Is there anything that "sticks out" in my chart that you think I must pay attention


Is there anything that "sticks out" in my chart that you think I must pay attention

Hello dear ones. I would like to know if anything "sticks out" in my chart that I may need to pay attention to. All comments of any nature welcome. Thank you friends


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Re: Is there anything that "sticks out" in my chart that you think I must pay attenti

Jupiter stands out as handle planet of a bucket pattern.

All planets below the horizon are in retrograde motion.

There is a light preponderance of the Cardinal quality (5 planets); involved planets are also angular...strong angularity.

Aries-Capricorn square, involves 7-10. Venus squares the Partile Uranus-Neptune conjunction. Sun in sign of exaltation, in "the good daemon".

And the Moon-Pluto/Saturn complex, Fixed signs. Chart's closest square, within degree. Both Scorpio and 8th house involvement. Moon is in her fall, Saturn in domicile, and Pluto in his sign of affinity; the malefics hold greater essential dignity than Moon.

And of course the Cancer Ascendant governed by the Moon-Pluto pairing in Scorpio 5th.

Mars in Pisces 9th is most strongly angular.
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