military dictadorship inthe u.s.


Jewish Noahide Laws Passed by Congress Are For Beheading Of Christians
Few Americans have ever heard of the Guillotine Death by Noahide Laws that PASSED CONGRESS in 1991 and signed into Law and was Approved March 20, 1991 by President of the U. S., George Bush Sr.
To keep this simple the Laws that are now apart of the American Legal system say that if your have any other faith than the Talmud’s counterfeit Kaballa or break any of the 7 Noahide Laws and one person says that you have done so, you can have your head cut off!
Taken from
“Because the NOAHIDE LAWS forbid the free exercise of religion (especially Christianity) in America, and respect on religion over another (JUDAISM over all other religions) they clearly violate the First Amendment Establishment Clause.




Federal Judge Says Recording Police Not Protected By The First Amendment

Over the years, the nation’s courts have moved towards recognizing First Amendment protections for citizens who film public servants carrying out public duties.
Nearly every case has involved a citizen arrested for filming police officers, suggesting far too many law enforcement entities still feel their public actions deserve some sort of secrecy — even as these agencies deploy broader and more powerful surveillance tools aimed at the same public areas where no expectation of privacy (under the Fourth Amendment) exists.
A rather disturbing conclusion has been reached by a federal court in Pennsylvania. Two cases involving people who had their photography efforts interrupted by police officers have resulted in the court finding there is no First Amendment right to film public servants. (h/t Adam Steinbaugh)
U.S. District Judge Mark Kearney of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania issued his ruling in two consolidated cases filed against the city of Philadelphia by citizens whose cellphones were confiscated after they either photographed police activity or were barred from filming police activity.




The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency said Friday that if the military would have to disobey Donald Trump if he followed through on certain campaign promises as president.
Referring to Trump’s suggestion to torture suspected terrorists and kill their families, Gen. Michael Hayden told TV host Bill Maher, “If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act.”
“You’re required not to follow an unlawful order. That would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict,” Hayden said. “I would be incredibly concerned if a President Trump governed in a way that was consistent with the language candidate Trump expressed during the campaign.”



(I suggest everyone read this link.i have never had such a problem copy an article. it has takenme20 minutes to post this fragment. the computer just won't allow me to copy the entire article. definitely black bag censorship going on.rahu)

sheriffs in northern califiornia defy federal government


(Before It's News)
U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!
Roots Take Charge!As more people became dissatisfied with federal government controls and land grabs, it was inevitable that local law enforcement would eventually see the bigger picture.
At the northern California fairgrounds of Yreka last month, seven California sheriffs and another from Oregon gathered with a large group of citizens to say that they are finally going to do something about it.

Kane County Sheriff Lamont Smith, right, comforts Shawna Harris and her daughters Kirsten, 14, and Kristina, 10, on Wednesday. State legislators held a moment of silence Wednesday for three Utah Sheriff officers killed in the line of duty last year.
“A giant has been awakened,” said Plumas County, Calif. Sheriff Greg Hagwood, “and they didn’t count on that,” speaking of the federal bureaucracy.

Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, speaking about the federal environmental intervention, said: “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?
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Utah Sheriff to BLM: “I Will Deputize Everyone and Arrest All Federal Agents!” (Video

The federal government is only allowed to own Washington DC and military installations as per Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution. Furthermore, per Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, the BLM, FWS, Department of Interior, Forestry Service, and many other federal agencies are wholly Unconstitutional and disallowed. However, it is the two little words “general welfare” that have been misapplied and abused by DC legislators for decades which has led to the creation of such agencies; the same ones which exercise such egregious overreach and disregard for our rights, our families, and all Americans every day.




Report: Massive Number of Heavily Armed Paramilitary Operating in Burns, Oregon

Wow. This does not sound good. Once again, it looks like the town of Burns, Oregon is under siege, only this time it’s not by members of militia groups. As you’ll learn below, according to a reporter named Lory Storm, who recently arrived on the scene, the town has been put on lockdown by order of the governor, and she says the paramilitary groups in town appear to be hired mercenaries.
In the interview below, Lory Storm says she was there when the new group of men arrived by way of six to seven fully armored Suburbans and MRAPS, armed to the teeth, and wearing full body armor. She says based on the behavior of the men, the fact that they claim to represent the governor and state police, and because their body armor and Suburbans have no patches or insignias on them, it leads her to believe the new group is some type of mercenary outfit contracted by someone within government.


Bundy Ranch Political Prisoner Drops Bombshell from Jail: US Government will Panic When this Comes Out

He claims that the information below, once it comes out in the open in court, will have the US government in a panic.

In a recorded statement by Deb Jordan, Pete’s co-host, Santilli said that the information comes from the congressional record 1866.
“The dirt at Bundy Ranch is in Clark County,” Santilli began. “Clark County has always been a part of the State of Nevada and is not federal land in any way shape or form, period.”
“It is documented and we have the documentation,” he continued. “We will be going through the court system appropriately, but the entire Bundy Ranch debacle and what Cliven Bundy said on that stage to that Sheriff… unfortunately, these buffoon people that the US government’s US Attorney’s Office actually put on the record that Nevada, part of the Hidalgo Treaty and all this stuff is absolute lunacy that they are lining us all up about an incident that took place in Clark County Nevada that has never been part of federal lands since 1866.”
Santilli is right too. Even according to Clark County Nevada’s website, it was on May 4, 1866 that Nevada extended southern border into Arizona Territory, covering territory to point where Colorado River meets California Border. However, on January 17, 1867, the Nevada State legislature voted to extend southern border, taking in today’s Clark County.




This Is What Happens to Agenda 21 Protestors

Bad things happen when Agenda 21/ICLEI advocates come to your hometown. Most aware people know that the Agenda 21 advocates are dedicated to the demise of the family and in Larimer County, Colorado, this philosophy is being lived out. Therefore, should it be any surprise that when fully implemented, ICLEI regulations will not only severely limit access to electricity and transportation, deny the common citizenry noninvasive access to beautiful wilderness areas, destroy private business, impose unsustainable tax rates, will arbitrarily seize private property for personal gain, will promote corruption at the highest levels of industry and government, have endorsed and implemented extreme population reduction methods and now ICLEI advocates have added child theft to their list of heinous crimes against humanity which is perpetrated against those who would dare to oppose the fascist, anti-humanity policies



Police Now Using 'Pre-Crime' Algorithm to Target and Label Innocent Citizens as Criminal

It was recently reported that the Chicago Police Department has implemented an Orwellian new program that targets innocent citizens based on indicators that they might be a person who has the potential to carry out a crime

Once an innocent civilian has been labeled as a threat, they are then notified that they have been marked as a potential criminal and that they are now under police surveillance.

“We are targeting the correct individuals. We just need our judicial partners and our state legislators to hold these people accountable,” Johnson insisted.

“We’re concerned about this. There’s a database of citizens built on unknown factors, and there’s no way for people to challenge being on the list. How do you get on the list in the first place? We think it’s dangerous to single out somebody based on secret police information,” Sheley said.

thanks to rahm Immanuel,mayor of Chicago.
rahm was the first mayor to allow united nation troops to be sequestered his city. united nation troops has never been anywhere except in new York city




I will vounch for this as this is exactly my personal situation, though I do know my cia snitch brother is part of this surveillance and poisoning of me
as someone with their name in Targeted Individual lists going back several years now,

i hope you see,

there isn't going to be any kind of sudden shock, because shocks confront people. if you consider the evidence you already have, these targeting mechanisms have been in effect for decades, this war isn't coming, it's been here, for a long time. there will be no sudden shock, because shocks confront people.


NSA Whistleblower: US Has Created Nazi Germany Worldwide
Tuesday, National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney not only compared the US surveillance program to Nazi Germany, according to Cassandra Fairbanks of We Are Change. The former high-ranking agency official also explained how most Americans have been brainwashed to accept dangerous surveillance state standards and dismiss people of goodwill, including targeted individuals attempting to raise awareness and halt the spiraling global Nazi state.

Anyone company or individual doing anything that challenges in any way the corrupt power is now secret, high-tech cannon fodder. The US holds enough information on every individual, it can retaliate with a highly sophisticated shadow organization, secretly operating at every level of society so efficiently, usually at first, the target simply thinks s/he is having a period of odd, bad luck

I will vounch for this as this is exactly my personal situation, though I do know my cia snitch brother is part of this surveillance and poisoning of me



UNITED STATES urgent news!! Just Real Scenes from FOX NEWS! This video is very important! Share…share… with urgency, all american people need to see this. NEW EVIDENCES – NEW PROOF! All American people need to see this! GOV LEAKED! FEMA CAMPS and MARTIAL LAW are coming in 2016!! All Americans need to watch this!! Let’s Share… Share… this video must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government Cover-up! Important: Before JUDGE, watch the whole video. MARTIAL LAW EMINENT APPROACH! MUST SEE!! URGENT VIDEO PUBLIC UTILITY! FEMA CAMPS IS REAL!! OBAMA IS LEAKED!

According to the California Prison Focus “The private contracting of prisoners for work fosters incentives to lock people up. Prisons depend on this income. Corporate stockholders who make money off prisoners’ work lobby for longer sentences, in order to expand their workforce. The system feeds itself,” says a study by the Progressive Labor Party, which accuses the prison industry of being “an imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps.”

Privatized prisons are big business, very big business. The GEO Group, headquartered in Boca Raton, Fla., claimed $115 million in profits on $1.52 billion in revenue in 2013. The GEO Group is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, is worth $2.3 billion, and it paid Chairman and Chief Executive George Zoley $4.62 million in total compensation in 2013.




You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.
That’s where police can seize property and cash without first proving a person committed a crime; without a warrant and without arresting them, as long as they suspect that the property is somehow tied to a crime.
Now, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money on prepaid cards.
It’s called an ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine, and OHP began using 16 of them last month.
Here’s how it works. If a trooper suspects a person may have money tied to some type of crime, the highway patrol can scan and seize money from prepaid cards. OHP stresses troopers do not do this during all traffic stops, only situations where they believe there is probable cause.

State Sen. Kyle Loveless, R-Oklahoma City, said that removes due process and the belief that a suspect is presumed innocent until proven guilty. He said we’ve already seen cases in Oklahoma where police are abusing the system.
“We’ve seen single mom’s stuff be taken, a cancer survivor his drugs taken, we saw a Christian band being taken. We’ve seen innocent people’s stuff being taken. We’ve seen where the money goes and how it’s been misspent,” Loveless said.




You Might Be on the Terrorist Watch List if… and Guess Who They Plan on Targeting Next

As the Democrats stage another disgraceful publicity stunt to push gun control the mainstream media jumps on the No-Fly, No-Buy bandwagon to end due process and keep law abiding citizens from purchasing firearms.
The ultimate goal is to disarm the citizens in order that the government can obtain ultimate control of its people. In order to do this they must convince the masses that putting people on “watch lists” is a good thing, instead of the freedom-stealing ploy that it really is.




United Nations Troops on U.S. Soil Prepared to Assist With Martial Law? (Videos

If you’ve been paying attention, you probably already know there has been a heavy U.N. troop presence here on American soil since at least last summer (when Operation Jade Helm was taking place), and there isn’t much to suggest they’re here for benevolent reasons. Is it fair to say that heavy U.N. activity automatically means there should be cause for hysterics with everyone screaming “Martial Law” or “FEMA Camps?” No, of course not, but as I often say, don’t ever view any story as if it’s happening in a vacuum. Virtually any story, when viewed in a vacuum can appear innocuous enough. Please, don’t make that mistake!



Fema Warns of Civil Unrest on 395% Food Price Increase
A FEMA report predicts up to a 395% increase in food prices that will inevitably result in social upheaval which will create the necessary chaos for the globalists to further their anti-human agenda.
The US national security industry is planning for the impact of an unprecedented global food crisis lasting as long as a decade, according to reports by a government contractor.
The studies published by CNA Corporation in December 2015, unreported until now, describe a detailed simulation of a protracted global food crisis from 2020 to 2030.



From Jon Stossel to Sean Hannity martial law is here. This video is punctuated with journalists, some of them mainstream stating that martial law is here as they provide example after example.

Maybe they are right in that Martial Law is here. When the elite call their selected agents together, it’s time to pay attention. Just recently the preparedness agency of the United


When the Election Is Stolen, Snipers Will Be on the Roof to Execute Peaceful Protesters

At the risk of sounding like Karl Marx, the super elite have simply been murdering protesters, around the world as the planet is falling under a de facto state of martial law.
The super elite are clearly not serving the needs of the people, they are serving their selfish desires to help themselves to the resources of the people. And when the people object, they are being summarily executed in increasing numbers.

Just the sheer number of instances and the brutality in which freedom-loving people are being eliminated can speak to nothing else but this is a coordinated effort between and among the super elite on the planet to kill protesters by placing snipers on the roof. Here are examples of where it is has been happening around the world. And soon it will be coming to America in the midst of our present civil unrest as this will be discussed in the latter part of the article with the passage of little known riot control methods as per the military, yes the military, not local law enforcement.
The Ukraine

Photographed by journalists from Voice of Ukraine, we see pro-Russian forces firing upon unarmed protesters.​

The pro-Yanukovich forces are pictured above on a rooftop of an Ukrainian house on January, 22, 2014, firing upon unarmed protesters. According to Ukrainian journalists, working for the Voice of Ukraine,this is very common occurrence in which untold numbers of protesters are being murdered on a daily basis.

Here in Egypt, government forces are displaying their favorite tactic in dealing with an unhappy citizenry.


The Syrian civil war is known for its extreme brutality and mindless oppression. Here is footage of snipers on the roof, Syrian style, only this time, the sniper receives justice.


News emanating from Venezuelan protesters is consistently revealing that government forces in Venezuela are summarily executing its citizens from motorcycles and this strategy started two years ago. Authorities are also breaking down doors of apartment buildings and murdering “suspected” protesters. As a result, protesters are being murdered by the Venezuelan government without trial.
Some citizens, who are luckier than most are simply being arrested for “suspicion” of protest and hauled away without any due process of law.
Recently, government opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez surrendered to governmental authorities. He is charged with inciting violence and opposition to the government. His arrest led to even more protesting. Venezuelan citizen, Gauber Venot, stated “It’s important we have foreign media here. Our media is censored; we learn about our own country from outside sources.” So is ours Mr. Venot, so is ours. And America should pay attention because Loretta Lynch(mob’s) proclamation that any criticism of “Muslim extremism” will be opposed by her office.
Of course, this is Venezuela and this could never happen in America. Perhaps one might want to revise this consideration in light of recently released American military documents.
The United States

I think the public has a right to know how its government plans to handle future protests. Is America the new Venezuela, Egypt, or Ukraine?

H-42. Quick-reaction force teams should be established with a minimum response time. Because of the physical nature of riot control, individuals in riot control formations should not carry rifles. Nonlethal attachments should follow closely behind the riot control formation. Lethal coverage must be provided for this entire formation. (See FM 3-22.40.)


H-43. During a nonlethal engagement, the use of designated marksmen provides confidence and safety to those facing a riot. If a lethal threat is presented, the designated marksmen in overwatch positions (armed with appropriate sniper weapons mounted with high-powered scopes) can scan a crowd and identify agitators and riot leaders for apprehension and fire lethal rounds if warranted. Additionally, they are ideally suited for flank security and countersniper operations. (See FM 3-22.40.).

These were leaked to the public just over two years ago, however, they did not receive the attention that I thought they deserved. Today, we have a whole different context. Riots are becoming part of the American landscape on a daily basis since the murder of the give Dallas police officers.
I want you to stop and ponder, when the BLM, George Soros inspired riots grow in number and in intensity and the “National Guard”, operating under this relatively new authority begin to shoot BLM members in riot situations, what will this do to the racial tensions in America?
Plans for the People of the United States

When this happens, at a protest under these new guidelines, what will the reaction be?

I am hard pressed to make this comparison any more clear. The parallels speak clearly for themselves.
What will be the flash point where the “new” American policy in dealing with protesters will turn deadly? It is undoubtedly going to be the contrived racial confrontations involving law enforcement and BLM around the country. This will undoubtedly lead to martial law when groups like the BLM feel justified and empowered to retaliate. When this happens, no policeman in America will be safe, nor will their families. Once the military is engaged and replaces the National Guard in restoring order, the NWO will have won. The country will be in complete lock down.
The Next Flash-point of Sniper Violence Could Result from the Upcoming Election


Assuming we are permitted to have an election, and it is stolen, as the criminal elite will no doubt try to do. under the new riot control rules, will protesters be met with deadly force? And if you say “no way, that cannot happen in America”, then ask yourself why these new regulations would be in place if the establishment wasn’t planning on using them?
Once the country is under lock down, and then for our good, they will be coming after our guns. The criminal elite have every intention of ushering crooked Hillary Clinton into the White House, and our protests will be met with deadly force, followed by gun confiscation.

Executing protesters has become a global phenomena. This practice is on the verge of coming to America and BLM, being manipulated by Soros, will serve as the impetus.
FM 3-22.4 could likely be employed against BLM which would send this country into a frenzy. In the second wave of application of this regulation, this regulation could be employed when Americans protest a stolen election.
If these two very distinct possibilities occur, then there is no limit as to how far this could spin out of control. By November, we could be soon living in a country where the phrase “Black Lives Matter” will be replaced by “American Lives Matter”. To all who think that BLM is acting appropriately and the use of violence is justified, you will soon realize that violence begets more violence and it will be used as the excuse to place this country under martial law and under the brutal dictatorship of Hillary Clinton. All of America has a common enemy and it is not persons who are from a different race as you. It is the criminal elite who have purposely pitted one race against another in order to create the conditions of America’s demise and subsequent take-over.

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