What is a significant change?


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I am still in the process of learning horary, but there are still parts to me that are a bit unclear. One of the rules in horary is that you should not ask another question regarding the same subject matter/person until a significant change has taken place in the situation. My question is... what constitutes a significant change?

In career questions it seems clear enough. You get fired, promoted, hired, etc. Those are clear-cut changes.

Missing persons/things-- maybe new information comes to light about about where the person/object was last seen.

Health issues-- a new diagnosis or change of doctor.

But I focus mainly on relationship horaries, the area with the most grey in it, it seems. What seems like a big change to one person may not seem big at all to someone else. Other than break-ups and getting back together (which are obvious), what else would constituate a big change in this area? Or in relationship horaries, should we apply the hard and fast rule to not ask questions about the same person for another 3-6 months after the first?

I have an example from my own life...

I have been seeing a Pisces on and off for about 6 months. I have done horaries on him before, and the verdict said that he is interested in me but mostly just for superficial reasons (sex) and that he isn't ready to commit. It is true, he is going through major transformational transits (his mid-life transits) right now. He has not been ready to commit to being official.

However, early in July I went out of town for a month for work, and before I left I told him I didn't want to see him anymore unless he were able to open up to me and try at a relationship. I didn't expect to hear from him again.

I got back 2 weeks ago, and I did hear from him again. Since then we have spent some really nice, dreamy times together where he has told me more about himself than he ever has, and is starting to show real vulnerability and is opening up. I have not done another horary on the relationship, and frankly I am a bit afraid to do so because I am enjoying this time and may not want to know the truth. :p

Of course, he could always pull back as quickly as he re-entered my life, but this time seems different because it seems he is really trying. The situation is complicated because after realizing I am not over my past relationship, I realize I'm not really ready for committment either, but of course I am curious if this new side of Mr. Pisces is for 'real' or not and if I should invest my emotions in him again.

So the question is does this warrant a new horary, or does my old one still stand?
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Well-known member
I would stick with the original horary, Misskitty, since it still does not appear that he is interested in the commitment part of it. I have found horaries to hold their answers for more than a year, even though things have ostensibly 'changed'. The original chart still contains the real core of the issue; and let's face it, core issues such as commitment-phobia are very unlikely to change very rapidly.

What might be of benefit is to do further study on *how* a question is asked. We tend to ask questions in shades of grey, and so we get answers that are also coloured thus ('Will he be ready for commitment in the future?' 'Does he think of me?'). In Lilly's time (if you riffle through Christian Astrology, for example), questions seemed to be posed much more succinctly (Will I obtain riches, and from where? Whether a man shall marry? Etc.). This not only condenses the question down to its basic elements but cuts away the 'extra' stuff that sometimes muddies our questions...and our minds. Most people aren't very honest about what they are really asking, and the charts generally show this. It pays to be blunt, in horary.



Well-known member
and let's face it, core issues such as commitment-phobia are very unlikely to change very rapidly.

Good point. :p Just because he is making an effort doesn't mean he is comfortable with it, and I certainly won't be surprised if he suddenly pulls another disappearing act. I just wish my emotions would stop getting caught under his shoe when he walks away. :rolleyes:

What might be of benefit is to do further study on *how* a question is asked... In Lilly's time (if you riffle through Christian Astrology, for example), questions seemed to be posed much more succinctly

This is very true. I think the most valuable horary I have done is whether or not I have met the person that will be my future spouse. That was a clear-cut no, black or white answer. It is very valuable to meditate on your question until it is down to its bare bones essentials.

Thanks archergirl. I will be content with the original horary for Mr. Pisces. He is still a commitment-phobe, after all. :p