Capricorn Sun/Cancer Moon Cancer Sun/Capricorn moon Question?


Well-known member
What are the difference between a capricorn sun cancer moon compared to a cancer sun capricorn moon? Similarities?

How would they play out personality wise?
Who would be more rational and ambitious, hurting others for personal gain and to be seen as successful?
Who is more family oriented?

I'm asking because I watched a show called breaking bad, and the main character walter white strikes me having one of these combinations. Walter white goes into a drug dealing business to provide for his family. Later on his ego gets in the way and he does ruthless and manipulative things to get himself and his family out of countless crisises. He is seen crying at some point in the show, but knows to move on. He is always struggling between him doing it for the purpose of for his family or for his own exitement. I somewhat can sympathize for the character, because I respect that one would go extreme to provide for his family. I'm not saying it's right, but it goes without mentioning that he does try to redeem himself at the end.

Oh and another thing I also asked because I have a cap sun and cancer moon


Well-known member
I have Capricorn sun Cancer moon. I have always struggled with doing whatever it takes to get ahead, vs. doing the right thing/morality. When I achieve something by less than kosher means, it always bites me in the ***. Maybe not literally, but I feel immense guilt to the point that I feel like I'm being taught some karmic lesson by Saturn over and over again. I think both combinations would be family oriented, maybe just in different ways. Sometimes I HATE this combination because I want to focus all my energy on being rational and successful...Not being emotional. But when my cancer moon is upset by something, it is difficult to avoid those feelings.

graay ghost

Well-known member
Cancer Sun and Cap Moon. I do not really think about "getting ahead" versus "morality" at all because morality trumps every time. It is not even a question for me :pouty: