Napoli vs Shaktior 3 0 / 21 November 2017


Well-known member
These chart with Can/Cap axis is most hard to analyse. In that case we use Moon's dispositor for ASC team and L7 for DSC team. But here Moon's dispositor is same as DSC ruler so in that case we use Lord 10 for ASC team and L4 for DSC team.
And first what I notice in this chart is Uranus in 10th house. Uranus in 10th or 4th house usually means (sensation) high score. Then Mars/L10 is on Fateful Degree and in 4 house. When ruler is on fateful degree that shows fateful event, possibly some sort of catastrophe. As it is in 4 house that means ASC team is under control of the DSC team!
On the other side, Venus is in House of Joy so they will celebrate. As Venus is in connection with blue colors that means Napoli will enjoy!