are forms of astral projection. ypur dreams can be very life like and ofte are prophetic in nature.

With Uranus square your sun and node ,your life is condition by unexpected changes. It seem that every 4-5 years, major upheavals or abrupt changes occur around you.

You have a very favorable pattern with your mars/pluto/Lilith stellium sextile to the node and sun and mars/pluto sextile to Neptune.
Keeping with your psychic potential, this is a very strong healing pattern. It can give you psychic healing abilities, but whatever you are going to find through your life you have drawn individuals who needed some form of healing from you. This pattern gives you vitality and also gives a sense of unusual or altered realities about you. this pattern is characterized by success and stability, so it is interesting that Uranus is square the sun/node which is so very “radical” and changing. You have two sides here. One dynamic and changing and the other soothing ,steady and healing.

Chiron is opposed to Uranus and also square to the sun/node conjunction. This adds to your “abrupt “nature, individualistic personality and adds a a sharpness to your intellect. Uranus is an aspect great insight and intelligence and with chiron your analytical and critical faculties are sharp add intense .these symbols give a strong deductive personality. Chiron adds a very inquisitive aspect to your mind. You enjoy understanding how people work or anything situation for that matter. In relationships you seek understand the other’s every thought , idea and emotional response. You intensity in your pursuit of understanding can wear people out because it is as fit the more you now the more you want to know.
Your chiron/sun-node midpoint is conjunct to your venus/vertex conjunction and your Uranus/sun-node midpoint is square to your venus/vertex conjunction.

This is a almost impossible emotional aspect t bear because the vertex/venus gives you a emotional/physical radiance that awes and stuns others. With the midpoints involved, you have been subject to sudden attractions and always have many suitors trying you be with you. But the nature of Uranus is that lasting emotional; relationships have been elusive as your love life is like a comet, brilliant attraction over whelming sexual and emotional attraction that can end as suddenly as it began. this can be all the more painful because your Venus is conjunct to ceres which show when in love ,you are devoted ,supportive and nurturing . this ads to your healing abilities and so when a relationship turns out to be transient or simply physical, you inner qualities can bring a sense of dejection.
I must say that you chart/life is very “supernatural. Buy that I mean the changes and situation in your life are not ones that are commonly experienced and that very few others could understand. Venus conjunct the vertex does not just show your emotional expansiveness, but it shows that relationship have been a part of greater otherworldly experiences. It is as if very seeming ordinary interaction, is in fact reflected of some destiny or karmic influence that united or caused the interaction with others in your life. These other worldly influences are such that very few people could understand what you have experience or what you continue to experience. It is as if your life .
You also have your mars/pluto conjunct with Lilith. This is another energy axis such as the node and vertex are. So your soul is subject to the seminal energies of the “universe”. You are extremely buffeted by”karmic/etheric forces so that if you try to evaluate your life and desires, you will always miss something because no psychological system passed down that can fully explain the seminal forces that affect you.

Mars and pluto with Lilith suggest that your life is very much a reflection of past lives so that very mundane experiences, no matter how simple, are lessons to your soul of experiences learned from another life.
Forgive me for not staying on more readily understood astrological analysis, but you chart sis quite unusual.


Thank you very much. Pretty accurate. What would you call paranormal? Any idea of how to get past this uncomfortable place? Much appreciated!

Both Saturn and Pluto will dance back and forth for the next year at least, so there will be some relief followed by more waves.

You might experience suicidal thoughts and thoughts of intense hatred and hostility.

It fades out finally in December of this year. Not all waves will be as intense, but by next year the waves will be gone.

This is a rare combination, and it is temporary. You might seek therapy.

Psychic gifts take many forms; that's why I recommended a book by a famous psychic. Mediumship seems likely. Some people have pictures in their mind; others have sounds and voices; others have a feeling when they touch something significant; others have an inner knowing, a hunch.
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You have Venus sextile Mc which can indicate a career in art perhaps music.

Moon conjunct Jupiter is often very successful and popular. You could become abundant with much notoriety. You can be very good-natured and empathic.
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