What is the effect of a combustion by a detrimented sun?


Well-known member
Hello again!

I have a chart where Sun, although not a significator is a few degrees ahead of significator Mercury.
Mercury will get to Sun just before both planets change sign.
So if am not mistaken, it is an applying combustion right?

Sun is in the sign of its detriment and Mercury has no essential dignity. Both are in the 11th.

Undoubtedly, the combustion is bad. I am trying to determine what it could point to.
Any ideas?


Well-known member
Hello again!

I have a chart where Sun, although not a significator is a few degrees ahead of significator Mercury.
Mercury will get to Sun just before both planets change sign.
So if am not mistaken, it is an applying combustion right?

Sun is in the sign of its detriment and Mercury has no essential dignity. Both are in the 11th.

Undoubtedly, the combustion is bad. I am trying to determine what it could point to.
Any ideas?
it all depends on the question, what kind of issue does the chart negotiate ???
it is not necessarily bad a burning.
When someone, for example, wants to do something secret and not be perceived by others, I think this is the best time.
Another example is, if it involves a lost object there where it is near the sun it where it is close to the sun does not appear, it will appear when it leaves the burning.
Combustion on health issues is not the best .... ect
there are many versions.


Well-known member
thanks TSmall.

Well it rules 5th and Mercury the 6th
The combustion will last for a long time. Once Mercury gets out of combustion, it will still be under the sun's beams until it retrogrades and makes an applying combustion, again, to sun.

so to me, this chart could point to serious and persistent health troubles affecting one of the children of the querent. Am I right?