Does he like me? Did I hurt him?

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I asked the Horary question Is he sexually attracted to me. This chart shows that there is a sextile between Mercury and Neptune which would be yes for the first chart the question is Does he like me.

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Well-known member
ChildofVenus is that you?

In the new chart,

If you were using Neptune as the ruler of the 7th house, it would mean that Neptune being in its own house and own sign means he only cares about himself and is happy being with himself.

If you are using Jupiter, then the answer is still a no because the receptions to the main sigs the receptions between the male/female sigs are not the best or is one-sided.

Mercury traveling towards the Sun will get nice and crispy, aka under the beams then combust, and then will travel to Merc’s detriment, Sagittarius, which will bode very poorly for you. Not to mention the Moon detriments in the sign of your Sig and the Sun.

Both malefics angular adds a layer of concern.


Well-known member
Where is the OP? Kim99, where are you? The thread has been going on for 4 pages without you...:innocent::sideways:
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