My Gold Chain is missing at home


New member
I kept my Gold chain at home cupboard and its missing now. i searched the whole house but couldn't find. i don't remember keeping it any other place that cupboard. Is it still at home or someone had stolen it. Please advise.


Well-known member
I cast the chart for the moment when I read your question:
15 Oct 2018 TZ = -2.0 3.3200 P.M. 20e29 44n48 ASC=19Aq49

There is only one testimny it will be found!

Ruler is in AQ so it can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, computers, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, the attic, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture, places of prayer and meditation, room next to the entrance or in garage.

Direction: Southeast
Near colour:red, black, muddy greens, brown

As POF is in Ta, it can be in a basement, room with tile floors, a lower or middle level room, storage room, a quiet room that is dimly lit with low ceilings, a dark closet, trunks, a cash box or safe place where cash is kept, storage place for furniture, music room, near a piano, safe deposit box, chest of drawers, handbag, suit of clothes. Look for the item close to the ground or the floor. Also, be sure to look in the bag or box in which the item was purchased.

Direction: north by east
Near colour: green, blue, white, pink, red-orange, yellow, tan