How to improve upon oneself based on their chart?


Well-known member
Rawndawn, I think what you are asking about is called "choice-centred astrology." The idea is that your horoscope placements will express themselves in some way, but you have some choice as to which of their multiple meanings you ascribe to them.

Just for example, natally I have a 12th house Saturn in Virgo opposite a 6th house Mars in Pisces. This is really bad news in traditional astrology; and even in modern astrology some of the more doom and gloom authors suggest that I am apt to be very fearful, which was much truer earlier in my life. Also, with the "see-saw" effect of the opposition, I was apt to blurt out angry things one minute (Mars) only later to be overcome by shame (Saturn) at my lack of tact.

While I can't say that my solution works 100%, what I decided to do was consider empowering interpretation for Saturn and Mars. I hit upon Saturn as self-discipline and Mars in Pisces as aquatic athletic activities. I took up swimming laps at the local rec centre pool. I don't swim very fast so I decided to work on endurance, another Saturn trait. We also have a canoe, which we take out periodically in the summer.

The chart indicates some true stressors that are probably there for a reason, and we cannot always paste a happy-smiley face over them. But we can work on solutions using our chart for good ideas on how best to function in life.