Is there a new relation in next 6 months ?


Well-known member
Can I get some inputs. I have been out of relation for long. Is there any meaningful relationship in next six months?


Well-known member
As you're only asking for the next 6 months im focusing more on the 5th ruler rather than the 7th, as all love relationships start from the 5th house.

L5 Rx and applying to Saturn on the DC, you moon also meet with Mars/Saturn before you change signs,(this is just you being frustrated about things not happening for you) although you will be getting noticed and attention, as venus is in the 1st and L5/Mars is in 10th, this is reinforced with the venus/Jup midpoint conjunct the MC. You're very sociable and popular, so there is no problem with you meeting anyone.

So in the next six months there will be no relationship, just keep having fun.