Asmodeus Zodic sign


Well-known member
I read this that Asmodeus king has influence November or his sign is Aquarius ? And when is puzuzu sign ? Heres link were founded this info Thx pleace
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Well-known member
I read this that Asmodeus king has influence November or his sign is Aquarius ? And when is puzuzu sign ? Heres link were founded this info Thx pleace

Fixed the link, so it will take you to where the article is:

The noon time ascendant for most of November births or natal charts is the sign of Aquarius - more like the combination of "light" sun Scorpio and dark Aquarius attributes. Uranus the ruler of Aquarius (and co-ruler of Capricorn) is thought to have exaltation in Scorpio. Maybe an undiscovered or uncharted dwarf planet (Asmodeus?) in our solar system might have an influence in Scorpios and also Aquarius - with a theoretical exalted (dwarf) planet named after the dark goddess Eris - bigger than and farther in orbit than Pluto.