Uranus Retrograde 2017

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
I was taking a look at the upcoming Uranus retrograde, and so far the symbolism is quite interesting.

The degree in which a planet turns retrograde symbolically represents the concept that it needs to temporarily turn back from. It needs to pick up something for re-evaluation before it can properly complete its progression; such is the beauty of the constancy of the moving stars.

So when we have Uranus, the higher mind, turning retro, we have a concept that needs to be reacquainted with so that humanity might more properly progress. Uranus is the mark of true change and progress amongst society.

Uranus turns retro in august. It will be in the 29th degree of aries.

Heres the symbol from Dane Rudhyar's "An Astrological Mandala":


KEYNOTE: Attunement to cosmic order.

At the fourth stage of a five-fold sequence a technique is often presented. It is based on the experiences implied in the preceding symbols. In this case, what the individual who has entered into a new realm of possibilities of action should learn is the harmonic principles operating in this realm. The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. The individual advancing "on the Path" should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind's evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe.

The message to the seeker for meaning which is implied in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE; to listen without personalizing this Voice in a glamour-producing manner. It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part - yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its ineradicable meaning.

This is such a uranian theme: listening to the inner voice in order to align oneself with the cosmic whole.. This is the concept that humanity can potentially regain during this retrogradation process..

How might humanity more adequately embody "the music of the spheres"? Well that is represented by the degree that it turns direct. It turns direct in january of 2018 in the 25th degree of aries:


KEYNOTE: The revelation of new potentialities.

In some unspecified way the symbol is a guarantee that man can operate successfully at two levels of consciousness, if he has previously met the condition mentioned in the preceding symbol. "Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind in the form revealing spiritual fulfillment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes." The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience.

This is the last stage of this fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It announces the possibility of a new step in evolution, but it is still only a possibility, a promise. The individual is truly ON PROBATION."

So it seems to say here that Uranus requires some focus on the concept of faith, and a proper openness to the power of belief in order to progress towards cosmic integration and wholeness. It is interesting that it describes "probation".. There is always a risk in reaching out into the unknown. Maybe these risks are what require some reevaluation.

During this time great minds will have the possibility to gain new insights or new opportunities regarding previous blockages, especially in regards to the mental and inner realms of existence.

We might more properly hit our high notes if we remain steadfast in open faithfulness to the new potentialities of the universe.

The degrees of the north node are also poignant to this retrogradation process, as universally the north node in transit can show us the area which sets the tone for human evolution at the moment. I will post the degrees of the north node and the accompanying charts later.
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Im having trouble uploading the chart. But i will have it up at some point.

In the mean time, the symbol for the north node during the Uranus turns Rx Chart, is at 25 leo. This is a very prominent symbol of spiritual sustenance and it happens to be the symbol for piercethevale's MC who came up with this technique of analyzing the retrograde movements. :cool:

Heres the symbol (ibid)


KEYNOTE: Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.

The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. (The original formulation of the symbol did not refer to "a man on camel back.") The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level 'of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence.

The camel carries water within its body, and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilize the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the "old world" we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face "the desert," nothingness, Sunya . . . until we reach the "new world." We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE."


Well-known member
Im having trouble uploading the chart. But i will have it up at some point.

In the mean time, the symbol for the north node during the Uranus turns Rx Chart, is at 25 leo. This is a very prominent symbol of spiritual sustenance and it happens to be the symbol for piercethevale's MC who came up with this technique of analyzing the retrograde movements. :cool:

Heres the symbol (ibid)


KEYNOTE: Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.

The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. (The original formulation of the symbol did not refer to "a man on camel back.") The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level 'of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence.

The camel carries water within its body, and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilize the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the "old world" we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face "the desert," nothingness, Sunya . . . until we reach the "new world." We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE."

You forgot to add that it's also my Part of Fortune