My chart - good time to make a go of a new career?


Indications of academic success in the chart?

What things in the chart should I be looking at to see if work in academia is indicated? I am in the course of moving away from my previous line of work to full-time academia and want a confirmation...

The transits I've been having lately are pretty intense - Pluto conj Sun and Jupiter in the 3rd, with a square to tr Jupiter in my 1st conj Uranus, and Uranus in a square and opposition to both of them. What I can't get is whether this is helping me or not? By the look of it, it should support a change in a career, but does it indicate success?


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Well-known member
Uranus in the first is indicative of a person with a strong drive for freedom and personal behavior. Uranus here also adds to the mental framework of intelligence showing scientific and intuitive abilities. Natal Saturn in Gemini:mental discipline Stellium in 3rd: Gemini emphasized again and Sun Jupiter conjunction in 3rd: the expansion of your mental and thinking abilities. The pursuit of higher academics achieved through the framework of the mental processes.
The natal Square from Jupiter can enhance the restlessness and desire for constant change. Excess is the fault primarily and causes you to go overboard. This restlessness could be manifested as an urge to travel and seek adventure.
With your disciplined mind you can control these urges and put forth the intelligence and genius capabilities that a first house Uranus indicates. Pluto's Transit of the sun just indicates the reform that must take place at this time and stage of your development.
Transit Saturn in 3rd is again indicating mental discipline and advancement through schooling. Sustained mental work is indicated for the next two and a half years. (Saturn's transit thru 3rd)
Uranus Transit through the 7th shows relations with unusual or talented people and changes in your attitude and ways of dealing with them also. Old relations and friendships will be severed and new ones will begin.
With hard work and discipline on your part success is in your future. With uranus in the first I'm sure you will like these changes. Best of luck to you!
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Thanks so much! Things always get much clearer if you get to hear them from somebody else. This confirms what I think has been going on for the last few years or so - Pluto is now conjunct both my Sun and Jupiter, so obvs some deep changes, but a lot of this still feels very much 'behind the scene' work atm.

My worry was that the aspects are rather harsh - squares and oppositions - so it feels like a challenge on many levels.

Would it be correct to say that there is an element of waiting till things fall into place - I read somewhere that with MC in my chart, there is often no point striving or forcing things, and Pluto's passage in Cap feels similar. 'In the fullness of time' kind of feeling.

I am really looking forward to Saturn entering Cap - last time this happened I was in the final years of secondary school, got a massive boost academically in terms of drive, motivation and rewards, got into a very good university... and then went down the road that looked appealing but perhaps not what I most want, deep down.


Well-known member
I will add this THan, traditionally Saturn transit of 4th in about 3 yrs is synonymous with a low point in one's life. That's because it's not a time of outer works, but for inner ones. Your concern would be towards the home,family concerns or personal property.

You have a very fortunate grand trine in air which indicates "intellectual". Your pursuit of academia is right in line with what you are trying to achieve. The position of saturn is the high point in the chart. So, it's transits are very important.
There are exceptions to this rule of saturn in 4th. You have Libra Asc and emphasis on lower hemisphere, so Saturns swing to the nadir could be a career high point, reversing it's normal meaning. Your mentioning of the success of the last transit this very well could be the culmination of another successful period.


Active member
Re: Indications of academic success in the chart?

Than I would like to do a reading to get an answer to your question. I do a Vedic type reading so if you can PM the Birth Details I can shoot you an answer. It helps me practice.


Hi detectahead, you are spot on on the effects of Saturn in the 4th, at least how I experienced it last time around. I can't say it was a completely unhappy time, but it was very introspective and achievements in the outside world were not my top priority.

What I also hope is that this time around I am much more settled and together, and when Saturn meets my Moon in the 4th, it will be easier. It will also make a trine to itself, and I am hoping to make a better use of it. Anyway, it looks like I should try to make the most of its passage through the rest of my 3rd house.

With that grand trine you mentioned, I suspect, I am naturally rather laid back and comfortable - things come easy. Of course, for the _really_ good things, I still have to work, so some hard aspects and taskmaster planets stomping through important houses are probably not a bad thing! :)


Active member
Thanks for the details. Here's what I see.

What immediately jumps out is that you're going through a Saturn Period of your life. It has been running since about 2007 and being that I'm just now coming out of my Saturn Period I understand how much work this brings in. Like a loooooooot of work. Your Saturn looks great and only gets stronger as life progresses so you're willing to put in the work and have great energetic reserves to do so.

9th House represents Higher Learning/Philosophy/Universities so you're are right on point to want to pursue Academia. Gemini represents Teaching and the distribution of information so Saturn will provide you great structure to accomplish this in structured/methodical/disciplined manner.

This is the perfect time to pursure Higher learning. Your sub-period right now is South Node. Your South Node is in the 10th house in Cancer. I imagine finding a career came easy to you since you've spent lifetimes at working on one. This life you know what you need to do to get one but you're moving away from it so don't care about it as much. With you running South Node period since the beginning of March I imagine you've had great internal pressure to separate from your career (SN in 10th) and pursue your main focus of putting hard work into Academia (Saturn in 9th) over the course of the last month.
When I look at success for teaching Academia I look to see if a person has a strong Venus and Moon and I look at houses 3/5/9.

Not only is your Venus your chart ruler (Libra Ascendant Lord) but the planet that holds the highest degree in your chart as well. Also it is the 3rd strongest planet in your chart in terms of planetary strength standing in the 3rd house Sagittarius which can represent teaching and distribution of information of your higher philosophy/teaching/wisdom. You've got Mars in this sign/house as well which in Vedic terms is a light conjunction giving you plenty of dynamic assertive energy in terms of speaking/writing.

Moon is the planet with your second highest degree and in terms of planetary strength in is the strongest planet in your chart. Moon is waxing making it a good influence. Typically Moon would hate being in Aquarius but with it being Trine to Saturn it makes it adapt very well. Being in the 5th house it gives you plenty of creativity to produce works. With it being the planet the holds the second highest degree (indication of initial career) and with South Node being in Cancer I can only guess that your present career has a lot to do with the Moon's placement and whatever it is it prepared you very nicely for Academic Work.

We've already discussed Saturn which happens to be the 2nd strongest in terms of planetary strength and its 9th house connection.

You hit tons of marks to have a great career in Academia.


With that said. Be aware of your 4th house. It's got a 4 planet stellium which is a lot of internal energy within your psyche to sort out. As you sort through these issues within your home life and past they will only reveal the depth of your beliefs. 4th house can also represent your Nation. A stellium here can give you a loooooot of Nationalistic pride and cause you to want to work on a country's problems and to teach others to have the same since of duty. Your Saturn period runs for about another 10 years. You've got a lot of work to put in and a lot goals to accomplish. After that will be your Mercury period. That's going to bring you a lot of issues to be resolved externally. What ever you are dealing with internally now will be a great focus for the lessons you are solving externally 10 years from now. As your Saturn makes its way around the chart be acutely aware of the lessons and belief structures it is arising in you through the morbidity of it all.


Active member
I'd like to reaffirm that my astrology is different. I use a mix between Vedic and Western Astrology. My houses I reference may not look like they do on your chart. Too easier understand where I get my house from use each sign as its own house. All Libra Plaents = House 1. All Sag planets = House 3. All Cap planets = House 4. Ect, ect, ect. If you want to understanding the meaning behind this we can PM about it.
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Hi Warlocke, thanks for the very detailed reading. I figured that you are using full sign houses, which leaves my Cap planets in the fourth. A lot of what you said rings true. After uni, I sort of fell into a career, which was rewarding in its own way and also involved a major 'helping people' aspect - I have a vague feeling that my South Node in Cancer is somehow relevant to this. Because it also involved a fair amount of writing and research, it kept me fairly happy. In practical terms, I don't _have_ to change careers - the pressure I feel is all internal. The 2007 point is spot on - that's back when it first started and took me slowly to where I am now.

What I am not used to is the thought that I might have a busy 4th house. Until a certain point, I did not have a home life to speak of, and now it looks as settled as can be - and it is a great source of comfort. So this is something to get my head around. When you speak of 'morbidity', do you mean that the planetary arrangement I have is what causes it, or are the 4th house matters intrinsically problematic at this point of life?


Active member
Moon 2nd highest degree (indicates career). Moon in in 5th house suggest "helping people" in a 5th house creative way. South Node in the 10th Cancer is why you want to move away from it's ruler the Moon your occupation (We tend to want to abandon the South Node and chase North Node).

Everything else seemed pretty spot on. Glad my calculations are getting better.

I can go more into a detailed analysis of your 4th house later if you want. Just let me know. I'm glad you are entertaining the fact the you have a stellium there. Typical Western says it's in your 3rd and that is not the case. When I changed my house system it I didn't want to accept it at first because I read so much on the typical house system but the placements just made so much more sense in my personal life.

What I mean by morbidity is the transit of Saturn across your 4th house. This often brings restriction, delay, depression, and general heaviness on the home life/comforts/happiness and every other planet it touches. However this is a great time for self-examination because that is why Saturn is slowing everything wants you to reflect and correct your course to be more in line with your soul. If you want more detailed analysis of your transits you'll have to PM me your present location.

Sorry for my verbosity and grammar. As a writer I'm sure you scorn at it (Nerd Humor). I'm in the same boat as you with the career change issue. I have a nice career as an Engineer at a great global Corporation, but have this huge inner drive to move into Counseling/Astrological Reading/Life Coaching. Why I would give up 6 figures for that, who knows lol. I'm on this forum testing the waters.


No worries about verbosity and grammar - academics are not exactly renowned for their style and lucidity, so I can't judge anyone. :) Good luck with your endeavours - it's quite a leap to change occupation so radically and abandon the safety net, but sometimes... if you gotta do it, you gotta do it.

Anyway, I would be interested in hearing about your interpretation of the 4th. Thing is, interpreting these planets as being in the 3rd house sort of works for me, and having an accentuated 3rd house makes sense. However, it manifests in a rather more subdued, reserved way than one would think it should - but I tended to think that this is because most of these planets are in Cap, even though the cusp is in Sag. Having said that, in your reading I would still have a well-populated 3rd house but also not an empty 4th - which also makes sense in that a lot of that activity is actually motivated by an inner sense of self and security, if you like, rather than external factors.

(I'll also PM you the current location - curious what you can make of the transits).

As I said above, I was pretty happy last time around I had Saturn in Cap - it was not all bliss by any means, but very purposeful and rewarding, with no dissipation or waste of energy (to which I am rather prone). I should probably look but don't think there were other long-term transits that could have such an effect. So I am hoping for a friendly Saturn visit with a minimum of aggravation :)