Poetry Competition


Well-known member
I recently entered a poetry competition (last week) and the results will be announced by the end of February. Winning would bring a generous profit (enabling me, among other things, to apply for a Masters degree after I graduate) as well as recognition for my work (writing is what I want to do). My question is: Will I win first place in this poetry competition? (there are three places).

Based on my very limited knowledge of horary I see that the querent's significator Mercury is in the tenth house applying to a conjunction with Venus (maybe indicating the nature of the work - intellectual Mercury, artistic Venus) and this is itself a favourable sign of public honours. The ruler of the fifth house (competition) is Jupiter which makes no aspect to querent's significator and only a minor one to the Moon, though the Moon joys in the third house and is in Cancer, separating from an opposition with Sun (the judges?). Though if the judges are represented by Saturn (ruler of seventh) the significator applies to a sextile. This is good.

Mercury is just leaving the ninth house (winning means publication) while Sun remains there separating from opposition to Moon - which is either a bad sign, or because separating indicates the last-minute nature of my submission - day before deadline ?).

'Opponents' represented by Jupiter which is rx and poorly aspected. What might its placement in the fourth house Sagittarius signify?

Ruler the tenth house Saturn well received by Mercury and Venus.

Again, my knowledge of horary is amateurish and unstudied so any help would be very useful. There's nothing conclusive I can draw from it at this stage. Also I'm probably biased in my interpretation because I lack any substantial knowledge. (Think I'm going to take up horary next summer after I graduate, so if you could clearly indicate how you've drawn your conclusions I would be grateful!)

The competition is illustrious and the likelihood of someone my age winning is slim, but I'd like to know what the chart says.


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Well-known member
Should mention that there was a first chart which appeared to be invalid (ascendant less than 3 degrees, and I think Saturn was in the seventh. Question was phrased vaguely).


Well-known member
Significator of querent is Mercury. Mercury is in tenth house conjuct MC and Venus in Aquarius (exaltation/dignity) indicating desire of querent for recognition for artistic endeavour (Venus). merc has newly entered tenth house indicating that this is a recent development. Merc also applies to a sextile with MC ruler Saturn, as is Venus, reinforcing the above. Moon joys in third house and is at home in Cancer but is opposed by Sun from ninth house (the visiting judge?) ruler of fifth (the competition) which may mean no. But it separates. Jupiter is rx in fourth house Leo (sign of fifth cusp) - indecisiveness of judge with regard to poem? Delayed approval? Withdrawn approval?


Well-known member
use 10th house for achievement

see if L10 is on your side and any aspects to L1 or if there is emplacement

I will check in the morning



Well-known member
ah, balls! Can't honestly say this surprises me. But in the interests of learning, lord of MC Saturn in the seventh means no because Saturn's prescence in the seventh means a negative result in general, or because of its conditions there? Or this in conbination with poorly aspected significator? Where does the moon come in here? What does it say about the judge? Thanks for looking at this Tikana.


Well-known member

remember how we look at jobs?
L1 to L10 - querent gets it
L7 to L10- - competition gets it?

it is same scenario here

Jupiter is a bit stronger than Mrc


Well-known member
I see. That is elegant. But I must be missing some detail as Merc seems in better relation to lord of tenth (Saturn) than Jupiter. Merc is at home in Aquarius and receives Saturn, whereas Jupiter squares it (not sure what significance its rx has here, or the fact that it is literally closer to competition). I must be missing some detail. Will mull it over.