career and love


Well-known member
Re: Career and love (Anyone there to answer)

Don't get frustrated , it is just two days since your post appeared here and after all you are asking something for free, so have patience and wait for your turn ! Other alternatives still exist.


Well-known member
The major-period of Ketu is operating. It is placed in a good house but inimical sign and it is in sambandha with inimical Venus. It was having transits of Saturn and Rahu over it till the middle of the last month. Rahu has moved to Virgo but the transit of Saturn continues till 4/November/2014. Saturn is inimical to Ketu.
Transit Saturn is projecting aspect to Cancer which governs your career and romance.
Ketu in transit is in Pisces. It receives aspect from natal Mars. Natal Moon is placed in Pisces and it is the ruler of Cancer.
Therefore your troubles relating to career and romance would continue till 4/November/2014 and would subside when Saturn moves out of Libra on that date.:smile: