ISIS and the present world national Charts

I have been doing some indepth research into what this new insurgent movement is doing.

ISIS Chart-Founded Saudi Chart
Nick Champion Chart Jan.15,1902
37:10e 36:12n Asc=21:25 Can

I am not an extremist nor do I usually follow these movements ,but I as shocked to find out that at present we are experiencing astro alignments which have not been active since the time if Hitler taking power.

Firstly there is at present the Ur/Pl square occurring and following on it's heels shall be what I describe as the Oil Aspect esp. when using the Progresed and transit charts imposed over the Saudi Arabian chart for 1902 which seems to be reliable. In the Saudi the progressed chart Mars shall be Ingressing into the 4th with Saturn conjunct Pluto in the near future.

The following are from my notes and letters written to a close friend who studies other mystical disciplines.

The following are the dates of the EXACT Square bet. Uranus and Pluto.

Some have already occured:The folloing has comments made about the Degrees Concerned and is only for study.Don't read into it although a few of the descriptions seem to relate for my theory like the
16th Degree of Capricorn description.
"School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits"It sounds to me like the marches through the streets ISIS have displaying their extremist warriors.

5-20-13 11 Deg. Aires Uranus\ Pluto Capricorn
Aries 12: A flock of wild geese.A soul as yet socially immature and unadjusted; not come down to full and steady concrete expression. Self-discovery.
Capricorn 12:A student of nature lecturing revealing little-known aspects of life.Piercing through appearances; disclosing the magic splendor of the core of things. A universal living touch. Keen vision.

11-1-13 9 Deg.
Aries 10: A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional meanings.Deep understanding, beyond normal means. Abstract seership, integrating the inner and the outer. Interpretative gift.

Capricorn 10:An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.Overcoming of instinctive fears through gentle persuasion. Kindly conquest. Culture of spiritual values. Harmlessness.

4-21-14 13 Deg.
Aries 14: A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.Power of higher wisdom manifest in the bi-polar nature. Protection by the higher genius of Self. Fulfillment in truth.

Capricorn 14:An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture.

Still to happen:
**12-14-14: 12 Deg.
This is the next Exact Square aspect.And I had not seen the preceding one that I mention next and which shall be the last Exact to happen.
Capricorn 13:A fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.Firm establishment upon immemorial principles. Consciousness of absolute unity. Depth of soul-penetration. Self-conquest.

**3-16-15 15 Deg.
This is the last time that these shall be in exact Square aspect .I had thought it was this yr.,but no it
shall occur this coming March.
Aries 16: Brightly clad brownies dancing in the warm dying light.Relationship between conscious and unconscious sides of life. Invisible assistance often entailing obligation to outer forces.

**Capricorn 16:School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits.Normal dependence upon physical stimulation. Robust enthusiasm in approaching life's contests; or immature impulsiveness.

1-27-16: Uranus @ 17:01 Deg Aries\Pluto @ 15:58 Deg. Capricorn
Aries 18: An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.Rest after some notable achievement. Capacity for consciousness after the act, for reaping fruits of activity. Detachment.

Capricorn 16:School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits.Normal dependence upon physical stimulation. Robust enthusiasm in approaching life's contests; or immature impulsiveness.

The Orb of the last close aspect shall be 1Deg. 2min. from forming another exact Square before it starts moving to a wider Square aspect separating from the Exact Degree of the Square point forming again.

It is important to take note of what happens on the dates of the Exact Aspects which should be studied as those dates shall reveal much of what is going to occur in the future. It will not stand out as being of great consequence until later much the way it was when Hitler took power and the world thought itself to be isolated from the events happening in Germany at that time. Another way it works is the events might be setoff from a huge turning point happening. In astrology they call these points as "TRIGGER POINTs" and it is hard for me to see truly what the expression shall be of the exact point is.

The OIL Aspect--Religious Chart
OIL is ruled by Neptune and this coming November 2016 there shall be a SQUARE aspect Neptune Sq. Saturn. Now I have to look into that aspect to see what happens. One thing I assure you is that Gas and Oil prices shall Spike!

These heavy weights shall be pulling everyone down during their Restrictive aspect pattern coming up. This also plays into the drama of the MidEast crisis. Everything points to the coming of the Anti-X .Maybe it shall signal the deadly consequences that is told about what is going to occur to Saudi .If the Oil Fields are marked targets and ISIS has the capability to launch Scud Missles to them along with insurgents hitting them then I think we are in for the coming of the Lord!
To note also when Saturn Ingresses into Sag it usually signals the questioning of Religious values such as when it did previously when Bin Laden took the world stage. There is always an adjustment period which is hard to digest when an Ingress happens as though there is a shocking period which the world goes through and needs to adjust to. Especially when the Heavy outer planets are involved.
In the coming time we shall be dealing with some powerful alignments to go along with the Saturn Ingress is another point to look at.
Saturn rules the Saudi chart which has many upcoming aspects in play.
ISIS Charts-There are charts relating to ISIS which have been drawn up,but as to reliability who knows and their leader does not have a chart as yet.

Saturn Square Neptune--Sag to Pisces
11-25-15 7 Deg.Sag-Pi Both Direct
6-17-16 12 Deg.Sag-Pi Both Rx
9-12-16 10 Deg.Sag-Pi Neptune Rx

The last time this occurred Bin Laden took the world stage and it makes peoples to take a strong look at
what their Political\Religious positions truly are. When it Ingresses into Sag there is a time of Adjustment which has to be made .What we can expect this time is dealing with ISIS and the Saudi Kingdom. ISIS shall make life for Saudi quite difficult as it shows in the Saudi Progressed chart.
Sadly I believe it shall mark a period which America must act and quickly. If we allow this to get out of hand we shall pay an even larger debt to those we support. "Sag and Pisces\Ne Oil& Philosophical Outlooks"these are the signs which shall be activated through this Square aspect.
Look at the charts of when WWII began and this period coming. Then ,1933,it was a Square Sa\Pl this time Sa/Ne are a call to action and adjustment.It takes sometime to adjust to the new outlooks of other peoples. In this case ISIS and even driving them out of Iraq shall not be enough as this group shall force change even though they are not a big force in numbers. Others will take up their cause.

In WWII the Nazi's took power through the Bankers and a lame politicians(Hindenburg) and were not the Majority.They forced their philosophy upon others.This time it shall be forcing others to take on their Religious views not through a Majority also. The naming of the Caliphate shall signal the Power struggle and he shall take his seat of power in Turkey which is the seat vacated by the Ottoman Empire, dissolved after WWI.
We are living in hard times and we shall not be able to control this Leader same as was thought during Hitler's taking power when it was thought they could control him.
Even the Politicians are starting to talk about this as being like the leadership as was seen prior to WWII. These Leaders can not be trusted as doing the positive. They shall force their rule over others by Murder and Fear.

The following I wrote to a dear friend :
What I did was a bunch of detailed research involving using MUNDANE Astrology which is the study of Countries. Nick Champion who is a Historian and noted Astrologer created Charts using their Birth Of A Nation down to the Minute which can be faulty at best. I think the charts used are pretty reliable such as Israel's and the Saudi Chart.
I used the chart of Saudi Arabia then imposed the times that the Square aspect of Saturn to Neptune to see what might be going on. If I had allot of $$ I would be putting it all into Oil in the coming year I will say that much.

Next up is to find a reliable chart for OPEC.

We are already witnessing the Outer Planet aspect which forced Hitler to power and under the present Ur/Pl aspect we are starting to witness the rise to power of the Caliphate whoever he shall be IMO.
al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and To them, its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is confronting the apostates and building the Caliphate, while al-Zawahiri talks.
The writing is on the wall IMO.

If you can use the Saudi chart as any study for the next climatic event in the region then Oil shall be effected.

Fault of not taking appropriate action to counter what is occurring can be laid upon the Obama Administration as he has not prepared for this time. He has even fired 9 senior Generals in the past year and I have to wonder where his heart and mind are in this time. I also pray that whoever takes office next is more decisive to take action along with being stronger in standing up to the other world leaders such as Putin.
Usually think tanks are created to counter any situations which crop up.The Obama admin has dropped the ball on being prepared for what was to come mainly ISIS and others taking power. Those I know I feel empathy for as they must be wondering what they sacrificed their blood for? Everything north of Baghdad has been taken. Christians and Muslem's alike are being persecuted.
If we are not willing to stay for 30yrs. don't come was the msg. given to the Marine forces in Lebanon in 1983 and that statement still rings true. We did not support the political gov't in Baghdad and are seeing the consequences now.

Read the Charts to see what I am writing is true and I wanted to post this so there is no question about there not being a forewarning. We took the Bathist leadership down and dismissed any who were associated to the Saddam regime.Nice going Amb.Bremmer. He created a whole army of leadership to wait for the right time to fight. Guess what those Generals are now
creating Havoc for the Iraqi gov't.. The same Generals and guess what we even left the weaponry for them to use against us.Even Missiles capable of killing 1000's. Whole fleets of Tanks and Humvee's plus other equiptment. We can damage the ISIS regime,but I think they shall only become stronger. There shall be 2 to step up to the one we eliminate as they shall force people to fight or else die by beheading and crucifixion or other forms of capital punishment.

Lastly, we should create and should have created a 3 tier zone outside each if the Major cities in No. Iraq. Each Zone would be protective layers until you reached the inner one which the U.S. and it's allies reside. These are what are called Forts and Outpost in a way like what the French Foreign Legion had but much more insulated and launch Drones and other operative's into the mist of the cities we had sworn to protect.
When it is noted that a terror cell or party was creating havoc then the Iraqi army be activated by their encampment outside our Fortresses to take care of the threat using their forces along with Rocket Drone's and Special operatives.
Instead of supporting the Iraqi Gov't we just got up and left with the Maliki gov't left to capitulate. Now we are left with a situation where ISIS is really dictating what is going on.

That is my opinion and I did serve my country and know more then I can disclose here. The charts speak for themselves if you take the time to look.
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Well-known member
So Turkey's role is getting bigger and bigger in this ISIS-"Job". What exactly is awaiting them, what do you think? What do you think of the influences of coming eclipses? We're in a mercury shadow phase now, are Turks going to promise more than they can keep?


Well-known member
Excellent predictions, what are your observations on the current leadership by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

And on what side of this conflict will the "Anti-X" arise? Will it certainly be ISIS?

Is Abu Bakr a candidate for this Anti-X?

What do you think of Raghad Hussein's endorsement of ISIS?
So Turkey's role is getting bigger and bigger in this ISIS-"Job". What exactly is awaiting them, what do you think? What do you think of the influences of coming eclipses? We're in a mercury shadow phase now, are Turks going to promise more than they can keep?

Welcome Glinda!
I have taken a look at the charts of all the countries involved including Turkey which shall be the place that the so-called Calipath shall seat himself in order to control 1.6Bil. Islamist,but the numbers shall not be no where near what they actually rule.

Take a look at the Alignment which occurred when Hitler took power and how he assumed that power. It shall be a pseudo seat of power whereas it shall not be taken seriously and the world shall think it is nothing of importance,but it shall come to be.

The Main countries to be of note are Iran,Iraq,Syria,Turkey as they all will unwillingly play a small part ,but when the whole is taken onto context it will be great.

Iran shall be of great importance as they shall use their Nuke capability against Saudi Arabia and Israel. The new Calipath shall seat himself in Constanopole

From bible prophecy we know that Damascus shall be laid waste and Saudi shall be afflames due to their having the wealth of Oil and where Medina sits.

In the coming yrs. the most important alignment to come is the Ingress of Saturn into Sag which shall shake up the belief system even more than it is at present. At present what we are seeing the jockeying for the power with Iran snaking it's influence saying their Nuke capability means noting.IT MEANS EVERYTHING! They need not have Nuke power as they sit on the 3rd largest reserve in the world of Oil and it is they who really have pused for the Capipath to come.The 12th Iman philos..

I am SHOCKED that no one is paying attention to these developments. ISIS was the signaling of what is happening or shall come to happen as the splinter groups since Al Qaeda has been promoting the 12thIman/Calipath debacle.
TURKEY 1st-7th House activation
SYRIA 7th House Uranus activation
SAUDI ARABIA-Progressed 4th Mars (Fire)

To add to all that Russia and China are actively posting units into the area's.

There are many factors going on and to exact a time for differing prophecies to be at work if quite difficult ,but we should fear that what started back in 48 with Israel is starting to unfold and through only praer and awareness can the worst be averted.

The Sa-Sag Ingress and Sa/Ne Sq. along with the last Ur/Pl Sq. all points to Power Seekers and Oil and Belief systems being challenged.
I say seek out the past and what had been said as it all seems to correlate with what occurs now. Know the Days of the tribulation are upon us with the hope that we can through awareness hold back and be not deceived by those plotting for power through hateful means ,

Lastly look at the signs involved,They are heavily involved with Philos./Relig.Sag-Pi and Power /War Cap and Aries.

Be on your guard and spread this msg. that it is time to seriously take sides against the false religions when they are trying to make believers. And be greatful that being an astrologer the signs foretold about are there easily read and explained.

Pray that we as humanity can overcome the evil which pervades the Middle East as of this time when 11yr. old children chant their conviction to die for a lie!
Excellent predictions, what are your observations on the current leadership by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?

And on what side of this conflict will the "Anti-X" arise? Will it certainly be ISIS?

Is Abu Bakr a candidate for this Anti-X?

What do you think of Raghad Hussein's endorsement of ISIS?

Thanks for chiming in!

There have been many to claim the title and we just have to wait as to see which comes to power. OF what I have been reading is that this person shall take power and seat in Constansonople(?) .From there he shall force the use of Missiles to destroy the Oil Fields in Saudi and the only nation close to having that capability is Iran. Seeing that ISIS has some scuds of dubious condition they might be capable also.

If you look at the Saudi chart the progressed chart shows Mars ingressing into the 4th in Taurus which to me means Fire to Lands. This could easily be done also by Insurgents as Saddam set the Oil Fields of Kuwait alight when he left there during the first gulf war so it won't be a long shot to see that,but there are a few things that the prophets foretold like Damascus being in rubble and there is the building of the second temple.

I think the war has already begun and we shall next see the Calipath taking up office in Turkey and it need not be some elaborate celebration which I mean parades and the like occurring. This shall be almost clandestine because he shall not have the full following of the Islamic world of 1.6Bil. People. Just as Hitler did those who put him in power shall think they can control him ,but they are or shall be deceiving themselves.

I was shocked when I first read about ISIS and I knew then the Ur/Pl Square was being activated.

WHen counciling people about prophecy I always make certain they understand that what we or whoever envision is different then what actually occurs. But we have the warning and the signs which is more than enough for us to base our theory upon.
With that said I am only speculating on what we are going to witness as this is not from visions ,but putting the pieces together of what is likely to occur from what is occurring. So don't say or allude to my writings as being prophetic .It is based on the signs which were said to occur and which we are now seeing come to pass with each passing day.

One warning we do have using astrology is :
1 The Ur/Pl Square and based on what happened in 1933 shall closely resemble what is going to happen and the last exact aspect taking place in the coming spring.
March 16,2015

2.The Saturn Ingress which forces people to reassess what their religious belief(s) are and this Ingress happens while Ne is in Neptune then starts the Sa/Ne Sq. which there shall be 3 Passes.
Squaring Ne there shall be a very good chance that Oil Prices shall be surpressed and we shall be forced to look for alternative energies weather we like it or not.I have not studied when Mars the planet of both War and Fire shall effect this Aspect and the rest of the Mundane Charts.

We live in troubled times and I hope and pray that we can avert the worst,but Man like always wishes to take the easy way out.

I have not even touched upon the NEW WORLD GOVERMENT which is what the Anti-X shall be pushing to set up.

Be thankful and pray each and everyday for all of us is about all which can be done. Moreover be thankful, you yourself knowing the truth is being told and god is allowing you and us for whatever reason see that his prophets of old are real and quite well be living amongst us and showing us signs which were foretold long ago.

Keep studying and watchful also.

I guess having Jupiter exact Trine and a few other markers are taking action for me.

I hope others read this thread and heed what is written because it is in the stars and need not be looked or thought of as being of prophetic vision on my part.Have those who think themselves Astrologers take note of what is happening and if I am wrong enlighten me as we all can learn from wisdom.

Look and study as many Mundane charts you can.

Lastly I did a search for the things you had mentioned and I would need to research them out,but remember even Saddam thought he was the 12th Iman. The Aythollah(?)Khomeni warned against the teachings if the 12th Iman,but his words are going unheeded.

Best regards!


Well-known member
Thanks for chiming in!
Best regards!

Constantinople. Classical era home of the Vatican. That's a bit of a ways off from the desert though. Tunisia has a strong insurgent presence and I'm sure ISIS is already at work there but once they get into Italy they are messing with the Italian military, police and Swiss guard, they are not just for show. All Swiss Guard are trained counterterrorist operators, though the funny costumes could fool anyone.

Burning the oil fields would cripple a massive portion of the West's oil supply, we aren't completely dependent on Saudi sources (ocean rigs, Alaskan fields and Canadian tar sands, Venezuelan supplies also are a large percentage of our oil) but it's a large portion. It would make sense for ISIS to bombarb artillery captured from Assad, Syria to Saudi Arabia. Assad has a very large amount of fully functional SCUDs, quality Russian rockets. This is why US needs to not make Assad an ally. Better to kill two birds with one stone rather than risk cooperating with him and risk ISIS gaining control of the artillery his forces will keep operational. This could provoke Russia though, which would weaken Russia's ability to focus on counterterrorism in the Balkans, providing ISIS a northern route to Constantinopole. Sticky situation. Seems destiny is favoring the Caliphate in this equation unless US and Russia cooperate fully which doesn't seem likely.

The Damascus prophecy has yet to be fulfilled but it looks to be very close to that. I am sure Bashar is well aware of it but he has proven himself to not be a decadent paper tiger like Qaddafi. I do not think he will surrender Damascus for someone else, if you look at the man it is clear he will die there. I don't think the FSA is going to do it, the Syrian army is not flinching against them or ISIS. Compare the Syrian army to the Iraqis who keep tucking tail and leaving behind US gifts for ISIS, they are a seasoned military, no fly by night operation. It will likely be a nuke that does it. How though, I don't know.

Turkey is falling like a stone in water to political Islam. Arab spring left Turkey politically weak.

Yes the manipulation behind the scenes makes me shake my head, the CIA handlers and their Mujaheddin, just because it worked against the Soviets they have hubris. Mossad's antagonism, their penchant for roleplaying the radical Jihadist is very disturbing and so irresponsible. And of course the myriad of Islamic Socialists looking to their own party goals, or petty regional oligarchs. They all think they can control Islam like a pawn. They cannot control Islam. Only a spiritually strong opposing force can. The US certainly is not this. Russia is actually the stronger candidate with the Russian Orthodoxy and as for whom is a more spiritual leader, Putin far outshines Obama just based on his natal chart propensities.

These are the challenges of Pluto in Capricorn (I'll receive a transit to my natal Neptune conjunct Ascendant through the next year so might not be around for the whole thing).

ISIS is actually older than Al Qaeda and have been kept very quiet for a long time, only now coming to the forefront because Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Osama learned from ISIS and Al Qaeda branched off from them. I have a hunch of who is behind ISIS, truly (not just another "game player" like the CIA) but will hold off on guesses for now.

I understand what you mean about the nature of and intent of prophecy by methodology. Prophetic vision is quite another thing and my own visions have shown nuclear explosions on the Eastern seaboard of the US, I have been having this vision since I was a child and have grown up in New England, the second vision was a dream of being on a sandbar in the Gulf of Oman, watching the full might of the US Navy and Air Force launch an assault on an Islamic force, I turn to the commanding officers and ask "so what happens when the oil runs out?" and they turn pale even in the desert heat. This was years ago, by now the US military fully understands the terrible wager they have entered into by this greed for oil.

Alternative energy to oil has real players right now with Thorium, Hydrogen and Solar Cell, conventional nuclear is always a good standby too.

ISIS wants a Global Caliphate. Sounds like a New World Order to me. No other force in the world is so boldly and openly putting this as their goal. World domination. It is all they talk about! "Islam will dominate the world".

Saddam penned the Koran in his own blood. A very diabolical act, very blasphemous to write the Koran in blood yet destroying it would be just as blasphemous. Imams have headaches over this. He was a very evil man. Ba'ath party Islamic Socialism's practical techniques influences many areas in political Islam. Teachings of the 12th Imam indeed.

I think that unfortunately your predictions may come true.
ZONARK- For all of us I hope and pray that my predictions won't come true.As it is written somewhere mankind does have the ability to change his course.

Since starting this research I have tried to find some sources which make sense. Not all prophecy comes to past and having the research tools which certain scholars have is something I envy,but I found a few Documentary's which are worth of my time. I do not agree with all of it ,but these 2 for the most part hit the mark of reliability. I do not trust much of the middle age prophecy not all of what Edgar Cayce divulged.

Do watch these 2 and the second starts off slow,but gradually you find a wealth of interesting info.

As for your post the assertion I make concerning Costancinople(?) you shall find to make sense. And I have to do more info into the Pope of Rome to see what to believe,but Malachi I the 13th century Seer was quite accurate.

I shall read your post more thoroughly as you make points I was not fully aware of.

You shall see where I got the thinking about the Saudi dilemma also. The astrological finding regarding FIRE in the Oil Fields makes sense using the Progressed chart.
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Constantinople. Classical era home of the Vatican. That's a bit of a ways off from the desert though. Tunisia has a strong insurgent presence and I'm sure ISIS is already at work there but once they get into Italy they are messing with the Italian military, police and Swiss guard, they are not just for show. All Swiss Guard are trained counterterrorist operators, though the funny costumes could fool anyone.

The Constantantinople theory I got from the Documentary I watched which makes allot of sense after viewing of the Doc.. I agree about the ISIS opinion and what they are after. Their mention of or their ranting of "God is Great" is almost the call of the Nazi's always saying Heil Hitler IMO. I did not know about the Swiss Guard.

Burning the oil fields would cripple a massive portion of the West's oil supply, we aren't completely dependent on Saudi sources (ocean rigs, Alaskan fields and Canadian tar sands, Venezuelan supplies also are a large percentage of our oil) but it's a large portion. It would make sense for ISIS to bombarb artillery captured from Assad, Syria to Saudi Arabia. Assad has a very large amount of fully functional SCUDs, quality Russian rockets. This is why US needs to not make Assad an ally. Better to kill two birds with one stone rather than risk cooperating with him and risk ISIS gaining control of the artillery his forces will keep operational. This could provoke Russia though, which would weaken Russia's ability to focus on counterterrorism in the Balkans, providing ISIS a northern route to Constantinopole. Sticky situation. Seems destiny is favoring the Caliphate in this equation unless US and Russia cooperate fully which doesn't seem likely.

If the destruction of the Saudi Oil fields occur it shall put great strain upon not only us ,but the rest of the world. The main benefactors of our taking of the Iraqi Oil lfeolds was China I once read. In the same way shall it cripple the rest of the world drawing all nearer to Nuclear Holocaust.

The Damascus prophecy has yet to be fulfilled but it looks to be very close to that. I am sure Bashar is well aware of it but he has proven himself to not be a decadent paper tiger like Qaddafi. I do not think he will surrender Damascus for someone else, if you look at the man it is clear he will die there. I don't think the FSA is going to do it, the Syrian army is not flinching against them or ISIS. Compare the Syrian army to the Iraqis who keep tucking tail and leaving behind US gifts for ISIS, they are a seasoned military, no fly by night operation. It will likely be a nuke that does it. How though, I don't know.

This is why I think Obama does not want Boots there. If we send troops there the rest of the world like Russia have warned us that they would stand by Basher. Obama is not a strong leader in that regard as he fails to stand up against Putin who is a Demonic figure IMO.
I have always thought the Basher family to be evil and look at what Basher is trained as a Dr..
We also make the mistake of forgetting that the ISIS regime has Chem weapons.

Turkey is falling like a stone in water to political Islam. Arab spring left Turkey politically weak.
I think more importantly that if Baghdad falls the whole region is to collapse.

Yes the manipulation behind the scenes makes me shake my head, the CIA handlers and their Mujaheddin, just because it worked against the Soviets they have hubris. Mossad's antagonism, their penchant for roleplaying the radical Jihadist is very disturbing and so irresponsible. And of course the myriad of Islamic Socialists looking to their own party goals, or petty regional oligarchs. They all think they can control Islam like a pawn. They cannot control Islam. Only a spiritually strong opposing force can. The US certainly is not this. Russia is actually the stronger candidate with the Russian Orthodoxy and as for whom is a more spiritual leader, Putin far outshines Obama just based on his natal chart propensities.

I talked and know of the CIA agent who was there when the Towers went down and he stated to me that Obama is nothing more then a Muslim plant. I did not see the logic ,but the more I see the events occuring with members of his family the more I see he being correct.
He told me that don't believe the theorist saying there was a plot to take down the towers by our gov't. as we just did not connect the dots. He was standing with Geo.Tenet when they got word of the Towers being hit.
We can minimize the effect of the ISIS Regime ,but we cannot totally eliminate their regime. Once the flame begins to catch the flames will blow it higher.There will always be some left to overcome and that is all they need is some not a majority just as when Hitler took power.

These are the challenges of Pluto in Capricorn (I'll receive a transit to my natal Neptune conjunct Ascendant through the next year so might not be around for the whole thing).

In the coming years I shall have Pl=Sa 7th do I can relate.But it shall trine all my Inner planets.

ISIS is actually older than Al Qaeda and have been kept very quiet for a long time, only now coming to the forefront because Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Osama learned from ISIS and Al Qaeda branched off from them. I have a hunch of who is behind ISIS, truly (not just another "game player" like the CIA) but will hold off on guesses for now.

All these Muslim cells relate to each other,but they have no cohesion as for being a main body. ISIS might change that and that is what the Caliphate is all about.

I understand what you mean about the nature of and intent of prophecy by methodology. Prophetic vision is quite another thing and my own visions have shown nuclear explosions on the Eastern seaboard of the US, I have been having this vision since I was a child and have grown up in New England, the second vision was a dream of being on a sandbar in the Gulf of Oman, watching the full might of the US Navy and Air Force launch an assault on an Islamic force, I turn to the commanding officers and ask "so what happens when the oil runs out?" and they turn pale even in the desert heat. This was years ago, by now the US military fully understands the terrible wager they have entered into by this greed for oil.

I am a Marine who grew up in NYC\New England so I know and feel much as you do.
Alternative energy to oil has real players right now with Thorium, Hydrogen and Solar Cell, conventional nuclear is always a good standby too.

ISIS wants a Global Caliphate. Sounds like a New World Order to me. No other force in the world is so boldly and openly putting this as their goal. World domination. It is all they talk about! "Islam will dominate the world".

I agree! Watch the Docs I posted.

Saddam penned the Koran in his own blood. A very diabolical act, very blasphemous to write the Koran in blood yet destroying it would be just as blasphemous. Imams have headaches over this. He was a very evil man. Ba'ath party Islamic Socialism's practical techniques influences many areas in political Islam. Teachings of the 12th Imam indeed.

When you watch the Docs I posted you shall see the Evil intent of all of Islam. That is not to say that Good does not exist for the devote Islamic as the message got messed with through the Fundermentalist I think. This all goes back to Genesis and the Msg. therein. What shall set it up for the end game is what we have always asked for PEACE .The ISIS regime is Diabolical in itself as they foster the msg. of hate down to their children. They are born killers brought up to hate and kill the Infidels.US!

I think that unfortunately your predictions may come true.

We can only pray that mankind can overcome evil without the use of WMD.
On the point that Obama is a Muslim plant.

Do a search for the interview which Mark Levin did today on FOX news which details what Obama has done and which I agree with.

Obama is not doing and has not been doing his job has president .George Bush was more effective and that is saying allot .

I am not a Rep. ,but I agree with what the republican line is saying about the effectiveness of the Obama presidency. He has created a disaster by pulling all our troops from Iraq and was warned.

Where the Bush admin got it wrong was in sending Paul Bremmer to Iraq who had no background in the history of the country.

Bush did not even have a clue to what the difference was between Shunni and Shitte's are .

It is shocking what goes o in Washington and the caliber of men we elect.

Obama keeps showing what the CIA agent I knew told me.He is a plant for the Islamic view.



very interesting astro ….prophet.
maybe you could give me some insights.
Why if you are a prophet,why did you not predict the emergence of isis now?hindsight is always 20-20.
Why is it that isis is using U.S military equipment?
Who is funding the 100s of million dollars needed to maintain and supply the,what is it 20,000 soldiers of isis?
And why has isis appeared at just the right time to start another war in the middle east. recently a military official said that without another hot war the US economy would collapse. this is very true as the US has an economy built on war now.
Obama has recently said this war may take years. How convenient .
and the name Islamic State. Again how conveniet that now we can demonize all of Islam and continue with the genocide of the Islamic people that bush/obama /netayahu have started.

I find it interesting that your post has about 2500 hits in a little over one day. Assuming that there are at any given time 600 hundred people on this site, then that means that every visitor has clicked on your post 4 or 5 times. This is ridiculous number as I have been charting response numbers recently and I have never seen a political thread receive this much attention. And there are many very competent mundane astrologers with proven track records here and none of them have approached 2500 hit in a day. For that matter no thread has ever received 2500 clicks in a day. on my thread about the node, I did get 1000 hits over 2-3 days but that was only because alice macdermott and I were engaged in a little tete a tete over the definition of ecliptic and those numbers reflected the large following she has on her web page and not on the nature of my thread. people on this forum are not that interested in political astrology.
Yet you, with no track record on this forum beside your comments on a thread almost 1 year old , have received at least 20 time the number clicks that any mundane thread has ever received in a single day.
and the jist of your post is sabinian symbols. Your entire method and wording is virtually identical to the postings peircethevale .you even mention your cia friend just as piercethevale does to lend credence to your symbolic mumble jumble.
Clearly this is a bogus thread with impossibly inflated numbers .

So make some predictions Parsifal or excuse me prophet and make me a liar.

I am not here to get into discord over what you think. The posting is for you and others to discuss and hopefully add to the research I have done.

2500 Hits! Wow that's cool as I was hoping this would be a good topic and make other astrologers look at the Mundane charts.
I do not Demonize the Islamic belief ,but what I can see is that it has been taken out of the context of it being peace loving and nurturing belief. That is why we have ISIS is my point whenever looking at the overall picture. And I am not going to get into belief systems here.

I have written and I hope I am wrong ,but what I have written is what I have found and what the alignments are that the world is experiencing. I have also found that which I have written to be observes through historical events of the past if you did not notice. When ever Saturn ingresses into Sag it has been seen that belief systems are shaken and the last time it happened was in 86 .If you look to see what was occurring Bin Laden was laying down the foundation for Al Qaeda and the Soviet involvement in that region was happening. Then we go into the US involvement in the region with Islamic fundamentalist ideology starting to really come into focus.

Seems you are jealous over the attention this thread has received and I have talked with Alice long ago and she has my respect as a responsible research astrologer.

BTW if one looks at the Syrian chart they shall see Uranus rising over the 7th house cusp which I want to study more closely. Wish I had more time for study.

I am not going to get drawn into a tit 4 tat dialog with you or anyone else. I would like for others to tell me what they are seeing in the Mundane charts. That was my intention.

If you see something different in what the alignments that I have posted about please share. I have posted what my opinion of them are.

BTW I agree with your assertion about the U.S leaving weaponry for others to pick up and use against us. I am very critical of what has occurred with the involvement of the U.S. if you did not notice my mention of Amb. Bremmer and his disillusioned outlook on Iraq. He and Pres.Bush did not have any knowledge of the history nor what was really going pn yet they commited our military into a situation they had no idea of what it would lead to so we have ISIS/

I will try to stick to Astrology and not get into history as it is another matter .What the alignments point to is what happened in the 30's and that is my focus which brought about my posting.

We shall see what effect long term the coming last exact aspect shall have on the Caliphate equation in March of the coming year I think.

And lastly the Sa/Ne Aspect also having to do with Oil shall start coming into effect along with Religion and Politics that shall be involved.
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Well-known member
very interesting astro ….prophet.
maybe you could give me some insights.
Why if you are a prophet,why did you not predict the emergence of isis now?hindsight is always 20-20.
Why is it that isis is using U.S military equipment?
Who is funding the 100s of million dollars needed to maintain and supply the,what is it 20,000 soldiers of isis?
And why has isis appeared at just the right time to start another war in the middle east. recently a military official said that without another hot war the US economy would collapse. this is very true as the US has an economy built on war now.
Obama has recently said this war may take years. How convenient .
and the name Islamic State. Again how conveniet that now we can demonize all of Islam and continue with the genocide of the Islamic people that bush/obama /netayahu have started.

I find it interesting that your post has about 2500 hits in a little over one day. Assuming that there are at any given time 600 hundred people on this site, then that means that every visitor has clicked on your post 4 or 5 times. This is ridiculous number as I have been charting response numbers recently and I have never seen a political thread receive this much attention. And there are many very competent mundane astrologers with proven track records here and none of them have approached 2500 hit in a day. For that matter no thread has ever received 2500 clicks in a day. on my thread about the node, I did get 1000 hits over 2-3 days but that was only because alice macdermott and I were engaged in a little tete a tete over the definition of ecliptic and those numbers reflected the large following she has on her web page and not on the nature of my thread. people on this forum are not that interested in political astrology.
Yet you, with no track record on this forum beside your comments on a thread almost 1 year old , have received at least 20 time the number clicks that any mundane thread has ever received in a single day.
and the jist of your post is sabinian symbols. Your entire method and wording is virtually identical to the postings peircethevale .you even mention your cia friend just as piercethevale does to lend credence to your symbolic mumble jumble.
Clearly this is a bogus thread with impossibly inflated numbers .

So make some predictions Parsifal or excuse me prophet and make me a liar.


Rahu this is pretty rude. We're on an astrology forum, this is a place of understanding and communication amongst astrologers and those interested in astrology. Prognostication and prediction are a highly important, if not the most important part of astrology and your mocking tone as well as skeptical challenging of Astro_Prophet's abilities is uncalled for.
Rahu this is pretty rude. We're on an astrology forum, this is a place of understanding and communication amongst astrologers and those interested in astrology. Prognostication and prediction are a highly important, if not the most important part of astrology and your mocking tone as well as skeptical challenging of Astro_Prophet's abilities is uncalled for.

Thank you ZONARK
I had hoped this thread would be a discussion thread as to what others might be seeing in the Mundane Charts as there are many to look at and interpret.

It appears that the U.S are starting to find a solution to ISIS,but sadly I think it is only a matter of time before they push into Turkey.

In the Turley chart Ne=MC in the coming years which means it shall be overcome with indecision as to how to combat ISIS I think.We shall be hearing allot more about Turkey .Mn=MC also.
There are many alignments going on in the Turkey chart.
Me=Sn Rx
Ve=Ma exact at present.
Allot to look at.

On Saudi I have to wonder when they shall get more involved.


Well-known member
Thank you ZONARK
I had hoped this thread would be a discussion thread as to what others might be seeing in the Mundane Charts as there are many to look at and interpret.

It appears that the U.S are starting to find a solution to ISIS,but sadly I think it is only a matter of time before they push into Turkey.

In the Turley chart Ne=MC in the coming years which means it shall be overcome with indecision as to how to combat ISIS I think.We shall be hearing allot more about Turkey .Mn=MC also.
There are many alignments going on in the Turkey chart.
Me=Sn Rx
Ve=Ma exact at present.
Allot to look at.

On Saudi I have to wonder when they shall get more involved.

'......IS THERE a “Plan B” in Barack Obama’s brain? Or in David Cameron’s, for that matter?
We’re vaguely told that air strikes against the ferocious “Islamic State” may go on for “a long time”.
But how long is “long”?

Are we just going to go on killing Arabs and bombing and bombing and bombing until,
well, until we go on bombing? What happens if our Kurdish and non-existent “moderate” Syrian fighters
– described by Vice-President Joe Biden last week as largely “shopkeepers” –
don’t overthrow the monstrous “Islamic State”?
Then I suppose we are going to bomb and bomb and bomb again.
As a Lebanese colleague of mine asked in an article last week, what is Obama going to do next?
Has he thought of that?....'


Well-known member

'......IS THERE a “Plan B” in Barack Obama’s brain? Or in David Cameron’s, for that matter?
We’re vaguely told that air strikes against the ferocious “Islamic State” may go on for “a long time”.
But how long is “long”?

Are we just going to go on killing Arabs and bombing and bombing and bombing until,
well, until we go on bombing? What happens if our Kurdish and non-existent “moderate” Syrian fighters
– described by Vice-President Joe Biden last week as largely “shopkeepers” –
don’t overthrow the monstrous “Islamic State”?
Then I suppose we are going to bomb and bomb and bomb again.
As a Lebanese colleague of mine asked in an article last week, what is Obama going to do next?
Has he thought of that?....'

I honestly don't think so. Obama's track record shows he has basically stopped caring. I don't think he even has a strategy since he called ISIS the JV team and is pretty chuffed over bagging Osama Bin Laden. He really doesn't seem to care and might even be betraying the US by arming its enemies.
He really doesn't seem to care and might even be betraying the US by arming its enemies.

This goes back to the theory of Obama being a Muslim plant .

Of what I understand both of his half-bros. are on the run in Europe and Africa .One is an arms dealer and the other I can't remember .

Another thing which annoys me is that one Sunday he goes bfore the Press saying how sincerely sorry he is about the loss of another innocent American citizen then goes out to the golf course with that mile from ear to ear.

There are no contingency plans to act after sending the troops home and Bush forwarned against leaving the country to soon.

I think he was well aware it would collapse and now he is just handing on not to send troops back so the Dems can say he did end the war atleast. Sadly this has made Iraq a debacle of perhaps biblical proportions when the last talley is to made.

If something is not done soon and we lose Baghdad then the whole region shall collapse and we shall be forced to go back .

I know what should have been done ,but sadly it wasn't and now we shall all pay a steep price .What do you say to all the service men and women who fought and died ? Sorry maybe next time!

AS for a "Plan B" there never was a "Plan A"! These leaders are kidding themselves into believing and the people that an Air War can overthrow a revolution without troops in place to be as sadistic as the enemy. You have to show the enemy you mean business.

In the Arab world if your not willing to stay a generation don't come or else they shall keep going until there appears a gate to hell IMO and this is not my opinion alone as mentioned I do know people that are in the know and we are delusional to think they are just doing to go away. Does not work that way.
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I watched Netanyahu's speech given at the UN and the Iranian Presidents partially and man this world is very unstable. John Kerry has stated that he is put-off by Turkey's reluctance to get involved .
It is not hard to understand why Turkey would not want to anger ISIS into a confrontation due to their long border. If anything I would allow airbases to be used to strike ISIS strongholds. IMO Turkey will eventually have to get involved or else ISIS shall need to get involved or else ISIS will worm it's way in.
I have also watched the Video's available on VICE News. It is shocking to learn how many North American's have given up their liberty to join the this rag tag group of killers.
I am trying to look for astro data on Netanyahu ,Assad and the Turkey President,


Well-known member
I watched Netanyahu's speech given at the UN and the Iranian Presidents partially and man this world is very unstable. John Kerry has stated that he is put-off by Turkey's reluctance to get involved .
It is not hard to understand why Turkey would not want to anger ISIS into a confrontation due to their long border. If anything I would allow airbases to be used to strike ISIS strongholds. IMO Turkey will eventually have to get involved or else ISIS shall need to get involved or else ISIS will worm it's way in.
I have also watched the Video's available on VICE News. It is shocking to learn how many North American's have given up their liberty to join the this rag tag group of killers.
I am trying to look for astro data on Netanyahu ,Assad and the Turkey President,
