What does Nessu and Orcus in the 7th house in Leo Mean?

have you tried our search feature? I have never heard of these, are they asteriods? specs of dust? if you are new to astrology may I suggest you these these space junk til last....


Well-known member

I'm curious about the same.
What effect does Orcus give?
Nessus and Orcus tightly conjunct strikes my curiousity. What if those together tightly conjunct the sun or moon or any major personal planets?


Active member
BUMP!!<br /><br />
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I'm curious about the same. <br /><br />
What effect does Orcus give?<br /><br />
Nessus and Orcus tightly conjunct strikes my curiousity. What if those together tightly conjunct the sun or moon or any major personal planets?
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I have a 12th house Nessus that's conjunct my Venus, Mercury and squares my 3rd house Uranus and Neptune. I looked around on Google and this asteroid has a very dark meaning attached to it (prominent in the charts of abusers, rapists, YIKES - this one had me worrying for the longest time). <br /><br />
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But there was this site that suggested that Nessus is very similar to Pluto in nature. If its energy is used correctly, we can free ourselves from blatant conformity, and embrace ourselves as we are. Here's the link: http://www.lunarplanner.com/asteroids-centaurs/ <br /><br />
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Orcus seems to have a spiritual connotation, judging by this article here: http://www.lunarplanner.com/asteroids-dwarfplanets/Orcus-Pluto.html#Orcus_Summary<br /><br />
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So...I think if Nessus was conjunct Orcus in the 7th house, the destructive, fatalistic power of Nessus comes hand in hand with the spiritual needs of Orcus. You seek for something more transcendental and profound in your relationships. Whatever it is, your relationships may not fit in with the consensus of society, and you're not afraid of their opinion, with that Leo power in the 7th house.

Please keep in mind that this is a scant interpretation, and I probably need to do more research on Orcus...
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