Can you help me spot any mental illness?

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New member
Hi I am new to this stuff so i am sorry to bother you guys to answer my question it would really mean the world to me. :( my brother is biploar. I was wondering if I have bipolar too because i do kind of show signs of it for example. lack of sleep, getting easily angry and sensitive to certain words. I feel moody. I'm very intense and i feel very confused often. for no reason out of nowhere I want to kill or hurt my loved ones. or want to kill myself just to hurt them real bad. I rarely feel happy I am but not with my whole heart. If not bipolar then any mental disorder? Because I don't think it's normal to feel this way I am worried I will hurt someone in the future. I don't want that. I cry and regret thinking or dreaming to do horrible things especially to my loved ones. I don't want to kill them but idk i feel like something is controlling me saying "Kill them you must do it!" I even look up on the internet how to murder people. I am not proud at all or truly want to do it. I don't know why i feel this way I'm confused! Please help! I'm sorry if it's too long. Also my family loves me and they treat me with lots of affection I don't think it is for revenge! :( What's wrong with me? I am scared and worried. I dont want to hurt anyone.. This is my birthchart and aspects i think. Enlighten me!;rs=3;usechpref=1&nhor=1


Staff member
Please get medical help, to Marina


You said:
...I want to kill or hurt my loved ones...just to hurt them real bad...i feel like something is controlling me saying "Kill them you must do it!" I even look up on the internet how to murder people.

If you have the urge to kill people to the point of looking up how to do it then you have a serious medical problem that needs real world treatment. I am locking down this thread since you don't need an online astrological interpretation, you need to get to a psychiatrist and possibly need anti-psychotic medicine.

Wishing you better mental health,

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