Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly relationship


Megan Fox is the beautiful sex-symbol and actress who separated from her husband of ten years to then fall spectacularly for her co-star and rapper Machine Gun Kelly (Colson Baker).

"We're actually two halves of the same soul," she said. "I said that to him almost immediately, because I felt it right away."

"I went deep right away. I knew before I even did his chart. I said to him, he has a Pisces moon. I could tell by his energy and looking at his face."

Fox explains that M.G. Kelly is her "twin flame". She described this as a soul that has "ascended to a high enough level that it can be split into two different bodies at the same time."

Megan Fox has Mars on Ascendant and Pluto on MC, and Pluto also quintiles Ascendant. She has Neptune oppose the Sun/Moon midpoint with both Sun and Moon in wide square to each other.

With Mars on Ascendant, Fox is fiery and energetic. She has aggressive strategies about life, and she is often in dispute. The Pluto connection may symbolize her fame, but she may be powerful and authoritarian. She may be a bully.

Neptune oppose Sun/Moon suggests she has fantasy or idealism or she is open to spiritual inquiry. The Sun/Moon midpoint is revealing about the marriage partners and the nature of her marriages.

Venus closely opposes Uranus and widely squares Jupiter. She tends to relationships that burn brightly and quickly, that are drastic or excited. She is anti-puritanical and likes to enjoy life. There may be some odd couples here, and she has a higher than average tendency to divorce.

Neptune=Sun/Moon is described by optimistic astrologers as marriages that are either ideal, or striving to be ideal, marriages that attempt to be "spiritual in nature". In practice, they are often marriages that are built on either wispy substance or fraud. They are marriages that dissolve and die after some time, but she sees her partner as ideal or exalted-on-a-pedestal in the beginning. Her ideals may not be enough to make a relationship work.


Machine Gun Kelly has Neptune square both the As/Mc midpoint and the Su/Mo midpoint, so he is glamorous, spiritual, deluded, or psychopathic. His Square of Neptune to Sun/Moon holds the same meaning as Fox's Sun/Moon/Neptune picture. He is idealistic about love and marriage, but his relationships seem to dissolve.

Kelly also has Sun at the midpoint of a Mars/Jupiter trine making a Minor Grand Trine of Sun/Jupiter/Mars, so he is destined for much success in life. This is a fine antidote to his Neptune dominance, since he has the capacity to make well-judged decisions when he is not enjoying his impulsive style. He wants to live a colorful life, and he is happily controversial and enterprising.

Kelly has Venus conjunct Moon and trine Pluto. Kelly is sentimental, and he is capable of being quite devoted. He will have a metaphysical bond with his lover that feels as if they were bonded before in a past life. He also has Venus at the midpoint of the Mercury/Neptune trine which makes a Minor Grand Trine, Venus/Neptune/Mercury. His partner may be open to spiritual inquiry. She may be an artist and a beauty. He is very idealistic about romantic love, and he has a pronounced sense of humor.


In synastry, Kelly's much-hyped Pisces moon is sextile to Fox's Taurus Sun, and this is the best aspect between them. It is a very helpful aspect for two in love. The Venus/Mars sextile is also helpful for lovers and mates, but it is a little wide. The first helps them feel like a couple who are rooted together like family, and the second stimulates a romantic mood between them and offers much opportunity for romance. These two aspects alone are prized features in synastry.

Her Venus trine his Mc suggests strong feelings of attraction and harmony between them. Such aspects usually launch a love affair. She will favor his career path, and it may symbolize that they both met "on the job". The Venus/Pluto biquintile between them makes them find pleasure in their shared obsession about each other and their romance. They may share a feeling that they were partners in a past life. They tend to enjoy an intense bond, that is one that might spark some turbulence and edge.

Her Uranus squared to both his Moon and Venus will bring friction regarding the liberties and freedoms that seem to upset the relationship. There may be disputes about how open the marriage should be. There may disputes about taste, because one partner has strange tastes.

His Pluto square her Moon suggests that one or both partners might instill some domestic domination and dispute. The relationship will be quite trans-formative and may evolve into something quite different over time. There may be a dire mother-in-law problem.

Her Moon square his Mercury suggests that there is too much gab about petty things and there is too little truthfulness. Since Fox has such a square in her chart, she will probably be the chief offender.

They have a Mercury conjunction between them, and Pluto opposes that conjunction. There will be a problem with obsession, probably on Kelly's part, and there may be some criminal malfeasance. Kelly will apply the pressure on Fox by trying to convince her to see things his way.


In their composite chart, the stellium in Taurus will signal many happy times. The square of Jupiter/Venus to Mars will help them enjoy each other physically, but they will grow very materialistic and ostentatious. The trine of Venus to the outer planets at the top of the chart shows that are open to metaphysical influence in their relationship, and matters of fate beyond their control will often work in their favor. There will be much romance.

They may be very happy, but the danger is in the T-square Jupiter/Mars/Pluto. This configuration will help them with success in a large way, but it may trigger dangerously intense disputes about finances and possessions. Despite their idealism, it will be difficult to avoid the intense anger and power struggle that they trigger between their two egos.

The Sun/Neptune trine suggests that their mutual charisma is enhanced by their relationship together.

Feel free to offer your own take on their relationship astrologically.


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Well-known member
Thank you for this post. Are you sure she isn't a Scorpio rising?

I am actually fascinated with Fox and this relationship.
Perhaps because I relate to her? I also just adore Leo Moon's and I'm also a Taurus with Sun cojct. Venus trine my Neptune/Uranus.Neptune also rules my DSC so I see the appeal of Machine Gun Kelly.

I would mention that even in her 10 year marriage Fox had freedom to pursue other relationships and that she is bisexual.
I don't know if this relationship would last but she has her own family and kids and really can allow herself some romance at this point.

On to the Astrology...
This looks like a relationship very much in the realm of Jupiter and Neptune. The Jupiter theme strikes me as "life-giving", creative, open, optimistic and dreamy.
Would be interesting to compare her Synastry with ex husband eventually...

I notice MGK has Venus in Pisces not just Moon so I do wonder why is Fox his type? His DSC ruled by Jupiter in Cancer in 2nd so her Taurus nature could appeal to him perhaps.
I think he would actually really like that she has children and be able to see that as a plus.

He has a mystical Neptune in the 8th so he would also not mind all the New Age stuff Fox is into.

As far as male charts go MGK has a good relationship with his own inner feminine and women in general and he doesn't split lover/wife/mother into different relationships.

He can be a bit of a challenge to her in terms of over-indulgence with substances but he isn't agressive.

Fox likes men who are nurturing (Cancer) and who are in awe of her (Leo) but in a cozy sort of way. A guy who would know her favorite food and make her a cup of tea. MGK naturally has that quality.

MGK needs a female partner to organize his domestic space. He has a 6th house Pluto that can be a it of a pressure cooker with an outlet through Venus.

It is a high minded Venus where unconditional love is nurturing to the soul.
I am surprised but looking at first glance these too could actually do well sharing a home together.

The amazing composite stellium tells me there is real love there. It is wonderful to have Sun-Venus-Mercury and they have Jupiter in the mix!

The opposition of the stellium to Pluto does not seem an issue. In the Russian astrology school oppositions to a stellium in composite are read as conjunctions to the stellium and prime example of love.

Mars squaring the expansive Jupiterian essence of this relationship does suggest some issues.
I mentioned this relationship has that Jupiter/Neptune flavour and in the composite we see that again but in conflict over a certain detached ability to take action.
I can see that they may have trouble keeping their head clear. If they don't join as a team the anger would follow.


I do not understand why she would be in love if her Leo Moon is receiving only hard aspects from MGK?

Please someone explain that to me. :innocent:


Thank you for this post. Are you sure she isn't a Scorpio rising?

The chart shown is from Astrodatabank who are the gold standard for birth data accuracy. They rate their confidence in this chart accuracy "AA" which is their highest confidence.


I do not understand why she would be in love if her Leo Moon is receiving only hard aspects from MGK?

Please someone explain that to me. :innocent:

I left it out of my analysis, but MGK's Jupiter is at Fox's Sun/Moon midpoint. Not only is that a legitimate Moon connection, it is very good in synastry. It suggests a relationship with much going for it.