the results of pluto transiting house 4?


Well-known member
This transit can have a great capacity to cause unexected expenses, something in the house can break down, perhaps a major automotive repair. it is also said to be a great transit for the sex life.
is anyone going through or has the experience of this transit behind them?
i have pluto in my 4th house natally.


Well-known member
No, Transits are igniters of events. You need to use other predictive charts to follow up if an event will happen. You can have all the sparks you want, but without gunpowder sparks arent going to lead to anything.


Senior Member, Educational board Editor
As Pluto is both a regenerator and and a devastator when it forms aspects by transits one might expect a <revolution> of some kind.It brings change..My daughter has it in the 4House natally- she is only 16 but has had profound changes in her environment-(6 house moves so far!). The 4 house also deals with endings so when activated by transits she has experienced deep pain caused by sudden and final losses... But Pluto on its own, transiting any house seldom <causes> events.However when aspecting personal planets by transit can have a profound effect. lillyjgc

Sag Moon

Well-known member
A few years ago I was going through a chart for an aquentice and noticed that their were major progressions about to occur in the individuals life with planets moving iinto the 1st house.

I did not know what these progressions meant with the exception that they would have major responsibilities occur.I even alluded to they might have children knowing that when a major configuratioons occurs at the angles that there is an effect that happens to the opposite house.

With Pluto trnsiting through the 4th do not forget that the opposite house shall also be effected .Therefore look to the other angles especially the 10th house also to see what shall be effected.I would alert the subject that their career life shall also be effected through the actions of the 4th.

I especialy see this where a person has most of their emphasis being in the lower horizon.

Many introverts have their planets below the horizon and the focus of release is through the upper region of the chart.

Do not forget the duality of the chart.What happens in the angular houses shall also efect the opposite houses.

To many focus their attention on just the house being transited by a major outer planet.

Watch your career being changed,relationships change and your self image change .Are there planets in the angular houses? what are they and what signs. If there are Aries points that being touched what are they.Actiion will be involved.

Have a good eperience from it all.make it work the best through awareness.

One last thing is and that is when an outer planet is involved the best way to deal with change is to float along with it as change must just be accepted and adapted to with out fighting it.

Imagine swimming in a riptide, the more you fight against it the worst it shall be for it and you eill get nowhere.The best way to deal with it is to swim with the current.Going against the riptide you can drown. Going along with it and not splasjing water which is counter productive will allow you to work with the change.

I hope you understand what I am saying as I have experienced all 3 of the outer planets move across my chart ruler as an adult and all have been marked by disturbance and some I have fought against which was the worst way to deal with them.Another way of putting it is the remmain still and learn that all one can do is go along with the changes that they bring and learn best to remain still. They will show you what the lesson is that they are trying to trveal with time.
I have had transiting Pluto in my 4th house for a few years, and to interpret the transit through this house, watch the planets it will form aspects to along the way. I have quite a few angular planets in my chart especially in the 7th house and with Pluto going through my 4th house it has completed squares to my Asc, Sun, Saturn, Moon, Nodes, Mercury, and it has formed a conjunction to Neptune, and I am still alive to tell the tale after all those transiting Pluto squares :p .

Major changes usually involve the home and family, with transiting Pluto through the 4th. I lost my father around the time Pluto was near the 4th house cusp, I started a relationship with a very controlling abusive person when Transiting Pluto squared my 7th house Sun. T. Pluto also squared my Natal Saturn in 1st which natally Opposes my 7th house Sun, at it's worst manifistation the Saturn/Pluto aspect can be a sadistic type of aspect, t. Pluto squaring my Sun/Saturn symbolised this man to me, who had come into my life and was being very cruel and harsh towards me, taking massive control over me and my life. The Saturn/Pluto aspect can also bring on depression and feelings of self despair, I was buried deep in these depressive feelings and found it hard to see a way out at the time. Liz Greene has said that Pluto can relate to growth through the destructive side of emotion, which I can relate to, I had reached the lowest point in my life during all the Pluto transits. Luckily it stopped when transiting Saturn squared my Natal 7th house Moon I seperated from him, finally got my freedom back but at the same time I still felt lonely and lost and I had to find a way through these feelings. Transiting Uranus was also conjuncting my Natal Mars at the time of the breakup, this transit is a classic breakup aspect. The relationship only lasted three years but it left a strong impact on me emotionally, I was forced to look at myself to examine why I was attracted to this type of relationship, and to this type of man.

Transiting Pluto squaring my Natal Moon - a lot of the changes were happening in my mum's life she met a younger man at this time, she is now living with him, my natal Moon (mother) Conjuncts Mercury (younger people.) I did have a very short but intense experience with a man who was very Plutonian Sun in Scorpio, Square Pluto. This didn't end well, but I learned a lot about myself after this. I did meet my partner not long after this broken relationship and I fell pregnant around the last transit of Pluto to my Moon I became a mother which was a major transformation in my life.

During this whole experience I have been forced to gain a new perspective of my life, a whole process of questioning my life and lots of soul searching. Pluto really dug some deep emotional stuff up, I lost a lot but I gained a whole new life. It wasn't a pleasant time I spent most of it depressed, feeling powerless, wanting to be free of all the pain inside. Pluto transits don't seem to bring a quick transformation it seems to be painfully slow and never ending at times, but it is the most powerful planet to bring deep and lasting changes. Pluto indicates in the chart what needs to be brought into the light, you can't keep your pain locked away you will never heal any of the emotional scars.

I was reading about the meaning of Pluto's symbol the other day, and it really hit home to me the meaning of this planet, Pluto's Symbol is a cross (matter) with a crescent (soul) over it, and over that a circle (spirit). This means spirit contained by soul as if 'floating' within it, and both are situated over the cross. In other words soul and spirit are triumphant over everyday matter. Which is a beautiful way to look at Pluto's Symbol.

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Sag Moon

Well-known member
I juat had it pass over my Moon and loss my father,mother and even my dog. Most of my resources are gone. The last thing is to try to sell this house that has held me down like a ball & chain.

Like I said for me it's not controlling the transit,but it controlling me. That is why floating is the best eample of dealing with it.

Sag Moon

Well-known member
I juat had it pass over my Moon and loss my father,mother and even my dog. Most of my resources are gone. The last thing is to try to sell this house that has held me down like a ball & chain.

Like I said for me it's not controlling the transit,but it controlling me. That is why floating is the best eample of dealing with it.