Dasamsa Chart reading


Well-known member
Read d10 just like how you read lagna chart since its for career main emphasis should be given for 10th house and sat . sat indicator of profession should not get afflicted . well placed 10th lord gives honor fame well placed 9th 11th lord gives career related overseas journeys and max gains from profession . benefics aspecting 10th is very good malefics gives trouble . one benefics in 10th is enough for settled career . that planets holds 5 9th lordship then you are blessed . lagna lord connection with 10th indicated self employed he earns his livelihood by his physical intellectual deeds .

Your d10 is mesha lagna and 10th lord is in 12th retro with rahu . and venus in 10th . though sat retro he aspects 11th house of gains so no major trouble . indicates someone working in forgein job . venus as 2nd and 7th indicates you climb up in the ladder of success easily promotions will come on time you get benefited by female lot they helps in your career , even business opportunities too comes from them . as i said one benefic in 10th is enough to get settled in career . even you work under some you have superior administrative skills will shine as individual . like sun you are seen specially even you do team work . coming Mars dasa and rahu dasa are golden period of live you earn well and get settled . you also get govt favors and get help from influential friends who increase your income . but as per lagna it indicates you change job that takes you high . mostly you are self employed it may be business or any intellectual deeds like writing politics like that . watever it is you shine well my calculation is business . but one career change is sure . you know that in moon dasa your career life is good don't worry even its nice after marriage . wife fortune helps you you also interest in social service and will wish to do something for down trodden people on that note politics is also good to go ..

current sat transit is very favorable for ur career watever efforts you take it will give success . so use this opportunity apply for even high post you surely get it . next sat transit too good gives prestige honor recognition in your workplace . so grab this opp . when sat 8th house you will have major transformation in your career dont worry its for good only . it changes your career course . lets see it at that time .. ..