Reverse nodal return


Well-known member
Hi; i would like to ask about some insights regarding the Reverse Nodal Return (issues like its overall meaning, its relation to natal lunar nodes as markers of soulpath, etc.). In particular, i have Venus and Chiron conjunct SN natally (in Aries 5th house; im Pisces Sun-Sag moon & Sag Asc: Sun sq Moon & Sun sq Asc); thats why the issues within the reversal seems worth while to know about. Greetings
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Staff member
My observation is that node reversals and node returns are minor themes in and of themselves. You're probably seeing something in your life right now that relates in some way to the sign and house of your south node, where the north node is transiting. It may be such a minor something that you'll only notice the similarity in hindsight, after the transit has passed.

Node return would bring a theme related to the sign and house of the north node, but again, probably a minor one in and of itself.


Premium Member
I think the lunar node's opposition has an element of balancing the theme of the natal lunar nodes in your chart.

The polarity of the north/south node is reversed. So it is a restatement of the natal theme with the potential for growth and balance in that polarity.
I am currently in a Reverse Nodal Return.

During your reverse nodal return, the world’s nodes will be exactly opposite your own. This is a chance for you to revisit the qualities of your south node and learn how to make these qualities more positive.

Your reverse nodal return allows you to find the good aspects of your south node. This may be hard to believe since we’re taught that the south node is “bad,” but I’ve found that the south node is actually badly expressed. You’ve learned qualities of that sign that are low-frequency, but there is an opportunity for you to figure out how to embody the higher-frequency qualities, too.

Remember that the opposite signs always go “together,” especially at their strongest. This means that your north node cannot exist without the qualities from your south node, too. However, even though you’re working with the south node and have more experience in that sign, you’ll be learning new things about your south node during this transit.

The reverse nodal return is a chance to discover what is good about your south node and reframe it. It can be a confusing time because the energy around you feels conflicted. What you thought you knew suddenly seems untrue and you might wonder how to proceed.
It’s important to know that the reverse nodal return is a time to take a step backward so that you can later take two steps forwards. You need to sink back into the south node but rediscover it in order to fully embrace your north node.

For example, if you have a Taurus south node, you may have focused on appearances and wealth in the past. Now, the reverse nodal return is asking you to get in touch with the body and with the earth in order to access the grounding qualities of Taurus.

The reverse nodal return is a time to combine the old with the new, which can feel uncomfortable. You have to see the darkness in both signs in order to also embrace the highest qualities of each.

Remember that neither sign can exist without the other. By figuring out how to embrace the best qualities of both, you will actually become a much stronger and more well-rounded person.

If everything you know feels like it has flipped on its head, know that this is normal. Push through and you’ll come out stronger!
Similar to the nodal return, the reverse nodal return pushes you into some serious soul growth. It enables you to become more well-rounded so that when your next nodal return comes around, you’re ready to act and move forward.