Should Annie Leave Her Job?


Well-known member
My friend Annie works in her brother's office (he's a chiropractor). he has recently cut her hours due to (possibly) pressure from his wife/finances. At the same time, she was offered a job at a casino. She asks "Should I leave my brother's office and work in the casino?" It seems to me that with Jupiter retro and Saturn departing from a trine to Jupiter, that she has already made the decision to leave. But what represents the casino, and actual job change? Thanks for any help.



Well-known member
She is wrestling with the question and I offered to do an horary and post it for her. I'm very pleased to have you consider it. Waiting to hear your words of wisdom. Thanks.:)


Well-known member
Hi Moondance.

My apologies for the delay.

I enjoyed this one. :)

This is a good strong chart, because Venus is Lady of the Hour, and Venus rules the tenth and is the matter enquired after.

Annie's significator's are, as always, the Moon, and also Saturn as the ruler of the ascendant, and these significators reveal just how unhappy Annie is in her situation at the time of the question being asked.

The Moon and Saturn are both in pretty awful condition, as the Moon is in the sign if her fall, and Saturn, is of course detrimented. Furthermore, the Moon is in the first house, the opposite house to the one that it naturally rules, where it is unable to act effectively, so she is indeed very uncomfortable.

The Moon is disposited by Saturn, which means that Annie's rational self is keeping check on her emotions, she is allowing her head to rule her heart in this situation, but her emotions are depressed and her mind is troubled. Saturn is disposited by the ruler of the eighth and is also in the eighth, so Annie is anxious, and is contemplating bringing an end to things, she's had enough and wants out. The Moon is the ruler of the seventh, which rules over destinations, which again shows that Annie seeks to move onto greener pastures, but it is also opponents, so I somehow feel that she may be anticipating a confrontation with her brother regarding this issue, or at least some opposition.

The Moon is in partile opposition with Mercury in the seventh, so this is a situation in which she had probably already met some opposition with, just shortly before the question was asked, and as the 'brother's office', is the tenth from the third, which is the twelfth, and Mercury rules the seventh from the twelfth, it seems that she is already resolute that she no longer wishes to work at her brothers office, and this shows how much she wishes to separate from it, and so she appears to recently have already made some motion to this end.

I do believe also, that as Mercury rules the ninth cusp opposite the brother's, that a little while before asking the question, Annie had a confrontation or opposition with the brother's wife: the wife got the upper hand, because she desposits the Moon, and the Moon is ill dignified.

Annie's brother and his business are both shown by Jupiter, as the rulers of the third and twelfth (tenth from third), and furthermore Jupiter is in the brother's turned tenth, an even more explicit representation of her brother's work in the outer world. Jupiter is very well dignified, showing how Annie's brother and his business are indeed successful, however, they are experiencing some setbacks, because Jupiter is retrograde, and these setbacks will continue for some time yet, this is a bug-bear, but nothing too terrible. Jupiter is in Annie's twelfth house of confinement and self undoing, so working for her brother is holding Annie back in life, and making her feel trapped.

To gain some insight into the setbacks that the business is experiencing, then financial trouble can be discerned, because the practice's profits are shown by that awful Saturn (second from twelfth), which in the radical eighth shows the loss of profit, especially for Annie, as this also shows Annie's profit from the job, and especially as Saturn is already her significator, so it is the financial setbacks in working for her brother that are really troubling her.

In exploring Annie's relationship with her brother, we can see that she really is very fond of him and his business, because Saturn is in the triplicity, term and face of Jupiter, and the Moon exalts Mars, which is the natural significator of brothers, and Mars is also present in Annie's third house, showing her brother. We see however, that Annie's brother is not too happy with Annie at the time of the question, because Jupiter is only in the Moon's face, the most minor dignity.

This seems to suggest to me, that Annie has already made her brother aware of how dissatisfied she is, and she feels bad about doing this as she respects and loves her brother a lot, but at the same time, she is so uncomfortable in the situation, she needs to do what is right for her, so this is the dilemma that she experiences. No wonder she needed to ask a horary, does she do what is right for her, or what might be better for her brother, whom she is so fond of?

As for the casino opportunity, this is seen in the tenth house, which ruled by Libra, is signified by Venus. Venus is in Cancer, and receives the Moon by domicile, and so the casino opportunity calls out to Annie rather loudly, it beckons her to come, and she probably will submit her application. Given the state of Annie's significator's however, this is hardly the most attractive prospect to a potential employer. I must point out that Venus has no essential dignity, whereas Jupiter is strong, despite it's current setbacks, so in terms of which place of work is actually generally in better condition, her brother's practice wins hands down. The casino is not a dignified place for Annie to work, no matter how strongly it calls out to her. Venus may receive the Moon by domicile right now, but Venus will change signs pretty soon, and I believe that there are changes coming to this casino, and it may be that when these imminent chages are implemented, Annie may no longer meet the criteria of what the casino are looking for.

As Saturn is such a slow mover, we will determine what is going to happen with Annie from the Moon. The Moon's next aspect will be a difficult square aspect to Mars, and as this Mars signifies her brother, then I feel that this will show an ultimate confrontation with him, in which she must decide once and for all exactly what she is going to do, and I think that Annie will probably decide to stay where she is, and will scrap the casino idea, or will have no choice, and my reasoning for this prediction is this:

Annie respects and loves her brother and his practice a lot, despite her current discomforts, which is shown by her significators, so obviously, he is of concern to her. The Moon receives Mars by exaltation, which means that the Moon is easily bent towards the will of Mars, making it more likely that she would serve her brothers wishes, and I feel that he doesn't want to lose her, especially as his business is having a few setbacks anyway. Mars is also the seventh from the tenth, and this shows Annie opposing the casino job, and also, Mars rules the radix fourth, so this is the end of the matter for Annie.

As if that is not enough testimony, we see that the next aspect of the Moon, will be an opposition to Venus, and this occurs with Venus right at the end of Cancer before changing signs, so it seems clear that there will be distance put between her and the casino job. However, I thought that she would perhaps submit her application anyway, but as Venus is in the Moon's domicile, the casino does in fact like Annie, but as a change of sign is imminent, showing changes taking place at the casino, it simply means that Annie will no longer meet the necessary criteria that the casino will newly require, once these changes have been implemented.

Given this, it would appear that Annie will be working for her brother for some time yet, or at least elsewhere, but I do not see her fulfilling this casino opportunity.

Let me know what happens.
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