7th house


hello ,i'm fiza the new member, heart broken,depressed n finding no way out since 6 years,iwas just waiting for good time but it has been too long. i request people who know the astrology to help me find the true reason behind this cursed life, i have saturn,jupiter and uranus in my 7th house.

i'll be v greatfull.


Well-known member
I also have Uranus and Jupiter in 7th and would appreciate a response.
Also, what do you mean as having a cursed life regarding your 7th house, could you elaborate please.


i've lost someone. and being taurus its the biggest loss in my life, i heard that having saturn in 7th house is a curse in relations,one with saturn in 7th house can never find its love.i'm waiting so may someone read my natal chart n let me know the truth.


Well-known member
Due to a half an hour confusion regarding my birth time, I either have Uranus & Jupiter in 7th OR Saturn and Pluto in 7th. I am hoping that my case isn't as yours, but you never know. Could you explain as to why Saturn hasn't brought you any luck....I recently read about its impact on 7th and it was not an easy position. Do you mean a loved one passed away by any chance...is this the type of loss Saturn tends to bring. Thanks.