Sidereal Time Of Birth or Civil Time Of Birth?


Active member
Hello,here,I have done a caculation and converted my Civil Time Of Birth to Sidereal Time of birth. I have heard from other astrologers that you use sidereal time of birth to make all other charts (natal,sidereal birth chart,etc.). My sidereal TOB is 4:16 AM...making me :capricornimg:rising (gives new meaning to my username Capricornius Aquarius!). It was a bit difficult to caculate my sidereal time of birth. Should I use my sidereal time of birth for other astrological caculations,or just use my civil (regular) time of birth? My guess is to use sidereal TOB,but I'm not for sure.

Thanks for all your help (tried to interpet it a little more this time),
Capricornius Aquarius.


Active member
Thank you,I looked at the sidereal time from and entered that in. I just don't really know which time to use,civil or sidereal. I tried to do it says 4:47 AM.
Thank you,I looked at the sidereal time from and entered that in. I just don't really know which time to use,civil or sidereal. I tried to do it says 4:47 AM.

perhaps if you were to explain more as to why you are using sidereal? maybe more people would respond. Western astrology on astro uses
western geocentric (tropical) but there is a drop down box for others and two of those sare sidereal.....

If you are a newbie it's best to stick with astro, they do all the calculations for you automatically. Your birth cannot and should not be changed:biggrin:


Well-known member
Use your local, civil time.

Sidereal time is only really needed if you are trying to calculate charts by hand - and that is always related to the local, civil time for each chart.

Forget about sidereal time. It's a moot point that will only give you incorrect results if you use it to try an calculate a chart.


I wouldn't rely on that website either, Its calculated SEVERAL charts wrong that i have.

I have about 10 charts that i re-ran on solarfire after obtaining a copy, that the ascendents, and even positions of planets were off. It might be due to the fact i live in BFE. But still, it shouldn't matter. (plus the charts are ugly)
Like I said earlier, why would you want to calculate charts by hand when you have access to a computer?

You can discover the sidereal time at noon or midnight from an ephemeris. The noon ephemeris gives the sidereal time at noon, and the midnight ephemeris at midnight.

These ephemeris are books for plotting where the planets are ususally for 100 years. Great for using in transit work too, plus day for a year secondary progressions....

Move on and use don't get stuck in the maths or sidreal bit cos you are missing 'so' much exploration time...


Well-known member
In Sidereal astrology, I would be a Capricorn-Aquarius (Feb. 15th, 1980 at 0:11 sidereal time minus 8 hours-1421 Pacific time) instead of the dawn of Pisces deal. :pinched: It feels like I'm wrong all the time about my Aquarian-ness.