north node house placement


My various chart drawings places my NN Aries in the third, fourth, and sometimes fifth house, and I can't determine which is the "true" placement. All of them seem true in some way, and I can find evidence for each house placement when I examine my past experiences/current life. Is the house even that important?
Actually, on the whole, I find it difficult to determine which chart I should use for my interpretations. I've uploaded all three so that maybe more experienced eyes than mine can see which seems more plausible.


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dr. farr

Well-known member
From my perspective, the SIGN the Node is in is the most important consideration (along with any Parallel of declination the Node might have with a planet, ascending degree or Part of Fortune of MC degree), the house consideration being secondary.

The resolution of the matter, ultimately, depends upon which house format you, in your studies and experiences, have come to determine to be the most reliable house system (for you) For me, it is Whole Signs, so (for me) your NN is in your 5th house; however, the majority of Western astrology practitioners favor Placidus, so, if you are among them, then the NN is in your 3rd (Placidus) house.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Running the chart through all of the major house formats, we get the following results:
-through whole sign: 5th
-through equal house and through Vehlow: 4th
-through all other house formats (placidus, koch, meridian, azimuth, camapanus, porphyry, morinus, regiomontanus): 3rd, by a "totality of house formats", the 3rd gets the most "hits"
(however, I personally do not follow this "totality" method, although it certainly is a way for those unsure of which house format to use, to approximate the house question; takes only a few minutes to run a chart through all the house formats mentioned above, on, and arrive at such a "totality" of house placement "hits", for each chart factor)